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Showing: 381 - 400 of 989 results
  1. pCXLE toolkit: Efficient episomal plasmid-based method to reprogram peripheral blood cells to iPSCs

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    ... OriP and induces amplification of the episomes concurrently with DNA amplification in the host cell. ...possibilities for the clinical and therapeutic applications of iPSCs. The generation of human iPSCs (hiPSCs...hiPSCs, reprogramming methods that do not involve modification of the original genome by integrating viral ...where each vector contains a viral origin of DNA replication, OriP and the EBNA-1 sequence that encodes for...are necessary and sufficient for retention and replication of the vectors in human cells [8]. The EBNA-1...cocktail. pCXWB-EBNA-1 lacks oriP and is unable to replicate in human cells, thus expressing additional EBNA...., Recent technological updates and clinical applications of induced pluripotent stem cells. Korean J ...
  2. Career Insights: Technical Support Specialist

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    ...advantageous to speak multiple languages - that makes communication with customers from around the world easier....their general job duties. Bigger companies have dedicated technical support teams, sometimes comprised of...and email/phone are the most popular ways to communicate with customers. Online live chat is a convenient...instances, variations of the product’s specific application instructions or “optimized steps” can be linked...customers may tell all sorts of details about the application, just not the ones that matter. Therefore, if...the opportunity to develop interpersonal and communication skills. Problem solving and analytical skills...develop an understanding of when to use these communication skills by working with people from many different...
  3. Changing Labor Laws Bring Increased Postdoc Wages

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    ...Labor’s general guide to the effect on higher education, you can see that those in teaching roles (such...frankly quite surprising. Consortia of higher education institutions submitted letters to the Department...centrally administered, which leads to many complications, including the inability of some institutions...paid. Institutional salary policies are one indicatator of how salaries may changes due to the FLSA. ...of the postdoctoral workforce. Based on our communications with and research on these institutions, the new level:  We are still waiting for an indication of what (most of) Harvard, Johns Hopkins, (most...writing responses to requests for the legal justification of this have not been received. Future actions...
  4. Technical Design of a Western Blot

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    ...original publication and ensure that it includes validation data relevant to your application — and double-check...buffer, consider the subcellular location of your protein. Proteins located in membrane-bound subcompartments...or are looking to preserve specific protein modifications, we recommend doing a little more research into...Blocking solutions Your blocking options come in two categories: protein-based and chemical-based. Before selecting...making membranes inherently “fuzzier” than gels. Quantification If you want to quantify the amounts of protein...available in a pure form, you can perform relative quantification, which measures protein amounts and compares...membrane Increased time Calculate absolute quantification Running a standard curve Uses many wells...
  5. SpyLigase Irreversibly Locks Peptides Together for Efficient Cell Capture

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    ..., just 13 amino acids, but SpyCatcher is a protein. You can fuse SpyCatcher onto things, but even better... Howarth’s lab at the University of Oxford is dedicated to generating new tools to manipulate biology ...particular. They recently introduced the SpyTag/SpyCatcher system, based on a protein isolated from Streptococcus...It came from our work in developing the SpyTag/SpyCatcher system, to be able to grab on to proteins irreversibly... if there are forces acting on them. For the application we were looking at, magnetic isolation of circulating...out the cell capture system.) Cancer and other applications Addgene: What does this technology mean in the...
  6. 6 Steps to Submitting a Resume That Gets Seen

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    ...demonstrate in your application). Beware the myths of scientist “overqualification” but it may not be ...Utilizing existing relationships as part of the job application process can dramatically increase the chances... of a resume can be crucial for a successful application. It takes time to prepare an excellent resume... here for more on timely submission of a job application. 3) Read job descriptions carefully Be open minded...bold. You don’t have to have all of the listed qualifications to apply for a position.  A job someone in a specific department and/or location. The more people you meet the better chance you...
  7. CRISPR 101: Homology Directed Repair

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    ...pathways of DSBs, with a focus on repair for genome modification purposes. How does homology directed repair...specific mutations into the damaged DNA if these modifications exist in the template DNA. There are several... genome engineering world and made targeted modifications feasible and even easy. This targeted-break ...that can be harnessed by researchers for many applications. Your favorite Cas enzyme, a guide RNA to your...modified. In general, the insertion sites of the modification should be very close to the DSB, ideally less...oligodeoxynucleotides)) are commonly used for smaller modifications (~1-50 base pairs). Small edits require as little...Mouse Geneticist's practical guide to CRISPR applications. Singh P, et al. Genetics 114.169771; (2014)...
  8. Plasmids 101: Gibson Assembly and Other Long-Homology Based Cloning Methods

