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Showing: 241 - 260 of 945 results
  1. Addgene's Cancer Collection Pages Connect the Research Community

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    ...specific genes involved. Downregulation of tumor suppressors and upregulation of proto-oncogenes ­­­can...while simultaneously stimulating growth and division. The combined effect is unregulated proliferation. Another...cases arise and millions of people die from cancer-related complications each year. Despite these grim statistics...cells still need to successfully infiltrate the circulatory or lymph systems to spread, or metastasize. Many...Many cancerous cells will die trying, as the circulatory and lymph systems are not ideal environments ...Ras researchers, one of the most exciting and relatively new resources is the RAS Pathway Clone Collection...set of vectors for use with the Gateway Cloning Platform (Life Technologies, Carlsbad, CA) that represents...
  2. Simplify Cloning with in vivo Assembly

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    ...enzyme specifically cuts methylated DNA, so it will selectively destroy the template, but not newly synthesized...-55 °C for the homologous region (calculated using Oligo Calculator). Insertions - To insert short sequences...confirm primer design.  Use minimal template DNA Use 1 ng of PCR template DNA to minimize false positive colonies...for example for subcloning genes from different templates. All PCRs are run as an 18 cycle, 25 μl single-tube...Primers consist of two regions: the 3’ end binds template DNA for PCR amplification, while modifications...sequences are encoded at the 5’ end. First design the template binding region, with a melting temperature (Tm... bp, such as epitope tags, design primers with template binding regions to amplify away from the insertion...
  3. CRISPR 101: Making a Knock-In Cell Line

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    ...knock-out. The goal of a knock-out is to disrupt DNA translation by generating a frameshift mutation. The to introduce the edit. Finally, you must stipulate what sequence to introduce, which is done through... will guide the cell to use the donor DNA as a template for repair, which will result in the incorporation... knock-in! So how does the donor get used as a template for repair? Read on to find out! recommended you check your cell lines for HR-related mutations before attempting knock-ins by HDR. ...basis of the HDR pathway relies on repair from a template molecule, which is usually an endogenously available...and uses the ends of the ssDNA to find a repair template. The highest HDR efficiency is observed when inserts...
  4. Minigenomes - a Safe Way to Study Dangerous Viruses Like the Ebola Virus

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    ...terminate transcription and polyadenylate the mRNA. These mRNAs are translated by cellular host machinery...gene start) and a transcription termination/polyadenylation signal sequence (gene end). A minigenome is...minigenome are transcribed (and the viral mRNAs are translated) by cellular machinery. NP encapsidates the negative...then recognizes the encapsidated minigenome as a template for replication and transcription, as it would... necessary control elements for each would be relatively large. Cloning the viral genes in this plasmid...-minigenome). The anti-minigenome is used as a template by the viral polymerase to synthesize additional...addition, the polymerase will use the minigenome as a template to transcribe the reporter gene (e.g. firefly ...
  5. Tips from the Repository Trenches: Using Barcodes to Track Samples

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    ...location which can all be extrapolated from the 2D barcode and LIMS: Barcoded Tube Plate Freezer Rack Freezer... location within a plate that can hold up to 96 tubes (see image below). Each plate has numbers and letters... Each sample that is transformed is plated onto a petri dish plate that is also barcoded. The barcodes... to give coordinates, from A1 through H12. Each plate is also barcoded with a 10 digit barcode and then...rack that contains five levels that can hold five plates on each level. This rack is located in one of five...sample type. It is critical for us to know which plate, rack, and freezer each sample is located in. Otherwise...identifies the contents of each individual tube.  If a plate of samples is ever dropped, we can simply scan the...
  6. Using Video to Share Your Science: We Share Science

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    ...not hosted on the platform, they can be hosted on YouTube, Vimeo, and other platforms (such as university...economics, or maybe even biology or international relations.  Many of the challenges in science today are ...appealing to many audiences. While all of these platforms were developing, Google acquired Youtube and has...quickly. Taking what I loved from each of these platforms (such as social networking, visual appeal, instant... across multiple other sites), I created a new platform for sharing video abstracts about research: WeShareScience is a free platform for sharing short, 3 to 5 minute videos about websites). WeShareScience is a social platform that provides links to the videos, keeping the copyright...
  7. Hassle-free 96-well Format Epitope Tagging Using Cas9 Ribonucleoprotein

    Blog Post the template strand. Therefore, I suggest that picking a crRNA complementary to the template strand...bound by a protein of interest are pulled-down and later coupled to high-throughput sequencing to identify...optimized to achieve high knock-in efficiency. To calculate the tagging efficiency in the transfected cells...tagging experiments by assembling csRNPs in a 96-well plate format and tested parallel tag knock-in for 96 different...single go (Figure 3). We were able to tag >30 genes/plate in the first shot with typical knock-in efficiencies...knock-in experiment were pre-assembled in a 96-well plate. Glioma stem cells were transfected in 96-well format...device; 5 days after the transfection, the entire plate was scanned for V5 tagging using an Operetta imaging...
  8. Addgene-Seeding Labs plasmid grant round 3: microbial drug resistance and biofilms, antidiabetic plant components, visualizing brain injury - and a glowing robot fish

