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Showing: 261 - 280 of 951 results
  1. Fluorescence Titering Assay

    ... remove cells and debris. Lentiviral titer can decrease during cycles of freeze-thaw. If you are freezing...
  2. Western Blot

    ... have moved out of the wells and into the gel. Increase the voltage to 150 V and continue running the ...
  3. Trimmer Lab NeuroMab Collection

    ..., HEK293, COS, CHO), from which the R-mAbs are secreted into the culture media. For high level expression... Gavira-O'Neill CE, et al. 2020. Development, Screening, and Validation of Camelid-Derived Nanobodies ...
  4. 27 Hot Plasmids from 2016

    Blog Post
    ...loxP-stop-loxP cassette into the Rosa26 locus, allowing for Cre-dependent expression of a GMAP inserted gene. The...of a good screening experiment can be found on our blog post entitled “Genome-wide Screening Using CRISPR...Receptor-ome Expression and Screening via Transcriptional Output-TANGO (PRESTO-TANGO) to screen the NCC-1 library...and later create stable cell lines expressing it. The Church lab fixed this issue by creating a new dCas9...  CRISPR pooled libraries enable researchers to screen the entire genome for genes that regulate a wide...CRISPR knockout library and used this library to screen for genes involved in West Nile Virus (WNV) induced... gRNAs that confer protection to WNV. From this screen the authors were able to identify 7 previously ...
  5. Troubleshooting and Optimizing a Western Blot

    Blog Post
    ...Wet transfer Increase transfer time Increase voltage Increase SDS/decrease alcohol in transfer...Semi-dry transfer Decrease voltage Decrease transfer time Decrease SDS/increase alcohol in transfer...over-transferring, increase the amount of alcohol and decrease the amount of SDS, with a decreased transfer time...under-transferring, try increasing the amount of SDS while decreasing the amount of alcohol. The increased SDS will ... density of the bands, which increase as protein concentration increases, show the protein concentrations..., you’ll see the signal increase as the concentration of the protein increases (Figure 3A).  This step...linear range (i.e., expression decreases as protein concentration decreases).     Figure 3: Testing...
  6. 28 Hot Plasmid Technologies from 2015

    Blog Post
    ...upon these findings by screening for additional activation domains that increase the expression of target...Synchronization of secretory protein traffic in mammalian cells The journey of secretory proteins, from their... mutagenized and screened for speed and voltage sensitivity. This hierarchical screen led to the generation...has modified the RNA-guided CRISPR-Cas9 system to create a tool that is quick, versatile, and robust. Dubbed...adopt basic biological concepts and employ them in creative and innovative ways. The principle of protein ...molecule imaging and inducible gene expression by creating the SunTag system. The SunTag system, named after...cells without affecting protein function, thereby creating a single-molecule reporter of intracellular processes...
  7. Technical Design of a Western Blot

    Blog Post
    ...Semi-dry transfer Decreased efficiency Electroblot transfer Increased cost; decreased efficiency ...transfer Increased time Handcast gel Increased time; have to make as-needed Increase imaging Increased time; increased consumables cost Decrease background Direct detection method... Wet transfer Increased time Specialty chemical-based buffers Increased cost X-ray film...low-fluorescence PVDF membranes Increased fragility (nitrocellulose) or increased cost (specialty PVDF) ...expressed genes Not as accurate; increased antibody costs; increased optimization Normalizing to total... total protein loading Increased time; increased reagents Good luck and happy blotting! Many thanks...
  8. CRISPR 101: Cytosine and Adenine Base Editors

    Blog Post
    ...editing efficiency decreasing off-target effects In 2016, Akihiko Kondo’s lab created the Target-AID base...offers a 2.3 fold decrease in C->G and C->A products as well as a 2.3 fold decrease in indel formation... The beginnings of cytosine base editing Komor created the first cytosine base editor by coupling a which changes the U back to a C mutation. To increase base editing efficiency, you’d need a way to force...producing a double strand break. The BE3 system increased editing frequency to above 30% for a variety of...cytidine deaminase portion of the base editor to create SpCas9 base editors with editing windows as small... effects associated with base editing, the lab created HF-BE3, a base editor containing high fidelity ...
  9. New Optimized Genome-wide CRISPRko, CRISPRi, and CRISPRa Libraries

    Blog Post
    ...contain many sgRNAs per gene to increase confidence in the genetic screen. However, there are benefits conduct genome-wide gain of function screens. These screens can help reveal the function of lowly expressed...large-scale functional screens Read this blog post about genome-wide screening using CRISPR Resources...allowed scientists to easily perform genome-wide screens to effectively and efficiently investigate gene...resources and are particularly useful when trying to screen a limited number of cells like primary cells or... they conducted genome-wide negative selection screens with both A375 (melanoma) and AT29 (colon cancer...metrics to assess library performance in viability screens. Based on these metrics the Brunello library was...
  10. Hot Plasmids - February 2022

