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Showing: 361 - 380 of 945 results
  1. CRISPR 101: Targeting RNA with Cas13a (C2c2)

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    ...dCas13a may be useful for isolating specific RNA sequences from a population (either enriching or depleting... proteins for imaging, tracking, modulating splicing, and regulating expression of specifically targeted...Class 2, candidate 1, 2, or 3). C2c1 and C2c3 are related to Cpf1, but they require both a tracrRNA and crRNA...the spread of infection throughout the entire population. This property of Cas13a opens up the possibility...knockdown to single gRNA expression. Although the collateral RNA cleavage response is well described in bacterial...
  2. CRISPR Activation: A Practical Guide

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    ...transcriptional activators. These constructs allow for the upregulation of essentially any gene by fusing mutants of...cause differentiation and to reverse HIV viral latency (Bialek et al., 2016). Additionally, CRISPR-based...factors that may prevent your gene from being up-regulated. For instance, generally, the more highly expressed...Additionaly, cDNAs cannot be used to study in cis regulation and also suffer from an inability to easily deliver...CRISPR-based tools for altering DNA sequence or regulating gene expression.     References Behan FM, Iorio...Stucka R, Hauber J, Lange UC (2016) Targeted HIV-1 Latency Reversal Using CRISPR/Cas9-Derived Transcriptional...for inducible genome editing and transcription modulation. Nat Biotechnol 33:139–142 .
  3. Fueled by Coffee at #SfN14

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    ...sessions, exhibit booths, happy hour socials, and late, late night socials. As a newbie to the SfN conference... global coffee supply… My back-of-the-napkin calculations put the daily consumption here at ~ 60,000 cups...students and postdocs, which accounts for many, many lattes and espressos. The energy boost is well needed ... Investigator Awards and we couldn’t wait to congratulate him on his successes. We've been lucky enough...SfN14 on Twitter for live tweeting updates and the latest news from attendees. And for those of you presenting...
  4. A Scientist's Guide to Ebola

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    ...have similarly curated their Ebola-related content. -And the latest updates on the ongoing outbreak from... underestimate. Given all the excitement and speculation, we thought we’d do a little digging and assemble...assemble a rough guide to the science of Ebola and related resources. Ebola Basics A few basics: Ebolavirus... data on five strains of Ebola representing the latest outbreak and earlier ones, along with links to ...the current Ebola crisis, Science and Science Translational Medicine have made their complete collection...
  5. Evolution of Brainbow: Using Cre-lox for Multicolor Labeling of Neurons

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    ... be the hot new way to manipulate gene expression, but other gene manipulation systems remain valuable...To achieve even cell labeling, they generated farnesylated derivatives of the fluorescent proteins, which...trafficked to cell membranes. Membrane trafficking of farnesylated derivatives enables labeling of delicate axonal... default fluorescence due to the addition of translation-blocking STOP cassette immediately following ...woodchuck hepatitis virus post-transcriptional regulatory element (WPRE), commonly used to increase transgene...and Flpbow can be used to label distinct cell populations. To decrease the animal breeding necessary to...
  6. New Optogenetic Tools for Cytoskeleton and Membrane Control

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    ... target to specific subcellular regions, laser ablation can damage other cellular structures, and genetic...genetic mutations are not easily reversible. Late last year, the Akhmanova Lab published a new optogenetic...for a wide variety of experiments. Opto-RhoGEFs manipulate cell morphology and adhesion But what if you’... Taking control of a RhoGEF is a great way to stimulate and study these physical processes. Joachim Goedhart...of membrane-recruitment optogenetic tools for manipulating Rho GTPases based on BcLOV4. These single-component...membranes) (Figure 4). The authors used SuperPLD to manipulate phosphatidic acid signaling (such as Hippo, AMPK...minutes of blue light illumination, substantial PA accumulates in the plasma membranes, indicated by the PA ...
  7. CRISPR 101: Engineering the Plant Genome Using CRISPR/Cas9

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    ...often requiring several rounds of selection to isolate plants with the phenotype of interest. Genome engineering... modification of known or suspected genes that regulate a desired phenotype. In fact, CRISPR has already...variants have been created in an effort to increase translation in a particular plant species or cell type (Belhaj...driven by plant-derived RNA pol II promoters which regulate expression of longer RNAs (such as mRNAs for gene...plant cytorhabdovirus as versatile expression platforms for planthopper and cereal genomic studies. New...Multiplexed Plant Genome Editing and Transcriptional Regulation. Plant Physiol 169:971–985 . Gene-edited CRISPR mushroom escapes US regulation. Nature 532:293–293 .
  8. Scientist Networking: What is an Informational Interview?