    Blog Post
    ...microscopy methods will be used to stimulate and manipulate neural populations in order to get new insights ...current research, Sheen aims to identify new genes related to PZA-resistance by using different approaches...understanding of PZA action and could potentially stimulate the development of useful diagnostic methods and...collection of pathogenic Klebsiella and Pseudomonas isolates causing urinary tract infections. This create gene deletions of important unknown regulatory regions in Pseudomonas and Klebsiella spp. The... several diseases. Her goal is to identify and isolate pure plant compounds with antidiabetic properties...Recombinant human proteins that play a role in insulin regulation and diabetes will be expressed from plasmids ...
  9. K. phaffii: Rising to the Occasion

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    ...for post-translational modification of recombinant protein products, specifically glycosylation. The native...eukaryotic model organism – its genome is easy to manipulate, it’s affordable, and it grows fast to boot. ...doubling time of ~ 2 hours) Amenable to genetic manipulation The first eukaryote (S. cerevisiae) to have...glucose or glycerol). K. phaffii is only distantly related to S. pombe and S. cerevisiae; evolutionarily it...native glycosylation machinery of K. phaffii lacks certain terminal mannose glycopeptides (which most K. phaffii since it produces ‘human-like’ glycosylated proteins. Peroxisome studies Peroxisomes are...biogenesis, degradation, and proliferation. Genome manipulation K. phaffii’s genome has been sequenced for some...
  10. Addgene Welcomes John Doench to the Advisory Board

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    ...of how miRNAs regulate their targets and what confers specificity in the miRNA regulatory process. This... the then RNAi Platform, which has since evolved into the Genetic Perturbation Platform and encompasses...Associate Director of the Genetic Perturbation Platform at the Broad Institute and has worked with many... up on a Saturday at like 7 am to go check your plates and you’re excited to do so, you know that” After recognizing his love for science and later realizing that he wanted to continue doing research...The model that the Broad was building that had Platforms with a capital ‘P’ focused on technology ... has...enjoys working on technology development under the Platform model at the Broad Institute because they are ...
  11. Fluorescent Proteins 101: Luciferase

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    ...investigate the effect of regulatory elements, such as promoters, enhancers and untranslated regions, or the effect...effect of mutations of these regulatory elements on gene expression. The regulatory element (wild-type or mutant...Higher Lower Background Lower Higher Post-translational Modification Not Required Required Photobleaching...Biological sources of luciferase Although luciferase isolated from the firefly beetle (Photinus pyralis) is ...Luciferin ATP No Japanese firefly(Luciola cruciate/lateralis)Italian firefly(Luciola italica)Southern Russian... produce light, often with a luminometer or scintillation counter, and the activity measurement can then...then be used to quantify the effect of the regulatory element. Depending on the specific luciferase used...
  12. Hot Plasmids: Summer 2024

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    ...the recombinase handles the installation of the donor sequence. The latest work evolves and engineers ...D3L, releasing the autoinhibition and stimulating the methylation of nearby CpG sites on the target DNA...problematic for low-abundance targets or natively isolated complexes. To address these limitations, the Funabiki...Funabiki Lab developed a technique called Magnetic Isolation and Concentration (MagIC)-cryo-EM that combines...streptavidin-coated magnetic beads through an assembly of biotinylated SpyTag-SpyCatcher linkers and spacer sample loss. Ci Ji Lim’s lab found that adding Late Embryogenesis Abundant (LEA) proteins, small proteins...particle orientation distribution and Fourier-shell correlation curve (D), and the reconstructed 3D map with ...
  13. SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 Detection Methods Based on CRISPR/Cas

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    ...detected using lateral flow strips. Since the probes are tagged with streptavidin, the lateral flow strip ...concept to lateral flow strips that contain streptavidin which can bind to the biotinylated targets. They...earlier epicenters of the outbreak ultimately flattening the curve, it has become evident that widespread...fluorescence and this approach can be incorporated into a lateral-flow readout slip that allows rapid detection.  ...substrate, gets activated and performs non-specific collateral cleavage. This cleavage is coupled to fluorescence.... In this technique, however, instead of using lateral flow strips to detect the cleavage of fluorescently...hours Equipment needed: PCR machines/Heat blocks, Lateral flow strips, Agarose gel equipment, Fluorescent...
  14. Antibodies 101: Beyond Surface Labeling

