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Showing: 21 - 40 of 951 results
  1. Chemogenetics Plasmids

    ...reporter or fusion protein, and whether the plasmid is Cre- or Flp- dependent. We also offer ready-to-use AAV...IRES-mCitrine tdTomato ChR2 IRES-EGFP Recombinase Cre-dependent Flp-dependent Plasmid type AAV Mammalian...Filters ID Plasmid Receptor Promoter Reporter/Fusion Cre-dependent? PI 50476 pAAV-CaMKIIa-hM3D(Gq)-mCherry...Con/Fon DREADD Gq-mCherry hM3D (Gq) EF1a mCherry Cre AND Flp Deisseroth 50461 pAAV-EF1a-DIO-hM4D(Gi)-mCherry...pAAV-nEF-Con/Fon DREADD Gi-mCherry hM4D (Gi) EF1a mCherry Cre AND Flp Deisseroth 50463 pAAV-hSyn-HA-hM3D(Gq)-IRES-mCitrine...PSEMs). PSAMs are coupled to an ion pore domain to create a ligand-gated ion channel. Whether a PSAM is activating...
  2. Zebrafish Plasmid Collection

    ...resistant cell types. CreLite - George Eisenhoffer Lab. An optogenetically controlled Cre/loxP system that ...toolbox of genetic methods, such as Tol2 transposons, Cre-mediated site-specific recombination, morpholinos...fluorescent proteins, reporters, biosensors, and Cre expression plasmids. Large collections or kits are...that are amenable to genetics, high-throughput screening and non-invasive live imaging. A standard toolbox... Amro Hamdoun Lab. A useful “starter kit” for screening fluorescent protein fusion expression in organisms...antibodies to zebrafish cell surface receptors and secreted proteins. Return to top Other Resources Addgene...American Zebrafish Network (LAZEN) - LAZEN aims to increase the use of zebrafish as a model organism and to...
  3. Lentivirus Plasmids

    ... pSico 3rd Conditional (Cre-lox), stable expression of shRNAs; addition of Cre turns on shRNA expression...expression. See article for more cre-lox shRNA expression variants. Jacks 19319 pLJM1-EGFP 3rd CMV-driven available at Addgene have been designed for increased researcher safety. Read our Lentiviral Guide for...22502 pCEP4-tat N/A Packaging Expression of tat; increases viral titer Kasparov 22501 pHEF-VSVG N/A Envelope...
  4. Protocol - How to Create a Bacterial Glycerol Stock

    ...for creating a glycerol stock, including additional tips for long-term storage.... Protocols Creating Bacterial...Glycerol Stocks for Long-term Storage of Plasmids Creating Bacterial Glycerol Stocks for Long-term your plasmid DNA at -20°C, many labs also create bacterial glycerol stocks of their plasmids. This... Watch the protocol video below to learn how to create bacterial glycerol stocks. Procedure Follow the...overnight culture to 500 μL of 50% glycerol in a 2 mL screw top tube or cryovial and gently mix. Notes: Make...
  5. AAVED

    ...9:00 AM Breakfast and Welcome Melina Fan 9:30 AM Cre and Flpo Katherine Matho 10:15 AM AAV Retrograde ...and Other Forms of Regulation Ben Deverman 2:00 PM Cre-DOG and Combinatorial Strategies Connie Cepko 2:45...
  6. AAV Viral Preps

    ...Channelrhodopsins, Halorhodopsins, Archaerhodopsins Recombinases Cre, Flp, Dre Biosensors Calcium Sensors, Glutamate Sensors...
  7. Plasmid Collections

    ...Genome Engineering Genome Engineering Overview CRISPR Cre-lox TALENs Zinc Fingers Luminescence Fluorescent ...
  8. Plasmids for Optogenetics Research

    ...inhibition. For example, search for "ChR mCherry", "Cre inhibition", "Boyden 2014", or other terms. Looking...channelrhodopsin have been engineered or identified to increase the spectral and kinetic properties as well as...
  9. CRISPR Plasmids - Empty gRNA Vectors

