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Showing: 261 - 280 of 945 results
  1. Adapting Toehold Switches to Detect Zika Virus

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    ...of an outbreak of the virus in Brazil that was correlated with greater rates of infection and rare, but...Zika virus is expected to expand into heavily populated regions of South, Central, and North America. .... The first was a new class of programmable riboregulators, called toehold switches, which allow for the... 2014). The second was an in vitro paper-based platform that allowed gene circuits to be deployed out ... had been working on advancing the paper-based platform toward a more field-ready format when the Zika...our manuscript to the journal Cell just six weeks later. The Zika publication timeline I think we can speak...we say the timeline to develop our paper-based platform into clinically relevant diagnostics for the Zika...
  2. Lab Automation at Addgene

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    ...wells plates onto agar q-trays where the samples must be spread much farther apart before plating. With..., we can prep two 96 well plates in just under 3 hours or one 96 well plate in about an hour. Automating...Beckman Coulter’s Biomek FXP. We had a previous relationship with Beckman Coulter and that certainly played...too much and dying.  Also, we added a couple of platforms that fit 48 well q- trays allowing us to do up...96 tips for easy sample transfer between 96 well plates. The second pod can pick up 8 tips and position... robot is called the Qiagen BIOROBOT Universal Platform and it suits our plasmid prepping needs perfectly...on a larger scale. Using the BIOROBOT Universal Platform is ideal because it eliminates the potential of...
  3. Sequencing Options for CRISPR Genotyping

    Blog Post
    ...genotyping, is critical to demonstrating causal relationships between genotype and assayed phenotype. Verifying...and T7E1 have been widely adopted due to their relative simplicity and low cost. The problem with these...editing events that occur in less that 5% of the population (Fu et al. 2013, Vouillot et al. 2015). Meanwhile...consuming and cannot be applied to heterogenous populations (Bell et al. 2014). Further, Sanger sequencing...Low-throughput, inappropriate for heterogenous populations, low sensitivity Targeted Amplicon Sequencing...list of putative off-target sites that they can later sequence for mutations. One method a researcher ... detection rates mean the investigator can be relatively certain that their samples don’t have off-target...
  4. When Fidelity Matters: A frank discussion about ligase fidelity

    Blog Post 16 wells of a 96-well plate, allowing 6 conditions to be screened per plate. The results indicated that...enzymes that seal breaks in DNA by joining 5 ́-phosphorylated DNA termini to 3 ́-OH DNA termini (1-4). In...interrogation of multiple potential SNP sites (15). The related LCR technique uses two sets of probes to achieve...the reaction. This “peeling back” of the 5 ́-phosphorylated base can be observed in the crystal structures... pools were prepared consisting of one target (template) strand and four upstream probes and four down-stream...strand covering all 16 possible NN pairs in the template. The probes were designed such that each screen additional ligases, conditions, and formulations and has led to the development of the new HiFi...
  5. Prime Editing: Adding Precision and Flexibility to CRISPR Editing

    Blog Post
    ...efficiency of Cas9 cleavage is relatively high while the efficiency of HDR is relatively low, meaning that most...without double strand breaks (DSBs) or donor DNA templates. How does this work? First, an engineered prime...reverse transcriptase domain uses the pegRNA to template reverse transcription of the desired edit, directly...increase activity, enhance binding between the template and primer binding site, increase processivity...different genomic sites compared to PE1. The pegRNA: A template and guide all in one The other important component...pegRNA is a guide RNA that also encodes the RT template, which includes the desired edit and homology ...remake that strand using the edited strand as the template. A third prime editing system called PE3 does ...
  6. Chemogenetics vs. Optogenetics: Which Method Should I Choose?

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    ...optogenetics differ are: Timing Targeted manipulation Controlling stimulation Invasiveness  Choosing the best...Controlling Stimulation Some studies rely on delivering reversible or varied amounts of stimulation to receptors...where drawn out effects are required. Targeted manipulation Both optogenetic and chemogenetic tools can the light source can be easily and quickly manipulated or turned off. In chemogenetics, while different...injected, this is not as precise and the offset of stimulation is gradual. Invasiveness Both optogenetic and...intracranial implant Noninvasive Controlling Stimulation ExogenousEasily controlled EndogenousNot posts Learn more about precise targeted manipulation Resources on Browse all viral ...
  7. Rett Syndrome: A History of Research and Therapeutic Outlooks

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    ...medical journal. Decades later and after years of painstaking work trying to isolate the causative gene for...role of the MECP2 gene, and highlights some of the latest breakthrough therapeutic approaches. What is al., 1999). We now know that MECP2 binds to methylated CpG dinucleotides and CAC trinucleotides during...& Bird, 2019) and is a global transcriptional regulator of thousands of genes. Studies have suggested ...with the minor groove of AT-rich DNA sequences to regulate transcription (Baker et al., 2013). Mutations animal models, Rett syndrome is a strong translational candidate for gene replacement therapy. In 2014... expand as Rett scientists deposit their MECP2-related plasmid tools with Addgene and share additional...
  8. Custom CRISPR Screens & the Green Listed Software