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    ...receptors, or post-translational modifications on those proteins, like glycosylation patterns. Surface ...only be interested in one of the various cell populations; for example, CD8+ T (“T killer”) cells. Typically... simply “dump” them by gating on the negative population.     Figure 2: Dump gating labels all...allowing for a flow analysis to be shifted to a later day. Note that intracellular labeling must be performed...method, differences in proliferation between cell populations can be visualized, achieved through, for example...heterogenicity of proliferative behavior in a cell population can be seen as a stepwise decrease in signal ...easily gated on during the analysis. Conclusion Congratulations! You made it through this blog post and hopefully...
  15. Cas13d: Small RNA-targeting CRISPR enzymes for transcriptome engineering

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    ...cleavage promotes collateral cleavage of other RNAs. As with other Cas13s, this collateral cleavage does ...These small, but mighty type VI-D enzymes are the latest tools in the transcriptome engineering toolbox....identified other advantages, including Cas13d-specific regulatory proteins and high targeting efficiency, both ...accessory protein RspWYL1 increases both targeted and collateral RNA degradation by RspCas13d. RspWYL1 also increased...WYL domain-containing proteins may be broader regulators of Cas13d activity. This property makes WYL proteins...counterpart to anti-CRISPR proteins that negatively modulate the activity of Cas enzymes, some of which are...Konermann et al. compared CasRx to multiple RNA regulating methods: small hairpin RNA interference, dCas9...
  16. Troubleshooting Your Plasmid Cloning Experiment

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    ...of cells. The antibiotic in your plate might not work. Check the plates! Streak on them an E. coli you at this stage and that can be used to simulate in silico cloning. This will definitely help in...enzymes that you are using are not blocked by methylation like XbaI, ClaI, etc. If you are doing multiple...Design primers that overlap at least 24 bp with the template and if the sequence has high GC or AT content,...if you are having difficulties in amplifying a template, particularly from a large genome, you can recheck...have no colonies, check that the antibiotic in the plate correspond to the antibiotic resistance marker present...growing fine, it is probably time to prepare new plates with a fresh stock of antibiotic. Many small colonies...
  17. Announcing the Winners of the 2021 Michael Davidson and Roger Tsien Commemorative Conference Awards

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    ...Roger Tsien Commemorative Conference Awards. Congratulations to the five winners! Abhi Aggarwal Brandán... a conference of their choice while honoring the late Michael Davidson and Roger Tsien who have played...thiol-containing acceptors. These hydropersulfides modulate protein activity and have important roles during...opioid use disorder. Her goal is to identify cell populations in the brain that contribute to the development...functional contribution to a variety of behaviors related to addiction and pain. Once these are completed...neurons using GCaMP7, measuring calcium signaling related fluorescence during morphine administration and...resulted in mechanical allodynia. With the dual regulation, she could then use pulses of blue light to activate...
  18. Supporting Rare Disease Research with the 2020 BeHEARD Awards

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    ...plasmid-based tools for rare disease research. Congratulations to the winners! Below, we highlight their research...patient-mutation bearing knock-in mouse model for CTD. Congratulations the Association for Creatine Deficiencies! ...identify therapeutic targets in the future. Congratulations Mark Mellett! Siddharth Prakash: X chromosome...50-100 times higher than women in the general population,” says Dr. Siddharth Prakash, an associate professor...The lab hypothesized that this is abnormally deregulated in TS and can lead to cardiac developmental defects...cause heart problems in TS,” says Prakash. Congratulations Siddharth Prakash! Terry Hébert: How GNB1 mutations...GPCRs) detect molecules outside of the cell and translate those signals into cellular responses. For example...
  19. Advice on Career Paths and the Green Card Process for International Researchers and Entrepreneurs

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    ... as law, medical/technical writing, clinical, regulatory, product development, business development, consulting...foreign workers in specialty occupations. US regulations define a "specialty occupation" as requiring ...paths are not the only place to develop “industry related skills”. Many career paths in academia as well ...look broadly at opportunities to develop skills related to their areas of interest. Additionally, since...institutions of higher education nonprofit entities related to or affiliated with institutions of higher education...applicant works at institutions of higher education, a related or affiliated nonprofit entity, or nonprofit research...awards, media reports, and membership in groups related to the foreign national’s field.” (Matter of Dhanasar...
  20. Early Career Researcher Toolbox: Finding Relevant Papers

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    ... real challenge is finding relevant papers. The latest installment of the Early Career Researcher Toolbox...highlight four tools for finding journal articles related to your actual interests while also staying on ...around since 1996, but is getting an update! The latest version can be found here. The new PubMed will ...these types of accounts can help you find papers related to a particular topic or that were published by...tweet about papers too. You can follow journals related to your field of research or larger journals that...can bookmark a tweet in order to easily access it later. Pro tip Checking the number of retweets, likes,...who published the most papers with your keyword populated at the top of this filter. A unique feature of...
Showing: 241 - 260 of 945 results