    ...EGFP Del Bene pUAS:Cas9T2ACre;U6:sgRNA1;U6:sgRNA2 74010 Zebrafish U6 yes, cut S. pyogenes Cre Del Bene pTE4396...pyogenes mCherry Kuhn AAV:ITR-U6-sgRNA(backbone)-pCBh-Cre-WPRE-hGHpA-ITR 60229 Mammalian/AAV SapI none S. pyogenes... pyogenes Zhang AAV:ITR-U6-sgRNA(backbone)-hSyn-Cre-2A-EGFP-KASH-WPRE-shortPA-ITR 60231 Mammalian/AAV ...pyogenes Zhang AAV:ITR-U6-sgRNA(backbone)-pEFS-Rluc-2A-Cre-WPRE-hGHpA-ITR 60226 Mammalian/AAV SapI none S. pyogenes...Other Applications Purify Tag Visualize dCas9-FokI Screen Pooled Libraries gRNAs Empty gRNA Vectors gRNAs...activity, experimental considerations, and more, created and maintained by the Doudna Lab . Plasmid Expression...
  10. Worm Expression Resources

    ...RNAi, empty backbones, fluorescent proteins, and Cre expression plasmids. Large collections or kits are...
  11. Neurodegeneration Research Collection

    ...Noteworthy: AAV.rTH.PI.Cre.SV40 ready-to-use viral prep useful for dopamine research. CBA-driven, Cre-dependent...blood brain barrier integrity, and using CRISPR screens to understand more globally how neurons function...antibodies and scFvs for neuroscience research created with high-volume hybridoma sequencing on the This collection highlights plasmids created with support from the BRAIN Initiative. Jackson...Link opens in a new window) . This resource was created with support from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative...
  12. CRISPR Plasmids - Tagging

    ...vector assembly, and the remaining 5 plasmids include Cre and FLP expression vectors, a general cloning plasmid..._CEBPA_1 PX458_CEBPA_2 CREB1 Human FLAG pFETCh_CREB1 PX458_CREB_1 PX458_CREB_2 TGIF2 Human FLAG pFETCh_TGIF2...Other Applications Purify Tag Visualize dCas9-FokI Screen Pooled Libraries gRNAs Empty gRNA Vectors gRNAs...genome modification. This system can be used to create C- and N-terminal epitope tags. The plasmids in...has developed a systematic and scalable method to create marker-free mutations, insertions, and deletions...stem cell (hiPSC) lines. These cell lines were created using CRISPR and the donor plasmids containing ...
  13. Empty Backbones - Choosing Your Perfect Plasmid Backbone

    ...Hynes Lab Plasmids - A system for Cre-regulated RNAi in vivo Dupuy Lab and... from the SP6 promoter pCS2 mt-GFP - Create myc-tag, GFP-tag fusions for transcription...some experiments, scientists often want to create stable cell lines in which the plasmid is ...
  14. CRISPR References and Information

    ...pCFJ90 (pharyngeal co-injection marker); pDD104 (Cre recombinase) PDF 102.5 KB Jaenisch CRISPR plasmid.... Green Listed - a CRISPR Screen Tool Design gRNAs for custom CRISPR screens targeting a long or short...labs who have deposited CRISPR plasmids , we've created a series of links and guides to help you use CRISPR...considerations, and more. CasPEDIA is a community resource created and maintained by the Doudna Lab at the Innovative...elegans, mouse, human, rat, cow, dog, pig, Thale cress, rice (Oryza sativa), tomato, corn, monkey (macaca...additional HDR & gRNA plasmids are available for CREB1, ATF1, GABPA, & RAD21 PDF 134.7 KB Musunuru CRISPRs...
  15. The Open Repository of CRISPR Screens: CRISPR Screen Data in One Place

    Blog Post
    ... and the screen results. Screenshots updated 2024. Importantly, metadata for each screen is captured...CRISPR screen data that might be able to help you out. What is the Open Repository of CRISPR Screens? The...BioGRID) in order to increase the accessibility of CRISPR-based phenotypic screen datasets. Original published...BioGRID Open Repository of CRISPR Screens (ORCS) homepage. Screenshot updated 2024.   Using the Open...Repository of CRISPR Screens BioGRID ORCS currently houses over 890 CRISPR screens in 629 cell lines, each... browse through screens performed in relevant cell lines or conditions. This increased ease of access ...cancer" returns 40 screens performed in 26 different breast cancer cell lines. Screenshot updated 2024. ...
  16. Plasmids 101: Cre-lox

