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  1. Genomic Deletions in Mammalian Cell Lines

    ...Table 4 ). Design Deletion Screening Primers Design one set of primers internal to the sequence to be deleted...promoter forward primer: CGTAACTTGAAAGTATTTCGATTTCTTGGC. This is a representative sequencing primer; other flanking...10 μl 2x PCR mix, 0.5 μl forward primer (10 μM), 0.5 μl reverse primer (10 μM), 50-100 ng gDNA, and H 2...deleted (“non-deletion band”) and another set of primers upstream and downstream of the sgRNA cleavage sites...too large to efficiently amplify. Typically use primers at least 100 bp from the predicted cleavage site...indel at the sgRNA target site. Design additional primers to analyze for scarring (small indels produced ...intended deletion). Use a pair of forward and reverse primers flanking each sgRNA target site (within 150 - 350...
  2. Plasmids 101: Colony PCR

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    ...strategies for primer design: 1) insert-specific primers, 2) backbone-specific primers, and 3) orientation-specific...orientation-specific primers.       Insert-specific primers: Insert-specific primers are designed to anneal...Backbone-specific primers: A second option is to design backbone-specific primers. These primers are primers to detect the presence of your insert; 2) set up a standard PCR reaction (primers, dNTPs...colony PCR primers The first and perhaps most important step to colony PCR is designing primers. There are... of this type of primer pair anneals to a sequence flanking the insert and one primer anneals to the insert...this type of primer pair is to mix-and-match insert-specific and back-bone specific primers. Find Empty...
  3. Plasmid Cloning by PCR

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    ...recipient plasmid. Designing primers for PCR based cloning     The basic PCR primers for molecular to the forward primer and the downstream restriction site to the reverse primer. Next, we need to (GAATTC) to the 5’ end of this primer, making our Forward Primer 5'-GAATTCATGTGGCATATCTCGAAGTAC-3'.... within your primer. In our case, we will add TAAGCA, resulting in a final Forward Primer sequence of ...interest for Gibson assembly. The steps following primer design and the PCR process itself are very similar...Sequence: Extra base pairs on the 5' end of the primer assist with restriction enzyme digestion (usually...8bp) Hybridization Sequence: The region of the primer that binds to the sequence to be amplified (usually...
  4. Simplify Cloning with in vivo Assembly

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    ...carefully designed primers. The majority of mistakes are due to incorrect primer sequences! Primers consist of...ultracompetent (109 CFU/μg) cells. Primer design Using specific primer design (Figure 2), IVA cloning can... forward primer by adding a short sequence complementary to the 5’ end of the reverse primer. Mutagenesis...with separate primer pairs in the same PCR. Add homologous sequences to one of the primer pairs to adding all the necessary primers to the same PCR mix. Pairs of primers will amplify the whole vector...modifications and homologous regions can be encoded in the primer sequences. Multiple plasmids can be included in...mutagenesis to complex assembly of multiple genes. Primer design for each type of modification is shown in...
  5. Deep Dive: qPCR

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    ...Adapted from Wong, 2018   Primers Design of primers and probes Primer design, of course, could easily...probes/primers often offer higher allelic specificity, due to the need for the target:probe/primer bonds... included in the 5’ primer Yes Yes. Agarose gel  LUX fluorogenic primers Low Single self-quenching... molecule connected to a primer  No Yes Agarose gel Sunrise primers   Low Reporter and quencher... weighted towards the ends of the primers. Concentration of primers should be between 100 and 400 nm and...temperature 5-10 degrees above the primer and be at least 25 bp away from each primer, ideally located close to...either the forward or the reverse primer.  There is a list of useful primer design resources in the References...
  6. Addgene's Tips for Plasmid Quality Control

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    ...custom primers. Remember, when designing a sequencing primer, you need some space between your primer primers to sequence the important features. You can use primer design software such as Primer3 to ...database of over 2000 primers. Two 96-well PCR plates are prepared with the primer stocks for forward and... designing a primer specifically to target this region, as outlined above. Avoid primers that bind within...strain, media supplements), suggested sequencing primers, or mammalian selection markers. You don’t need...standard backbone with one insert, and can use common primers to sequence from the backbone into the insert. ...image above). We then select forward and reverse primers for each sample with the help of DNA-editing software...
  7. Early Career Researcher Toolbox: Free Online Molecular Biology Tools

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    ...Primer3Plus: For general primer design Design primers for Goldengate cloning   Design primers for In-Fusion Cloning... general primer design, as well as primer design for different cloning applications. Primer3 and Primer3Plus...applications Primer design tools Many of the above-listed plasmid mapping tools have built-in primer design ...For hairpin analysis, Tm and primer dimer estimation, and other primer characteristics. NEB Data-optimized...Primer design. Plasmid mapping. DNA sequence analysis. We all have our favorite tools for tackling these...Cloning Design primers for Gibson Assembly and NEB HiFi DNA Assembly  OligoAnalyzer Tool from IDT: For...Molarity calculator Promega's Biomath Calculators Primer resuspension calculator (sign-in required.)  DailyCalcs...
  8. Plasmids 101: Screening Strategies Used in Plasmid Cloning

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    ...vector-specific primers, look for size differences. You can also use primers where one primer anneals to the...insert, either by using primers that are specific to your insert or by using primers that are vector specific...first need a primer that complements your plasmid sequence. Start with a backbone-specific primer that will...popular sequencing primers in our Molecular Biology Reference. Sometimes common  primers can't provide all...custom primer. Because Sanger sequencing can usually sequence just 1 kb of DNA, custom primers are especially...potential insert. If you’re using insert-specific primers, you should expect a PCR product if the plasmid... the insert and the other primer anneals to the backbone. In this case, if there is no insert in the plasmid...
  9. Site Directed Mutagenesis by PCR

