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Showing: 241 - 260 of 275 results
  1. Bioinformatics at Addgene

    Blog Post
    ...without having to translate or convert programs to a uniform language.  The modern architecture of Nextflow ...
  2. Plasmids 101: Control Plasmids

    Blog Post
    ...and repeats—what is the difference and is it significant? Vaux DL, et al. EMBO Rep. Apr; 13(4): 291–296...
  3. Hot Plasmids - November 2023

    Blog Post
    ...efficient for short, unstructured templates and significantly reduced undesired edits (indels, etc.), while...
  4. March for Science

    Blog Post (15) While marchers are a group with one unifying interest (the advancement and inclusion of science...
Showing: 241 - 260 of 275 results