    Blog Post
    ...tissue-specific cell types: Cre-lox recombination. What is Cre-lox? The Cre-lox system is a technology ...marker, Cre can be used to easily perform this eviction. Regulated Cre expression – placing Cre downstream...constructed. Additionally, Cre-containing adenovirus (Ad-Cre) or AAV (AAV-pgk-Cre) has been used to successfully...generated at the loxP sites. How can I use Cre-lox? The Cre/lox system is a well-established research ...prevent gene expression in the absence of Cre. In the presence of Cre, the stop codon is excised, and gene ...development, or by making the Cre inducible (such as with tamoxifen or doxycycline), the Cre recombinase can be ...facilitate the use of Cre-lox technology, transgenic mice have been constructed that express Cre under a variety...
  17. Top Requested AAV of 2017: pmSyn1-EBFP-CRE

    Blog Post to inject your Cre-dependent mCherry mouse with the pmSyn-EBFP-Cre AAV. Because Cre expression is controlled...encoding Cre recombinase under the control of the synapsin promoter. It can be used to drive Cre expression... could breed your Cre-dependent mCherry line with a separate line that expresses Cre in neurons, but both...expression of any Cre-dependent gene of interest in neurons. This ability to be paired with any Cre-controlled...interest makes pmSyn-BFP-Cre highly modular. Further uses of pmSyn1-EBFP-Cre Of course there are also ...AAV that became available in 2017 is pmSyn1-EBFP-Cre from Hongkui Zeng’s lab. This AAV has had over 150...150 orders since coming online! pmSyn1-EBFP-Cre Available in serotypes AAV1, AAV5, and AAV retrograde ...
  18. Advanced Uses of Cre-lox and Flp-FRT - A Neuroscientist’s View

    Blog Post
    ...LDB) to the C-terminus of FLP or Cre (pCAG-CreERT2 #14797). These Cre/ FLP versions are retained in the...control without modification - either Cre is there or it’s not. Cre-mediated possibilities for site specific...control FLP and Cre expression have been developed. Read on to learn more about FLP-FRT, Cre-lox, and how...the control of Cre recombinase are used in combination with mouse lines that express Cre only in the cell...Tamoxifen inducible Cre versions can be used in these experiments. This elegant combination of Cre, FLP, and inducible...about Cre-Lox Check out Retrograde AAVs for Neurscience Research Resources on Find Cre-Lox...contributed by guest blogger Katrin Michel. Cre-lox is an incredibly popular and powerful site specific recombinase...
  19. Teaching an Old DOG New Tricks: Controlling Protein Activity with GFP

    Blog Post
    ...Although Cre isn’t a modular protein, Tang et. al were able to create a split version of Cre that is only...transcription or Cre recombinase activity only in the presence of GFP. These systems, known as T-DDOG and Cre-DOG,...Podcast Interview with Connie Cepko Combining Cre and GFP with Cre-DOGs The T-DDOG results showed that GFP ... of interest blocks transcription when Cre is absent. When Cre is present, it removes the STOP cassette...when dimerized by the GBPs/GFP. The new system, CRE-DOG (Cre Dependent On GFP), is activated by GFP and derivatives... cord. Cre-DOG is also suitable for optogenetic studies, and since cells infected with AAV-Cre-DOG retain... it is also possible to create split versions of non-modular proteins like Cre. Could Cas9-DOG be developed...
  20. Plasmids 101: FLEx Vectors

    Blog Post
    ...have created a cassette that will express GeneR only in the presence of Cre. In this example, Cre would...SSRs) Cre and FLP. SSRs bind DNA at target sites to induce site specific recombination events: Cre recombinase...a cell or tissue-specific Cre is provided. Since the FLEx switch ensures Cre-dependent reporter expression...orientation in the presence of Cre. A similar strategy can be employed for "Cre-off" (i.e. your gene of the sense orientation and Cre is used to flip it to "off"). These Cre-off switches may be referred ...from our Plasmids 101 series, we learned how the Cre-loxP recombination system can be used to induce site-specific...orientation of the flanking loxP sites directs the Cre recombinase to invert, translocate, or excise a DNA...
Showing: 21 - 40 of 951 results