    Blog Post
    ...expanded the genetic screening toolkit by optimizing a Cas12a-based method for screens. Cas12a’s ability ...underutilized in genetic screens because of its lowered editing rate. This research aimed to increase the potential...parallel. Lastly, this Cas12a-based screening method was used to create a genome-wide library capable of ...single cassette provides increased simplicity for combinatorial genetic screens, and this optimized toolkit...imaging of cellular targets Optimized genetic screening technique using Cas12a for multiplexed gene perturbation...10.1038/s41467-019-10846-1.   Optimized genetic screening technique using Cas12a for multiplexed gene perturbation...Gabrielle Clouse While many CRISPR-based genetic screening methods have primarily used Cas9 to knock out ...
  11. CRISPR Kinome Libraries Available: Pooled and Individual Plasmid Formats

    Blog Post
    ...Library Screening Why the kinome? While properly designed perturbations – in the case of screens using the Broad Institute, John Doench. A genetic screening project can be a tremendous undertaking,, gRNAs to knockout genes – are essential screening components, the model system and the assay to do it huge, there are times when a more incremental approach is prudent. What's in the CRISPR kinome... in two sets, each with 4 gRNAs per kinase, so screens can be performed with either 4 or 8 gRNAs per gene...found in genome-wide libraries, and thus can be screened in pooled format at a more-typical scale of tissue.... The individual plasmids will be useful when screening for phenotypes, such as cell-non-autonomous effects...
  12. Enhancing CRISPR Targeting Specificity with eSpCas9, SpCas9-HF1, & HypaCas9

    Blog Post
    ... target strand and the gRNA. Created with To decrease the electropositivity of the ...unwanted changes at non-target sites. Means to decrease these so-called “off-target effects” have included...lower on-target efficiency, and sometimes even increase off-target effects, respectively. Recognizing ...School, and the Doudna Lab at Berkeley set out to decrease the off target effects of CRISPR/Cas9 by hypothesized that Cas9 cutting efficiency increases when target DNA strand separation is stabilized...higher propensity to reform double helices and decrease Cas9 cutting efficiency. However, this is not ...being cut. Slaymaker et al reasoned that, if they decreased the positive charge in the HNH/RuvC groove, then...
  13. CRISPR 101: Validating Your Genome Edit

    Blog Post
    ...are ready to begin the screening process. Want to set yourself up for a screening success? Before you start...need to screen hundreds of clones looking for your edit of interest. For all of the screening strategies...phase of your experiment for a screening strategy. Restriction enzyme screening is sensitive to single base...needle in a haystack before going on to generate and screen individual clones. If a clonal line isn’t your ... isn’t a multiple of three will do. A popular screening method for knockouts is Tracking of Indels by ... the minimum number of clones you would have to screen to identify a knockout clone. For example, if your...interest. Thus, to find a null clone, you should screen, at the very least, 4 clones. Did you use a dual...
  14. Corralling and Cornering the Goldilocks Antibody

    Blog Post
    ...specific markers. The Screening Criteria While choosing which antibodies to screen, we kept in mind our...We therefore use both rAb and mAB in our screening. To screen the antibodies, we have developed a criterion...and his lab members (like me!) are dedicated to creating a public and accessible database for low-cost,...Initiative Cell Census Network, the Wu lab will be screening over 3,000 antibodies for use in mice and human...batch-to-batch variability found in polyclonal antibodies, creating a potentially unlimited supply of identical antibodies...antibodies; Addgene collaborates with these companies to create and provide general availability of their see the reproducibility and accuracy while screening. We also compare different clones of the same ...
  15. xCas9: Engineering a CRISPR Variant with PAM Flexibility

    Blog Post
    ...genome-wide off-targets, since increasing PAM flexibility might also increase off-target activity. Surprisingly...gone one step further, using directed evolution to create xCas9, an enzyme recognizing a broad range of PAMs...PAMs like NG, GAA, and GAT, but also displaying increased editing specificity. We’re excited to learn more...easy, right? Yes and no. If you’re just trying to create a knockout, you might be happy targeting anywhere...precise edits or knock-ins. Editing efficiency decreases drastically once your cut site is more than 10...insertion site. Base editing, another method to create point mutations, also has a strict editing window... PAM sequences and/or broader PAM flexibility. Creating xCas9 through directed evolution Hu et al. used...
Showing: 261 - 280 of 951 results