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Showing: 221 - 240 of 293 results
  1. PhD Applications After COVID

    Blog Post
    ...Potential PIs Even if you’re applying to a school that requires its students to do rotations in different labs...
  2. An Introduction to Adenovirus

    Blog Post
    ...sense of what AdVs are about – and we hope that it inspires further use of existing vectors, as well as research...
  3. Plasmids 101: Colony PCR

    Blog Post
    ...Molecular cloning requires some method of screening colonies for the presence of an insert. Traditionally...
  4. CRISPR Antimicrobials

    Blog Post
    ...PMC4466736. 5. Ando, Hiroki, Sebastien Lemire, Diana P. Pires, and Timothy K. Lu. “Engineering Modular Viral Scaffolds...
  5. Plasmids 101: Protein tags

    Blog Post
    ...cytometry, but rarely used for purification as elution requires low pH poly His HHHHHH  0.8 Affinity and Purification...
Showing: 221 - 240 of 293 results