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    ... more open to developing a relationship. The time to develop relationships is before you need them (well...doing interesting things. I call this building relationships because networking has gotten a bad reputation...Scientists enjoy learning new things. Building new relationships is all about learning new things from other ...networking for a job connection with ongoing relationship building through Informational Interviews. always best to meet in person to develop relationships, but if it is not possible consider a phone ...
  9. Optogenetics + CRISPR, Using Light to Control Genome Editing

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    ...formed 20-40 min later. The CASANOVA system is versatile in that it can be adapted to regulate gene editing...modifications by NHEJ and HDR using split systems Later in 2015, the Sato lab unveiled a photoactivatable...opens intriguing possibilities for optogenetic manipulation of CRISPR-based systems in animal models. Use... prevent DNA binding in the dark. Upon light stimulation, the pdDronpa moieties move apart, allowing DNA...LOV2 has a C-terminal helix that unfolds when stimulated by blue light. When fused to the catalytic site...genome and chromatin architecture, it is useful to regulate the time in which dCas9 binding occurs. Bubeck...Niopek D (2020) Optogenetics and CRISPR: A New Relationship Built to Last. In: Methods in Molecular Biology...
  10. Easing the Protein Purification Process with pCri

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    ...has the capacity to glycosylate proteins and may recapitulate the post-translational modifications added...requires a substantial amount of properly folded, relatively pure protein, but getting to this stage is’s protein of interest can save a lot of time later. Protein purification specialists recommend doing...the MISTIC (membrane-integrating sequence for translation of integral-membrane protein constructs) protein...
  11. CRISPR Protocol for Genomic Deletions in Mammalian Cell Lines [Video]

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    ...non-coding regulatory elements. Regulatory DNA function is typically inferred based on correlative biochemical...of the method. One observation was an inverse relationship between deletion size and frequency [3]. There...interested in exploring the function of non-coding regulatory elements in their native chromatin context. An...   Like the video? The Orkin and Bauer lab's related paper describes their methods for CRISPR design...
  12. Scientific Sharing in the Time of COVID-19: Databases and Resources

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    ...asked the individuals behind some of these new platforms what their motivations were for developing these...knowledge that could help fight COVID-19. They’ve also collated a list of useful research resources.  "We realized...Canadian volunteers, and features over 200 COVID-19 related research projects, funding opportunities, and response initiatives. Accelerate the translational impact of research Universities have also been...creating research synergies and accelerating the translational impact of research activities. By streamlining...research in their field including datasets and platforms for discussing new developments, and more. As ...
  13. CUT&RUN: An Improved Method for Studying Protein-DNA Interactions

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    ...organisms and cell lines. Although ChIP-seq is a relatively simple and robust protocol it does have how differential access to transcriptional regulatory elements is controlled during development using...fused micrococcal nuclease (MNase) to specifically isolate DNA that is bound by a protein of interest. First...First, nuclei from tissue or cell culture are isolated using lectin-coated magnetic beads. Nuclei are then...MNase requires for its nuclease activity and is chelated from the reaction up until this point. The nuclease...simple lab protocols Browse CRISPR plasmids for isolating a genomic locus Browse FRET plasmids for studying...
  14. Tips for a 1st Time CRISPR User (by a 1st Time CRISPR User)

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    ...Stable Cell Lines with Lentivirus Isolating a Monoclonal Cell Population by Limiting Dilution Lentivirus...high Cas9 MOI considering that A549 cells are relatively easy to transduce. I ended up with too many uniform editing across all the cells in the population, so some of the cells will still appear green...efficiently editing, don’t expect a 100% knockout population. BRAF gRNA delivery  Overview: In practice you...on genomic DNA. The surveyor assay itself was relatively easy. The basis of the Surveyor assay is that...get an idea of the percentage of cells in the population that have an edit. I didn’t do this, but to do...
  15. Plasmid Cloning by PCR

