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Showing: 21 - 40 of 191 results
  1. BeHeard Award 2018: Diseases of Glycosylation, Arginine Mutagenesis, & Neural Development

    Blog Post
    ...of glycosylation Paula Videira is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Sciences of NOVA University ...platform for CDG research, named the CDG&Allies – Professionals and Patient Associations International Network...biosynthetic pathway and have a wide range of clinical manifestations. PMM2-CDG is the most frequent CDG type characterized...with guanidine Michael McMurray is an Associate Professor in the Department of Cell and Developmental Biology... neural development Richard Gronostajski is a professor at the University of Buffalo. His research focuses...glycoimmunologygroup.     Michael McMurray is an Associate Professor in the Department of Cell and Developmental Biology... Colorado, USA.     Richard Gronostajski is a professor at the University of Buffalo. His research focuses...
  2. An Interview with Connie Cepko - Gene Therapy, Plasmid Tools and Insights to Success

    Blog Post
    ...-40:54 : Professor Cepko's Lab Management Style and Advice for Success 40:55-end : Professor Cepko's Thoughts...hear all about the research being conducted in Professor Cepko's lab and to get some insight into her management...mentoring styles. If you'd like to learn more about Professor Cepko's recent work on developing GFP-activated...0:00-1:00 : Introduction 1:01-9:04 : What got Professor Cepko Interested in Working on the Eye 9:05-10...Scientific Information Accessible We'd like to thank Professor Cepko for taking the time to talk to us and look...
  3. Special Delivery: Fluorophore Targeting for FRET Studies

    Blog Post
    ... blogger James D. Fessenden! James D. Fessenden is currently an Assistant Professor in the Anesthesia ...contributed by guest blogger James D. Fessenden, an Assistant Professor at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Biochemists...purification is a snap using thin layer chromatography (Fessenden, 2009). However, these reagents can bind numerous....3 (2007): 530-540. PubMed PMID: 17512008. 4. Fessenden, James D. "Förster resonance energy transfer measurements...
  4. Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs)

    Blog Post
    ...Reach Many new professors are wary of the time and effort and/or perceived professional risk involved faculty member at Minnesota State (and now Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University...broadening access to experiences that promote professional success (many of my students include their in-class... recipe, and you get a predetermined result). Professors and students must be willing to improvise, trading...goes on to win a Nobel!   Jason Pellettieri is Professor and Chair of the Biology Department at Keene State...
  5. Early Career Researcher Toolbox: Social Media for Scientists

    Blog Post
    ...Twitter handle, but I wasn’t using them to my professional advantage. It wasn’t until I wrote a blog post... a lot of scientists are using social media professionally, and 2) I needed to start using Twitter. ...scientist Using social media has enriched my professional development, and while it’s not challenging others start using social media to their professional advantage, I’ve selected five resources that...examples of how they and others have used Twitter professionally. I especially love Dan’s advice to tap into...
  6. Seven Tips for Using LinkedIn as a Scientist

    Blog Post networking to start, build, and track professional relationships. Here are my seven best tips beyond...are when you look at their profile. Make your professional contact information available. When I am speaking...important for a good friend, but if you are making a professional inquiry, you always want to read before sending...technical and “plus skills” areas. Include a professional picture. It doesn’t have to be a headshot in... start to update their profiles. 7) Keep it professional at all times Do not post or comment on anything...
  7. Advice on Career Paths and the Green Card Process for International Researchers and Entrepreneurs

    Blog Post
    ...for excellence in your field. Membership in a professional organization – this is not referring to one directly. EB-1B outstanding researcher or professor category The EB-1B does not allow for individuals...Universities will usually only support tenure track professors. Casseus Law has seen that research institutions...achievement Evidence of published material in professional publications written by others about the alien's...associations/groups. These candidates should also join professional organizations and attend the annual conferences... entrepreneurial companies with like-minded professionals.  We work with organizations in the biotech,...
  8. PhD Applications After COVID

    Blog Post
    ...around three professors per program. Most applications will recommend that you name two professors in your ...narrow down your list of schools by meeting with professors - a/k/a Principle Investigators (PIs) - whose...application cycle, I reached out to around twelve professors and heard back from eight. These emails don’... means doing plenty of mini-interviews; these professors will not only talk about their own interests,...
  9. Tips for Writing a Good Cover Letter

