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Showing: 261 - 280 of 989 results
  1. Hot Plasmids - October 2022

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    ...what you'll find in this post: Improved voltage indicator: JEDI-2P Novel class of light-gated potassium...-Myc [9E10] now available! Improved voltage indicator: JEDI-2P  by: Brian O'Neill  The François St-Pierre...have successfully developed an improved voltage indicator (GEVI) called JEDI-2P. Using a custom, high-throughput...predecessor GEVIs (called ASAP 1 and 2), they found an indicator that is optimized for 2-photon imaging of voltages...screen for improved genetically-encoded voltage indicators (GEVIs) based on the ASAP sensors. The resultant...Sustained deep-tissue voltage recording using a fast indicator evolved for two-photon microscopy. Cell, 18, 3408...KCRs), from a fungus-like protist Hyphochytrium catenoides (Govorunova et al. 2022). The authors show that...
  2. The CRISPR Software Matchmaker: A New Tool for Choosing the Best CRISPR Software for Your Needs

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    ...into this category describe how the user is expected to interact with the software. This category is important... CRISPR software submissions. With few prior publications to go on, a submitted manuscript could only ... solutions that facilitate most experimental applications in CRISPR engineering. When compared to that...easy to fault the lack of features in a single application. The question is then, should we use all tools...1 Jan 2013, no longer available), is a simple catalogue of reported sgRNA designs. The second database...novo sgRNA design, I again separate it into two categories. On the one hand we have software tools that ...based on your project needs. There are 8 major categories found in the table, describing everything from...
  3. Antibodies 101: Producing Recombinant Antibodies

    Blog Post Addgene's Antibody Purification Protocol Addgene's Video Antibody Purification Protocol Addgene's Antibody...cells can perform human-like post-translational modifications that bacterial and most yeast cells cannot. ...production system may depend on what downstream applications you are planning, cost, and the amount of protein...secretes fewer of its own proteins, making the purification process simpler. Due to its high yields, E. ...production (Schwarz et. al., 2020). Harvest and purification At its core, harvesting recombinant antibodies...your conjugate and conjugation chemistry.  Quantification Once you’ve collected your antibody in the ...accurate concentration to give your downstream applications the best chance at being successful.  Using ...
  4. Interview: Hodaka Fujii on enChIP, New CRISPR Tools, and More

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    ... inducible translocation trap (ITT) system to analyze signal-induced nuclear translocation of, which uses locus-tagging and affinity purification, in 2009. However, iChIP requires insertion ... genomic regions can be easily isolated for identification of associated proteins, RNAs, and other genomic...describe this technology and some of its potential applications? Fujii: We generated a series of retroviral ... discoveries in biology. Therefore, my lab is dedicated to development of new biological technologies....interference-PCR (ORNi-PCR) method to suppress PCR amplification of specific DNA sequences. Thus, we've made ...the peer-review system of journals and grant applications, for example. However, at the same time, it'...
  5. Even more elegant: Single injection CRISPR/Cas9 in C. elegans

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    ...genomic modifications, is very robust in C. elegans, and the methods for HDR-mediated modification continue...After self-excision, the resulting loxP scar is located in this synthetic intron, and only the fluorescent...use and highly efficient for C. elegans genome modification. Schematic from Dickinson et al illustrating...permission from the Genetics Society of America. Applications of this system Dickinson et al. have developed...system could be used to make many other genome modifications, including targeted mutations. SEC-based systems... in cell culture. In addition to CRISPR/Cas9 applications, SEC selection could replace other, more restrictive... of print] PubMed. Find plasmids from this publication at Addgene. Other strategies for CRISPR/Cas9...
  6. The PAM Requirement and Expanding CRISPR Beyond SpCas9

    Blog Post
    ...the rest of the genome and (2) the sequence is located just upstream of a Protospacer Adjacent Motif (...editing is most efficient when target sites are located in close proximity to the region to be edited. ... that were able to cleave target DNA sequences located upstream of either NGA or NGC PAM sequences (Kleinstiver...variant may increase the specificity of genome modifications at DNA targets adjacent to NGG PAM sequences...VRER variants is similar to wild-type SpCas9, indicating that the variants are likely just as dramatically increase the number of CRISPR applications. The first non-Cas9 CRISPR protein adapted Find plasmids from this publication at Addgene. Kim E, Koo T, Park SW, Kim D, Kim...
  7. "Build Your Plasmid": The Game - Play to Teach

