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Showing: 301 - 320 of 413 results
  1. All in a Twist: dsRNA

    Blog Post
    ...1414 (2018). 10.1101/gr.237362.118 Chen, G. Y., Hur, S. Cellular origins of dsRNA, their recognition and ...
  2. Hot Plasmids - February 2022

    Blog Post
    ...single expression cassette is advantageous to Cas9’s larger expression requirements (Figure 1), but Cas12a...
  3. Ras Pathway

    ...targets. Rajalingam K, Schreck R, Rapp UR, Albert S. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2007 Aug;1773(8):1177-95. PubMed...
  4. Control AAV Preps

    ...Constitutive 2, 5, 8, 9, rg*, PHP.eB Roth 51506 AAV phSyn1(S)-tdTomato-WPRE hSyn tdTomato Constitutive 5 Zeng 58909...
  5. Chemogenetics Guide

    ...ligands. Specifically, R eceptors A ctivated S olely by S ynthetic L igands (RASSLs) based on κ-opiod ... JC, Snowball A, Knauss S, von Schimmelmann M, During MJ, Lignani G, Schorge S, Young D, Kullmann DM, ...manipulation of ion channels are P harmacologically S elective A ctuator M odules (PSAMs, pronounced SAMs...specific small molecules termed P harmacologically S elective E ffector M olecules (PSEMs). PSAM domains...their activity in neurons PSAM Ion Pore Domain Ligand(s) Effect Outcome (in neurons) Reference PSAM4 Gly Varenicline...29351511 Armbruster BN, Li X, Pausch MH, Herlitze S, Roth BL (2007). Evolving the lock to fit the key ...Haberman A, Graham J, Block J, Zhou W, Chen Y, Zhang S-C (2021). Human Stem Cell-Derived Neurons Repair Circuits...
  6. Antibodies 101: Fab Fragments

    Blog Post
    ....1177/34.6.3084626  Zhang Q, Miyamoto A, Watanabe S, Arimori T, Sakai M, Tomisaki M, Kiuchi T, Takagi ...
Showing: 301 - 320 of 413 results