    Blog Post
    ...investigator generates a cell population where all genes are knocked out at the population level, but each targeted. Cells failing to upregulate the protein following stimulation would then be separated by sorting...knocked out. In this genetically heterogeneous population, cells behaving differently (e.g. different growth... response to a cytokine known to cause the up-regulation of an important surface protein (e.g. PD-L1 on...were kindly donated by six different research constellations: Doench/Root (2), Zhang (3), Wu (4), Yusa (...The different labs use different algorithms to calculate which would be the best gRNAs. Interestingly, ...your own favorite Reference Library, for example related to strategies beyond SpCas9, or species not currently...
  9. 22 Hot Plasmid Technologies from 2014

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    ...phosphoproteins Protein phosphorylation is one of the most abundant forms of post-translational modifications in...questions surrounding serine phosphorylation by adding this phosphorylated amino acid to the genetic code...participates in y. Depletion of your protein may upregulate an alternative pathway or induce other compensatory...cloning have been utilized to create recombination template vectors, to perform multiple site mutagenesis ...where signaling dynamics are influenced by the relatively long life-cycle of a protein from expression ...plasmids required to make singly or multiply phosphorylated proteins (B40 OTS and pCRT7-GFP). To demonstrate... either one or two phosphoserine residues cotranslationally inserted in their canonical positions (SP218...
  10. A New Optogenetic Tool Based on AraC Controls Gene Expression with Blue Light

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    ...arabinose making it difficult to regulate quickly. Arabinose also circulates within growth media and can’t...created a bacterial lawn on an agar plate, put a mask over the plate containing the pattern of the image...image, and shined blue light over the plate. Areas on the plate that are blocked by the mask will not produce...May 13, 2021 The original AraC transcriptional regulator Their system is based on the AraC protein that...transcription.However, this system lacks spatio-temporal regulation, and is difficult to reverse, making it unsuitable... show that you have less heterogeneity in the population and you can do all of these more spatially confined...
  11. CRISPR 101: Validating Your Genome Edit

    Blog Post
    ...worthwhile to isolate individual clones from that population. You can additionally calculate the minimum...used as a preliminary validation on your bulk population. This way you can ensure you aren’t looking for...performed yielding a graph of edits in the input population or clone.   How to perform a TIDE First, ... sequence the PCR product of both an unedited population and your Cas9-targeted cells. Simply upload both...Validating knock-in mutations You’ve introduced a donor template along with your gRNA and Cas9 combo and are hoping...precisely estimate editing frequency in a bulk population and also identify edits in individual clones....reads from your edited sample to an untreated population. Software such as CRISPResso can help with the...
  12. Fluorescent Protein Travel Awards - Protein Variants, a Serotonin Sensor, and an Artificial Leaf Replica System

    Blog Post induced prior to inoculation with IPTG. In the absence of IPTG after inoculation, no more fluorescent...also be used to track how one population responds to a second population. Last, Bernach will simultaneously...The late Michael Davidson and Roger Tsien played enormous roles in fluorescent protein development by...serotonin is a well-known but poorly studied neuromodulator, and evidence suggests that it is incredibly...were able to use the serotonin sensor in sleep-related studies and in assays for measuring human serotonin...nucleotide polymorphisms present in the human population can affect drug and dose response. Selective ...validated, Bernach plans to use it study bacterial population dynamics with the TIMER growth rate bioreporter...
  13. Addgene Depositors Get More Citations

    Blog Post
    ...demand for the related plasmid. Under such circumstances, we would observe this same correlation, but it Do papers associated with Addgene deposits accumulate more citations than those without Addgene deposits...aggregated this much, you can see the 2013 ‘bump’ related to the CRISPR/Cas papers and Addgene deposits, ...Addgene, in contrast to other reasons for the correlation. However, determining this exactly is difficult... of publication. Table 1 provides an example calculation of the weights. Table 1: Journal Weighting Example... remaining difference caused by depositing the related plasmids with Addgene? Probably not all of it. ...still be controlled for. As an example, plasmid-related areas of science could be growing more quickly ...
  14. Cancer, Inflammation and Immunity - Harnessing the Body’s Defenses to Fight Cancer