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    ...playing a card game called “Magic”. There were complicated rules that governed how this game was played.... as I try being compelling, interactive, and application-driven to boost curiosity, I have never experienced...strategies work. Find Addgene Blog posts about other educational tools Playing BUILD YOUR PLASMID BUILD YOUR PLASMID... cards (Promoters, Inserts, Tags, Origins of Replication, Resistance gene and Selection Markers) and one...building, collaborative critical thinking, and communication among others. They additionally had to think...Who knows, perhaps the ideas spurred by this “gamification” will lead to new cures for disease someday!... each a variety of subjects at many different education levels. If you modify BUILD YOUR PLASMID or generate...
  8. Improved Plasmid Maps Powered by SnapGene

    Blog Post
    ...function. You can also click one location in the plasmid and then a second location to select the sequence between...two separate locations in the linear sequence selects the sequence between the two locations and sends it...table includes feature names, locations, sizes, colors used to indicate them on the map, direction (if...promoters, origins, tags, and certain ORFs. Their sophisticated detection algorithm easily and precisely identifies...restriction enzyme annotations throughout the map at locations better aligned to their precise positions within...between the two locations and send it to the clipboard for copy and paste functionality. Sequence ...sequence. The table includes enzyme names, the locations where the enzymes will cut (in basepairs), and...
  9. Antibodies 101: ChIP

    Blog Post sequencing. ChIP is an incredibly useful application for exploring these interactions, and can give... protein interactions, including epigenetic modifications. But it's not an approach for the faint of heart...background information. Your options for this step are sonication, which uses high-frequency sound waves to break...break up the DNA, or enzymatic digestion. Sonication provides a truly random digestion, but is harsher the selective nature of the cutting. While sonication is usually the preferred method, enzymatic digestion...concentration.  Protein Capture After crosslinking and sonication or enzymatic digestion, you’re ready to incubate...crosslinking. Finally, purify your DNA with a PCR purification kit or with a phenol-chloroform extraction.  ...
  10. Quick Guide to Near-Infrared Fluorescent Proteins

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    ...calcium indicator (Shemetov et al., 2021). In addition to FRET, intensiometric calcium indicators NIR-GECOs...characteristics, performance, and applications of near-infrared calcium indicators in this recent review (Shcherbakova...information on NIR FPs, their properties and applications. At the end, there is a Table that summarizes...photoreceptors incorporating biliverdin IXα (BV) autocatalytically. Fortunately for probe developers and probes, due to low autofluorescence, low scattering, and deep penetration of red-shifted light. The...their enhanced versions named emiRFPs in your applications.  There is a whole set of spectrally distinct...of Medicine. Her expertise is development and applications of fluorescent proteins, genetically encoded...
  11. Antibodies 101: Beyond Surface Labeling

    Blog Post
    ...labeling can be subdivided into two categories, depending on the location of the targeted markers. Some commercially...proteins, such as receptors, or post-translational modifications on those proteins, like glycosylation patterns...Depending on the research question and downstream application, one or several of those techniques can be used...your flow analysis. However, certain downstream applications, like an in vivo adoptive transfer of those ...labeling Oftentimes, a marker of interest is not located on the cell membrane but inside the cell. Due to...but preserving the cellular state (think of mummification). Permeabilization, as the name suggests, perforates...the nucleus intact. If markers of interest are located inside the nucleus, a different fix/perm kit is...
  12. CRISPR 101: Engineering the Plant Genome Using CRISPR/Cas9

    Blog Post
    ...current CRISPR research focuses on its potential applications for human medicine (Waltz, 2016), the, on the other hand, allows for targeted modification of known or suspected genes that regulate a ...model organisms like Arabidopsis and Medicago truncatula and several crop species including potato, using CRISPR, highlight the specific modifications to CRISPR machinery that allow for the use of...CRISPR principles). However, plant-specific modifications to commonly used CRISPR plasmids are necessary...selected the correct CRISPR components for your application, it is time to deliver these components to your...detergent, Polyethylene Glycol (PEG), although the application of this approach is limited to protoplast cells...
  13. Scientific Reproducibility - Focusing on Solutions at the Minisymposium on Reproducibility

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    ...someone has replicated it precisely. You can find a great discussion of different types of replication in Nosek...perfect story for a “high impact” publication can lead to the publication of rare flukes showing positive...that fall into this category include performing experiments with too few replicates leading to suspect ...these positive results will be published. The publication record will then show that the tested hypothesis...reproducible publishing practices. One example is the publication of peer reviews so we can see how and why papers... also means that you’re more likely to get a publication (for better or worse, the currency for of experimental design as part of the publication process (Nosek et al 2018). In this ideal situation...
  14. Plasmids 101: Dimers and Multimers

