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Showing: 181 - 200 of 625 results
  1. Viral Vectors 101: Virus Safety

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    ...a retroviral system this looks like the genetic cargo in one plasmid (the transfer plasmid), the envelope...onto distinct plasmids for safety.    Viral cargo-specific safety   After replication competency, ...construct is being delivered, that is a higher risk cargo for a researcher to come into contact with than ...than GFP. Similarly, if the viral vector carries an shRNA to a gene essential for cellular function, this...integrating viruses – they physically deposit their cargo into the host’s DNA. These viruses also have a propensity...
  2. Tips for Titering Your Lentiviral Preps

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    ...The day has arrived; you’ve painstakingly cared for your packaging cell line, prepped your DNA, transfected...your virus and assaying for expression of a gene carried on the transfer plasmid or quantifying the number... low levels of virus and can be used to track carryover. Functional titer Functional titer is considered...This method is particularly useful when vectors carrying fluorescent markers are used as it eliminates ...approach utilizes the antibiotic resistance genes carried on transfer plasmids. Target cells are transduced...
  3. Gaining Leadership Skills Volunteering at a Professional Organization

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    ...negotiation skills that would be useful in many careers. I learnt that the overall voice may not always...postdocs and graduate students to think about their career options, gaining transferable skills such as leadership...assist you and make you more qualified for future career opportunities. Becoming involved is not too difficult...JulietAdvocSci.        Further Reading Find more Career articles on the Addgene Blog Read Joanne Kamen'... career...
  4. Viral Vectors 101: Systemic Capsids

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    ... delivery to the brain. The AAV (a) capsid, (b) cargo, and (c) delivery method determine cell type- or...or retrograde transport in neurons. (b) Genetic cargo can be customized to control transgene expression...have many of the same restrictions, like limited cargo space (~4.7 kb) for your genetic payload — there...miRNAs, enhancers, and switches all take up precious cargo space in AAV vectors. Dual expression systems, which...published systemic AAVs to find commonly used vector cargo designs and administration doses. Note: If capsid...AAV technology for delivering genetically encoded cargo to the nonhuman primate nervous system. Current ...throughout the central nervous system. Nature Cardiovascular Research, 1(4), Article 4.
  5. Academic vs. Industry Postdocs

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    ...Like any major life decision, the transition felt scary. While I knew two people from graduate school who...March, and the jobs are mixed into the general careers section of their web site. Each position is for...opportunities to help you with the next step in your career.   Many thanks to our guest blogger, Laura Desrochers...Additional resources on the Addgene blog Check out all careers related blog posts here Find 9 tips for a Find open positions at Addgene Check out our career videos ...
  6. Delivery Methods for Generating iPSCs

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    ... by loxP sites. While there is only a small loxP scar behind at the site of excision, this approach is...insertional mutagenesis, the presence of a genetic scar, and incomplete silencing of transgenes. Overall...antigen-1 (EBNA1) based episomes: These plasmids carry the origin of replication (oriP) element and the...5. González, Federico, Stéphanie Boué, and Juan Carlos Izpisúa Belmonte. "Methods for making induced pluripotent... pluripotent stem cells: reprogramming à la carte." Nature Reviews Genetics 12, no. 4 (2011): 231-42. ...Mouse Expression Vectors Human Expression Vectors Carey et al Hockemeyer et al Brambrink et al Maherali...
  7. Transferable Skills Guide: Identifying Your Transferable Skills

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    ...non-academic science careers Learn about mentoring Resources on Check out our careers page Watch ...Creativity Data analysis Listening Negotiation Career Planning Resources Cross team communication  External...Watch our career videos ... career...
  8. Capturing a Moment with Marc Zimmer’s “The State of Science”

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    ...politicized. It would be nearly impossible for a career scientist such as Zimmer to introduce any one of...otherwise follows science closely through their careers or hobbies, are unlikely to be surprised by many...been aware of these problems since I began my own career over 20 years ago, and I’m sure they were, but it’s unclear how much they will actually care. The section of the book I’d really like to press...they need to grasp the challenges you face in your career.  Acknowledgements: I would like to thank fellow...
  9. Changing Labor Laws Bring Increased Postdoc Wages

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    ...Symposia Prepare Yourself for a New Career in Science with Our Career Readiness Posts Learn Good Management...paying them overtime accordingly. Read Additional Career Posts on the Addgene Blog How did this change in...immediately lose jobs; that tenured professors/mid-career scientists/junior faculty will all be most/least...Scientists Resources on Learn about Careers at Addgene ...
  10. Plasmids 101: Broad Host Range Plasmids