    Blog Post
    ...human biopsy analysis platform focused on analysing immune measures and correlating them with tumor mutations... immunosuppressive measures, for example the upregulation of the immunosuppressive cell surface receptor...concluded “Aspirin promotes autophagy, inhibits platelet aggregation, and potentiates the effect of PD-...Cancer and the Immune System: Deciphering the Relationship” by our guest blogger Subhadra Jayaraman, a ...Chimeric Antigen Receptors) CAR T cells and PD-1 modulators. An exciting development in immunotherapy is ...mutations and clinical responses. This platform has the potential to become an open-source pipeline and ...spatiotemporal precision. This is a great tool to regulate and observe the function of immune cells that ...
  15. Plasmids 101: Blue-white Screening

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    ...). A plate with only white colonies is very suspicious! Refrigerate your plates: Placing plates at 4C...α-complementation (cell B). As shown on the representative plate to the right, colonies with an insert-containing...pigment from x-gal (included in the transformation plate medium), turning the bacterial colony blue. We should...backbone plasmid without insert. All colonies on this plate should be blue, indicating that your IPTG and x-... rush the process: It is important to give your plates enough time for any intact β-galactosidase to be... and white colonies. Take care in making your plates: X-gal is light and temperature sensitive and needs...after autoclaving. If spread on top of pre-made plates, make sure it is evenly distributed and allow sufficient...
  16. Viral Vectors 101: Optogenetic Tools

    Blog Post
    ...that induce conformational changes with light stimulation to either activate or inhibit a specific receptor... receptors  G-protein coupled receptors (GPCR) regulate cellular function through multiple intra-cellular...cryptochrome 2 (CRY2) (Zhang & Cui, 2015). When stimulated with light, the endogenous proteins activate ... a single pathway to activate various protein regulators at different points in the pathway. Photoswitches...with the stimulus. For example, if you want to stimulate at a fast frequency without missing an action ...slower kinetics can be used for lower frequency stimulation. GPCR signaling GPCR signaling is a complicated...considering for your experiment, note that you cannot extrapolate results from one cell type to another, as they...
  17. Technologies Enabled by NanoLuc® Luciferase

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    ...employing optogenetic regulators to initiate the event being monitored. Optogenetic regulators respond to specific...materials and information. Many of our technology platforms like HaloTag® Fusion Protein, codon-optimized ...infected/expressing cells by flow cytometry. The isolated cells were injected into mice and imaged after.... injection of furimazine or luciferin 24 hours later demonstrated a more than 2-fold brighter signal ...biosensors, the intensity of the FRET signal can be correlated to specific concentrations of biological molecules...initiation wavelengths, excitation of the optogenetic regulator leads to spurious activation of the FRET sensor...biosensors that can even be paired with optogenetic regulators. Many of these tools are available from Addgene...
  18. PiggyBac-ing Through the Genome Editing Field

    Blog Post
    ...1983, but wasn’t successfully used for genetic manipulation in mammalian cells until 2005 [1]. Like other...stable cell lines is to transfect, select, and isolate clones. This procedure is cumbersome and inefficient... other genetic alterations have occurred) and isolating the specific cells that have the edit of interest... CRISPR/Cas9 to efficiently perform genetic manipulations in animal models or cells lines, including stem...included in a standard homology directed repair template to facilitate the selection of cells containing... technology using a site-specific nuclease to stimulate homologous recombination and Footprint-Free™ Transposase removal of the cassette later restores the target sequence. This allows researchers...
  19. All in a Twist: dsRNA

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    ...Transcription, translation, and prone to degradation – those are the words that describe RNA! Double ...transcription. In an uninfected cell, dsRNA rarely circulates, but upon viral infection, this nucleic acid ... RNAi is designed against), RISC can repress translation and/or degrade target mRNA. These RNA tools ... almost always epigenetically silenced, but dysregulation of these systems can lead to local dsRNA production...source of dsRNA (that doesn’t involve cellular dysregulation) is the mitochondria. These organelles have ...During transcription, RNA is synthesized from a DNA template, inherently generating RNA:DNA intermediates in...which suppress endogenous dsRNA formation are dysregulated, immune responses can mount in the absence of...
  20. Lighting Up Cell Signaling with Photoswitchable Kinases

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    ...scientists frequently use growth factors or serum to stimulate a pathway of interest, but there can be a lot ...KTR-mRuby2). The ERK KTR is a target for MEK1 phosphorylation, much like endogenous ERK, and its localization...indicator of MEK1 activity. When MEK1 is active, it phosphorylates the ERK KTR and red fluorescence localizes ...MEK1 and ERK are inactive, the ERK KTR isn’t phosphorylated and red fluorescence can be found in the a stimulus. This system also allows precise modulating of a particular arm of the signaling pathway ...the negative feedback on endogenous MEK1/2 phosphorylation by creating a short pulse of psRaf1 activity...nm light (turn off psRaf1). After this, the phosphorylation status of MEK1/2 was tracked at 5 minute intervals...
Showing: 261 - 280 of 945 results