    Blog Post
    ...are some examples to get you started! Dear Dr./Professor [last name], My name is [full name]. I am a [type... quality required will be close to that of a professional email. Notes from real-life hiring managers ...Conciseness is key! If possible, address to the professor or hiring manager. Otherwise, use a gender-neutral...specific position you are applying to. Be clean and professional. Always review grammar and spelling several ...Resources on the Addgene Blog Learn to Develop Your Professional Network Become A Good Manager with Our Management...
  10. Imaging Tools and Following a Passion for Basic Biology: Interview with Joachim Goεdhart

    Blog Post
    .... Ben recently spoke with Joachim Goεdhart, a professor at the University of Amsterdam. In addition to...sharing many great fluorescent protein tools, Professor Goedhart is very active on Twitter and has helped...educational resources. Listen to hear all about Professor Goedhart, his lab, and some of the tools he’s ...Joachim Goεdhart! Joachim Goedhart is an assistant professor at the Section of Molecular Cytology and Van Leeuwenhoek...
  11. Making Career Development an Integral Part of the Science Training System

    Blog Post
    ...successful after their training.   Figure 1: Professional Development Hub Workshop Attendees and their... the next level with the creation of the The Professional Development Hub (pd|hub). Pd|hub was spearheaded...organizations committed to advancing career and professional development as core components of predoctoral...concrete programs and practices to promote PhD professional development are intended to be widely disseminated...
  12. Arabidopsis in Education: How the Arabidopsis Biological Resource Center Brings Plant Science to Life

    Blog Post
    ...and available for a nominal fee for university professors, are currently available through TAIR with a ...workshops, or staffing a booth at local science festivals, ABRC gets the word out about the importance of...have grown to include local school districts, professional education associations, and local your research? Are you a biology teacher or professor? Whether you are looking to develop a new teaching...
  13. "Build Your Plasmid": The Game - Play to Teach

    Blog Post
    ...was contributed by Marco Straccia, an Associate Professor at University of Barcelona. The challenge: Making...therapy and genetic manipulation, I and other professors at the University of Barcelona wanted to develop...a course coordination meeting with some other professors, I went home thinking about how to solve Marco Straccia is currently an Associate Professor at University of Barcelona. He is also founder...
  14. #DeckTheLab with Tinsel and Test Tubes, Fa La La La La La La La La

    Blog Post
    ...lab space or your work from home space in a fun, festive holiday or winter theme following the rules outlined... pages. Make your WFH space feel a little more festive this holiday season! It is that time of the year... fun, be creative, and enjoy the end of year festivities - however you celebrate! And if you want to see...
  15. Editor's Choice, July 2016

    Blog Post
    ... incredibly useful in FRET experiments. Professor Fessenden's example of a FRET experiment with all this month is from guest blogger James D. Fessenden at Brigham and Women's Hospital. This post describes...
  16. Advice for Choosing a Research Project

    Blog Post
    ... term, the research project establishes your professional brand. It offers colleagues insight into your...also serves as a stepping stone into the next professional stage of your career by connecting you with ...repeat pathway that is required of scientists.” Professor George Church encourages graduate students and...
  17. Advice for Scientists Starting a Lab

    Blog Post
    ...student and postdoc come to an end and your next professional adventure begins. While many career pathways...variety of skill sets she needed to acquire as a professor. “Being a PI is more than just experiments and...chalk-and-cheese”. While one was an established Professor who was always “off flying his plane to exotic...
  18. Trading Spaces - Visiting Scientist Edition

    Blog Post
    ...scientist could be a graduate student, postdoc, professor, etc. Reasons to pursue a visiting role The main... placements often have some form of built-in professional development. These programs are often great ... for success. If you are communicating with a professor or institute, ask if you will have a bench mentor...
  19. Addgene Depositors Get More Citations

    Blog Post
    ...Thompson from the MIT Sloan School of Management. Professor Feng Zhang’s original 2013 gene editing paper ...years (1). In addition to publishing in Science, Professor Zhang deposited the associated plasmids with     Neil Thompson is an Assistant Professor of Innovation and Strategy at the MIT Sloan School...
Showing: 21 - 40 of 191 results