    Blog Post
    ...neighboring fragments can be created via PCR amplification with primers that contain the appropriate homologous... tools that help you design primers for PCR amplification of fragments to incorporate such regions of ...assembly meets CRISPR Gibson can be adapted to more complicated cloning schemes, such as those where the vector...CRISPR technology and is described in a recent publication by the Lockey lab (Wang, et al. 2015). In this...aspects of the SLIC methods. First, it uses a dedicated 5’ exonuclease instead of using the exonuclease...DNA fragments contain these sites at the correct location and NOT in the middle of your insert. Gateway ...Gateway cloning utilizes λ integrase to catalyze directional cloning of DNA parts that are flanked by orthogonal...
  9. Hot Plasmids: Summer 2024

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    ...beads through an assembly of biotinylated SpyTag-SpyCatcher linkers and spacer proteins ending with a GFP... (Figure 1). This enrichment streamlines the purification and minimizes sample loss while also supporting...scFvs for other targets or could be used for applications beyond cryo-EM.   Find plasmids for MagIC-Cryo-EM...interact with the air-water interface (AWI) before vitrification, they can be completely denaturated (left) or...chemical crosslinking or tilted-stage imaging. A truncated form of a tardigrade LEA, RvLEAMshort, protected...optimizing prime editing systems for specific applications! Delivering prime editors (PEs) via delivered in a single package. In a recent publication, the Liu lab showed that this method of delivery...
  10. Antibodies 101: Introduction to Immunofluorescence

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    ...knowing that where you see fluorescence indicates your target’s location. Some other terms you might see associated...immunofluorescence? Generally speaking, IF is an application in which antibodies that have been joined to ...bind to a single primary, resulting in signal amplification. Another reason is cost effectiveness. Generating...distribute antibodies validate them in a variety of applications, including IF (or IHC or ICC), and will share...will share their findings either through their publications or as a review on a company website. It is important...Resources on the Addgene blog Learn about research applications of antibodies in Introduction to Antibodies ... for Me? Read about another common antibody application in The Basics of Western Blotting Resources ...
  11. Adeno-associated Viruses (AAVs) for Genome Editing

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    ...gene at once. Therefore, applications that require simultaneous modification of all alleles of a gene,... recommends designing homology arms with the modification of interest, ordering them from a gene synthesis...with a homologous repair template. It is this application - the creation of sequence-specific knockins ...clones, making it unsuitable for most in vivo applications.  Third, even in the most optimized tissue-culture...tissue culture based approaches that require modification of only a single allele of a gene, such as the...efficiently deliver large repair templates for applications that require large gene fusions. The’ve been able to check out some of the many applications of AAV in some of our other blog posts and have...
  12. The Open Repository of CRISPR Screens: CRISPR Screen Data in One Place

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    ...   Figure 3: Each publication featured in BioGRID ORCS has a dedicated summary page with PubMed...favorite gene was described in a CRISPR screen publication. You see this mentioned in the results section...manually curated and annotated from more than 45 publications, beginning with the seminal research articles...screen curated in ORCS is linked to the original publication via its PubMed identifier, which can also be ...a list of individual screens curated for the publication. Clicking on the screen name takes users to a... supplemental data tables available with the publication are also provided for the user. This approach...
  13. ReFigure: Save Scientific Figures into Dashboards and Share Your Insights

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    ...include: Cataloging a reagent’s performance as in this antibody ReFigure Analyzing replications as in this... ReFigure. Reading and exploration including replications and experiments resulting in “negative data”...small selection of data found in full-length publications. As early career researchers, we wondered how...reagent performs well, or you might publish a replication experiment that you conducted as part of setting...papers as they are not included in traditional publications. By submitting your data to a repository (Figshare...-registration, preprints, data, software, micropublications) in grant proposals. ReFigures are one such...
  14. In Vivo Biotinylation of Bacterial Fusion Proteins