    Blog Post
    ...additional origins of replication compared to monomers, they are also able to replicate at a higher frequency...expected fragments for that plasmid. This phenomenon indicates the presence of a multimer.   Fig. 1:...the right, with the entire monomeric sequence duplicated in tandem, resulting in a plasmid that is twice...observed to exist in various multimeric forms (e.g. concatemers, dimers, trimers, tetramers). Since then, multimerization...other methods below should help in multimer identification.   Fig. 2: Gel image of Plasmid 61564...within a plasmid and, therefore, allow for the identification of plasmid multimers. Capillary Gel Electrophoresis...multimerization. One study by Bacolla et al. (2011) indicated that strain HB101 produced the highest yield of...
  15. Magnetic Control of Proteins: More than a Dream

    Blog Post
    ... tools for familiar applications. But how does one invent a tool for applications that don’t even exist...phenomenon, improve the tool, and develop new applications for magnetoresponsive proteins. Motivated by...organisms) are opaque, which makes most biomedical applications of these tools difficult or impossible. But ...tool with magnets would enable new research and applications that don’t yet exist, but it wasn’t clear that...changes in response to a ~25 mT magnet. Gray regions indicate times when the magnetic field is on. Image reproduced..., in response to a ~10 mT magnet. Gray regions indicate times when the magnetic field is on. Image reproduced... shows a wealth of potential, and while many applications are still yet to be demonstrated (or invented...
  16. Cpf1: A New Tool for CRISPR Genome Editing

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    ... this publication at Addgene. Makarova, Kira S., et al. "An updated evolutionary classification of lacks Cas9’s other HNH endonuclease domain, indicating that Cpf1 functions differently. Since Cpf1 loci...differing from that of Cas9 (3’-NGG) in both genomic location and GC-content. After sequencing and searching... off-target editing rates, determined using sophisticated genome-wide analysis. At many of its computationally...compared the ratio of total off-target to on-target modification for AsCpf1 and LbCpf1, and found that both orthologs...-target editing in a cell culture model. The application of Cpf1 to genome editing is exciting both terms of basic science and translational applications. This discovery of this type V CRISPR system ...
  17. Viral Vectors 101: Producing Your rAAV

    Blog Post
    ...lentivirus, AAV does not possess the ability to replicate itself and depends on helper viruses like adenovirus...herpes simplex virus to facilitate efficient replication. The most common production system, however, ...RNA genes; and the pRepCap plasmid containing replication factors and serotype-specific capsid genes.  ... steps of AAV production, iodixanol gradient purification, and AAV titration by qPCR.   Pro tip! An, 2010). For certain in vitro and in vivo applications, you can consider using unpurified AAV from ...Benyamini et al., 2023) to save time and cost.  Purification To purify your rAAV from your supernatant, you...recommend using a Tris-based lysis buffer and sonication.  The obtained virions from cells and supernatant...
  18. Multiplexed Capture of Promoter-enhancer 3D Chromatin Structures Using CRISPR

    Blog Post
    ... gene’s transcription. Sometimes enhancers are located thousands of base pairs away from the gene they...created a dCas9-based CAPTURE (CRISPR Affinity Purification in situ of Regulatory Elements) method. The ...could only detect chromatin interactions at one location in the genome at a time (Liu et al., 2017). once (Liu et al., 2020). CRISPR Affinity Purification in situ of Regulatory Elements: The original...biotin ligase a gRNA(s) targeting a single genomic location of interest  When these three components are ...together in terms of where they are physically located. DNA is then sheared into pieces small enough to... original CAPTURE and CAPTURE 2.0 methods.   Applications of CAPTURE 2.0 CAPTURE 2.0’s increased rate ...
  19. SciComm with the Experts at Science in the News Part 2

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    ... to be crazy complicated! Listen to the full podcast for more great science communication tips or listen...tons of ways you can get involved in science communication. In this second half of our conversation with...many things you can do start your own science communication student group and get more involved with a graduate student group with the goal of communicating science to the general public and training the... the next generation of science communicators. In this chapter we learn about some of their events - science... peer-to-peer feedback in effective science communication. Chapter 7: The Goal of the SITN Podcast - Vini...Pint" event is the best way to get a Science Communication group started. It's as simple as getting people...
  20. SciComm: Taking Science to Elementary and Middle Schools

    Blog Post opinion, it was more important to communicate the applications of CRISPR over the details of how it...m a father of three, a scientist and science communicator, and I strive to be a volunteer and contribute...recent experiences. STEM in elementary schools - catching them early I’m fortunate to live in a town with...unlike elementary schools, middle schools have dedicated science teachers. I tried contacting our school...simplistic and I would insult the students. Too complicated and I would quickly lose their interest. I won...great feedback from teachers and other science communicators.  What can CRISPR do? I spent more time on...children and you want to make sure their STEM education is supplemented. A 2009 study by the NSF showed...
Showing: 261 - 280 of 989 results