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    ...Enterobacter sp., Erwinia amylovora, E. carotovora subsp. Carotovora, E. herbicola, E. rubrifaciens, E. stewartii...can replicate and stably maintain the genes they carry among organisms belonging to many different phylogenetic...self-transmissible, meaning that the plasmid is conjugative and carries the genes necessary for transfer initiation between...Caulobacter crescentus, Desulfovibrio vulgaris, Erwinia carotovora, E. chrysanthemi, Escherichia coli, Gluconacetobacter...
  11. The Challenges of Cell Culture

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    ...all experiments carried out on low passage cells and this means you can regularly discard the cells you ...Resistance and Metastatic Potential in Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma, Up-Regulation of pVHL along with Down-Regulation.... The main difference is the QC and validation carried out by the commercial repository. Repositories ...also provides standards and has laboratories to carry our independent quality control for a range of testing...
  12. Hot Plasmids: Summer 2024

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    ...editing can integrate DNA cargoes of 80–100 bp, PASSIGE can integrate cargoes over a hundred times that... Structural determination on magnetic beads for scarce macromolecules in heterogeneous samples. bioRxiv...transduce cells directly with ribonucleoprotein cargo. eVLPs contain no genetic material, which ensures... transduced cells, limiting off-target editing. Cargo size limits are also less stringent for eVLPs than...
  13. Bringing Renewable Energy to Addgene

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    ...swapping out printer cartridges can place the spent cartridge in the large cardboard box in the copy area...area. These spent cartridges are returned to Xerox for recycle and reuse, reducing the need for the production...
  14. Tips for Working in Industry & Success in Management: Interview with Crystal Shih

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    ...- listen to learn more about Crystal’s exciting career path, to gain insight into industry research, and...and to get advice on how to succeed in your own career. One pro tip from Crystal - be agile and willing...Novartis. The importance of mentorship in developing career skills. Outro Many thanks to our guest, Crystal...Scientists Series Learn about Turning Your PhD into a Career with Joanne Kamens' AMA Get tips on Writing a Great...
  15. Mycoplasma Contamination: Where Does It Come From and How to Prevent It

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    ...are seen in the culture, it is a good option to discard the flasks (unless the source of culture is irreplaceable...the prevention steps start from you. If you are careful enough to provide a sterile environment for work...sneeze or cough. Wear gloves while working and discard them after use. Human contact can spread contamination...contamination, what do you do next? The best way is to discard the infected cell culture flasks. In cases where...contamination rather than eradicating it later. Don’t be scared when mycoplasma infects your cell cultures because...
  16. A History of Genome Engineering in Popular Culture

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    ...MacLeod, and Maclyn McCarty’s experiment debunked the myth that protein is the carrier of genetic information...of our research.  Want the Genome Editing Trading Card seen in this blog post?Download high resolution ...10.1038/s41586-019-1711-4 Avery OT, MacLeod CM, McCarty M (1944) STUDIES ON THE CHEMICAL NATURE OF THE ...137–158 . Carroll D (2011) Genome Engineering With Zinc-Finger Nucleases...
  17. Science Communication for Everyone

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    ...Sign up to receive our science career guide Learn about different careers in science communication Resources...without having to extensively use Google search. Be careful about hidden connotations behind a word. Non-scientists...ambassador, SfN community leader, and an early research career panelist at BioTechniques.     Additional resources...
  18. With an Eye Towards the Future, We Look Back at the March for Science

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    ...are tempted to seek out alternative evidence and discard inconvenient findings. Yet, we cannot prosper in...propaganda that limits access to full reproductive health care. And it’s needed most in low-income and minority...W – Mark Lucera I am a passionate scientist.  I care about my work because it's important to our health...I had no idea what to expect. Admittedly, I was scared. I worried that, because we were speaking out against...ever thinking that research scientist would be a career that could simply cease to exist. But then November...
  19. Scientist Networking: What is an Informational Interview?

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    ...learn about the myriad of diverse, nonacademic careers that will be available once they have a graduate...other research project. You’ve met someone whose career interests you or you want to pursue someone doing...nonthreatening request to discuss experience, interests and career path. Because there is no demand for a favor, the...opportunity to learn. Additional Reading More "Career Advice for Scientists" posts  ...
  20. 6 Steps to Submitting a Resume That Gets Seen

    Blog Post career search.  You might also enjoy the other posts in the Addgene Blog Scientist Careers Series...of a job application. 3) Read job descriptions carefully Be open minded and be bold. You don’t have to ... careers...
Showing: 181 - 200 of 625 results