    Blog Post
    ...advantage of a fusion protein is the efficient purification of an already immobilized target protein. The...immobilization method. One possibility is covalent modification of the purified target protein with the vitamin...positively-charged amino acids. Unfortunately, the location of biotin incorporation and to a lesser extent... ligand, especially if the modified amines are located near the ligand binding site. A selective approach...includes an AviTag and a 6X HisTag for affinity purification (see plasmid map and cartoon below). Including...erythropoietin molecules. The in vivo biotinylation and purification strategy outlined here provides a basis to barely soluble at RT. Track expression and purification of biotinylated protein on blots with Streptavidin-phosphatase...
  15. Recombinase-based State Machines Enable Order-dependent Logic in vivo

    Blog Post
    ...and attP recognition sites on the register and catalyzes their recombination, thereby changing the state...performed on one register at a time. If a particular application makes it difficult to isolate single registers...state read-out method may not be suitable for applications that require minimal cellular perturbation. ...The input plasmid (high copy, ColE1 origin of replication), contains large serine recombinase genes downstream...contains the register. Depending on the desired application, the inducible promoters we used to drive recombinase...register. RSM (See performance data from the indicated figures in our paper (1)) Input Plasmid Output...program to find the one that best suits your application. How efficiently do RSMs work? We tested a two-input...
  16. Using CRISPR/Cas9 to Edit Disease Out of the Genome

    Blog Post
    ...2020.  “CRISPR Gene Therapy: Applications, Limitations, and Implications for the Future.” Front. Oncol...with a dominant mutation in a gene that causes cataracts could be rescued by coinjection into zygotes of...the technology in different labs for different applications.” Li’s team noted that CRISPR/Cas9 has been ... explore its potential in mice with a dominant cataract disorder caused by a single copy of a gene known...with size limitations. In addition, non-viral applications are also possible through the use of nanoparticles....  “CRISPR Genome Editing Technology and its Application in Genetic Diseases: A Review.” Current pharmaceutical...
  17. Scientists Map the SARS-CoV-2-Human Interaction Network

    Blog Post
    ...including more physiologically-relevant systems, to catch all the important interactions. It’s also important... we found in our map have an impact on virus replication. While we and our collaborators are starting ... Nsp3 and Nsp16, and includes an additional catalytically dead version of the viral protease, Nsp5. Our... 2xStrep-tag for easy detection and affinity purification. All but one are in a pLVX vector background...coronavirus, one FedEx package at a time Since the publication of our paper, our group has been inundated with...sending plasmids to all who request them -- in locations all over the world, as far flung as the EU, Russia...Eckhardt and Melanie Brewer are on the Science Communications Team at QBI UCSF. They are particularly interested...
  18. How Dry Ice Affects Viral Vector Sample pH & How to Avoid It

    Blog Post
    ...improve our shipment processes. After reading a publication describing how short term storage on dry ice ...medium, which is buffered and contains the pH indicator phenol red. We froze samples in a -80°C freezer...closed dry ice storage container for 48 hours (to replicate how our viruses are shipped), where they to CO2/dry ice. All samples were tested in duplicate. What we found Not all tubes (or rather, not ... the samples were at the control pH of 7.4 as indicated by color (data not shown). What we did next: Venting... at -80°C. We then thawed the tubes after the indicated incubation periods, and measured the pH. We found...Clément N, Byrne BJ, Zolotukhin S. A simplified purification protocol for recombinant adeno-associated virus...
  19. Advice for Starting a Biotech Company from a Grad Student turned Entrepreneur

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    ...competitions. After much learning, the focus of the application was changed, but Sample6 still leverages the for this set of technologies, effectively communicating the advantages embodied, and driving the enterprise...He explained that entrepreneurs must clearly communicate their idea at various levels of complexity and...backgrounds how amazing their idea is. While communication styles in academia and industry vary drastically...biggest challenge during this time was learning to communicate effectively to non-scientific audiences. "There...for the company; this will help avoid future complications and potential conflicts that waste money and...succeeding. Take home Starting a company requires dedication, passion, and around-the-clock work. Mike wraps...
  20. Viral Vectors 101: Viruses as Biological Tools

    Blog Post
    ...enough to ensure the virus can replicate and spread. Instead, viruses replicate by hijacking the host’s system...low immunogenicity which makes them ideal for applications with whole organisms. Finally, viral is typically straightforward across applications, while electroporation of a human, for example, isn...people in nature, extra safety measures, like replication incompetent viral particles, are required. We... (~4.5kb From basic science to clinical applications, viruses are true bench to bedside tools. Keep...our upcoming blogs on virus safety and viral applications to help you start (safely!) thinking about the...
Showing: 381 - 400 of 989 results