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    ...DNA, a cDNA library, or by RT-PCR. Isolate the PCR product Isolate your PCR product from the rest of the...function in the same buffer, as this will save time later In our example, we will use EcoRI and NotI to ...TGGCATATCTCGAAGTACTGAGCGGCCGCTAAGCA-3’) into this calculator we get a final Reverse Primer sequence of 5’-...If you are amplifying from a plasmid or simple template, there is very little chance for mis-priming, ready for restriction digestion. As such, the later steps in this process are the same as those discussed...
  16. Hot Plasmids and Viral Preps - September 2021

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    ...viral preps   Improved cell-free transcription/translation system to examine biosynthetic pathways  By Gabrielle...Gabrielle Clouse Recently, cell-free transcription/translation systems (also referred to as TX-TL systems) have...In summary, this cell free system allows for a relatively simple, controlled “one-pot” reaction capable...plasmids that helps identify base edited cell populations without end-point sequencing assays. These plasmids..., or XMAS-TREE, to identify base edited cell populations without end-point sequencing assays.  This tool...different vectors and flow cytometry is used to sort populations by mCherry and GFP expression to check for ABE...
  17. Plasmids 101: Origin of Replication

    Blog Post
    ...balance between positive and negative regulation and can be manipulated with mutations in the replicon. For...produce just a few copies depending on how they are regulated. Generally, control of replication is referred...stringent" depending on whether the ori is positively regulated by RNA or proteins, respectively. A plasmid's ...plasmid copy number  Although the sequence and regulation of the ori dramatically affect the copy number...SB, Furman JL, Xiao H, Schultz PG. A versatile platform for single- and multiple-unnatural amino acid ...
  18. Arabidopsis in Education: How the Arabidopsis Biological Resource Center Brings Plant Science to Life

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    ...seeds, DNA and other resources for Arabidopsis and related species. Located at The Ohio State University in...member of the Brassicaceae family, Arabidopsis is related to a variety of food crops such as broccoli, cabbage...utility to science, and its well-known edible relatives, it is fair to say that most people do not recognize...teaching community through the TRAINED initiative (Translating Research on Arabidopsis Into a Network of Educational...through TAIR with a new ABRC database and ordering platform soon to be released. For individuals interested...Arabidopsis is small, has a short life cycle, and is relatively easy to grow, it is an ideal organism for teachers...
  19. Viral Vectors 101: Parts of the AAV Transfer Plasmid

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    ...polyA  The polyadenylation or polyA signal aids in the nuclear export of RNA and RNA translation, and promotes...plasmid. Parts shown in grey are optional cis-regulatory elements. Key elements of an AAV plasmid First...plasmid harbors non-coding sequences. Other cis-regulatory elements Next let’s talk about some of the elements...Woodchuck Hepatitis Virus (WHP) Posttranscriptional Regulatory Element (WPRE) forms a tertiary structure when...Technologies and Methods for Targeted Neuronal Manipulation. Front Neuroanat 13: .
  20. Live and Let Dye: Self-Labeling Protein Tags

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    ...BG) (Keppler et al., 2003). This engineered hAGT later became known as SNAP-tag. There is also a fast-reacting...demonstrated in 2005 that proteins fused with E. coli dihydrofolate reductase (eDHFR) could be labeled with fluorescent...Although this tight interaction is not covalent, later work showed that introducing a Leu28Cys mutation...SNAP-OMP25 with Atto590-BG (green), imaged with stimulated emission depletion (STED) nanoscopy. Scale bar...different ligands to the same sample to label sub-populations of your protein of interest. For example, the...-molecule tracking of actin filament assembly-regulating proteins in vitro reveals complex events. a) ...Gaska, I., & Shekhar, S. (2023). Multicomponent regulation of actin barbed end assembly by twinfilin, formin...
Showing: 361 - 380 of 945 results