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    ... using the primers specified by the arrowheads in (A). Experimental guidelines Primer Design As a.... Forward and reverse primers are designed to be complementary, but each primer may extend beyond the ..., multimerization of the PCR primers can cause duplication of the primer sequence in the resulting plasmid...-mutations can be introduced to plasmids using primers (with the desired mutation) in a PCR protocol that...Plasmids. A) Generation of mutagenized plasmids. PCR primers (green) amplify the plasmid template (blue), and...digestion (blue). Digestion with enzyme “B” detects primer multimerization (purple) which is evident by an...usually 1-3 mismatched bases) is sufficient for your primers to successfully anneal to the plasmid of interest...
  10. Polymerase Chain Reaction Overview and Applications

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    ...stranded DNA primers that bind upstream (5’) and downstream (3’) of the DNA region of interest. Primers are crucial... the forward and reverse primers are stable. At this temperature the primers can anneal to the single ...and reverse primer sets.  Multiple template PCR - multiple templates with different primer pairs that... steps Taq polymerase can copy DNA between the primers using the dNTPs.  Let’s jump into the specifics...stable at this temperature and can bind to the primers.  Extension- The temperature is then raised slightly...protocol video and reference on how to design PCR primers.  Types of PCR Since the invention of PCR, different...amplified in a single PCR experiment using multiple primers all in one PCR reaction. This is an extremely useful...
  11. Deep Mutational Scanning with One Pot Saturation Mutagenesis

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    ...mutagenic primer pair to generate an individual mutant, this technique uses mutagenic primers that and multiple primer sets tile across the protein or region of interest. A low primer-to-template ratio...How should I design my mutagenic primers? The key is to design primers that are the same sense as the mutagenesis PCR that uses mutagenic primers to introduce all desired codon changes (step 1 ...1 in the image above). A second universal primer is used to synthesize a complementary mutant strand (... Synthesize mutant strand: A mix of degenerate primers and the high-fidelity Phusion polymerase are used...the newly synthesized DNA strand. Each degenerate primer set contains three consecutive randomized bases...
  12. Synthetic Biology - Assembly Standards Guide

    ...sequences for each (these can be built into PCR primers when creating a new part, with an additional 5'...suffix will need to be reverse complimented for primer design. The restriction enzymes used for assembly...
  13. REPLACR Mutagenesis: Replacing In Vitro Recombination Methods

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    ...shows guidelines for primer design; a desired insertion should be present in both primers. When deleting a...the same technique just using a large primer known as a megaprimer. Piecing together multiple PCR products...point mutation, you design two oligonucleotide primers with the desired mutation, then use those to PCR...discussed methods. As described above, you design two primers, each containing the desired mutations, to amplify.... In addition to containing the mutations, the primers also have some homology to each other; ~17 bases... a region, both primers should cover the newly joined ends surrounding the deletion. REPLACR-mutagenesis...nucleotide insertion; beyond this insertion size, primer synthesis is more expensive than gBlock synthesis...
  14. Plasmids 101: Walkthrough of Addgene’s Snapgene-Powered Quality Control Process

    Blog Post
    ...designed many primers for Sanger sequencing at Addgene. By using Snapgene’s “Import primers from a list”...Snapgene for additional verification experiments: Primer and restriction digest design Some regions of plasmids...list” function, we can detect all of the primers we have designed that will anneal to the plasmid sequence...sequence. We can then quickly choose which primers we should use to further verify the difficult regions our plasmid maps, including our most popular primers and certain restriction enzymes, but you will also...
  15. CRISPR Plasmids - Prime Edit

    ...genomic DNA locus. The longer pegRNA also encodes a primer binding site (PBS) and the desired edits on a RT...and generates a 3’ flap. The 3’ flap binds to the primer binding site (PBS) of the pegRNA and the desired...
  16. Troubleshooting Your Plasmid Cloning Experiment

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    ...overlapping region of the primer to 40-60 bp. It is always a good idea to perform primer optimization, especially...large genome, you can recheck your primer design or optimize your primers or PCR conditions. Purifying DNA...complementary to standard sequencing primers. If not, design primers to sequence your insert. When you get...1-2 ug of the vector for digestion. PCR Design primers that overlap at least 24 bp with the template you with that, they can be open source (i.e. primer3) or provided by the major companies selling PCR...
  17. Improved Plasmid Maps Powered by SnapGene

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    ...Sequence” tabs. Primers This tab contains a table listing commonly used primers detected in a given...maps. Clearly Annotated Features, Enzymes, and Primers - The new maps have the identities of most features...functionalities. You can now hover over any feature, enzyme, primer, or ORF to learn more information about it. For...given nucleotide sequence. The table includes primer names, sequences, binding site locations, lengths, ..., and direction. Clicking on a particular primer here also highlights it in the “Map” and “Sequence” tabs...
  18. Plasmids 101: Gibson Assembly and Other Long-Homology Based Cloning Methods

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    ...fragments can be created via PCR amplification with primers that contain the appropriate homologous sequences.... NEB recommends an overlap of 15-40 bp, with a primer melting temperature greater than 48℃. Both Snapgene...Snapgene and NEB have tools that help you design primers for PCR amplification of fragments to incorporate...demonstration of how to use Snapgene’s program to design primers for Gibson Assembly. For a simple example of using...scars as depicted below. First, you need to design primers to amplify the two fragments while also including...of colonies. Excluding the time it takes to get primers, you can have your construct made in 5 days. One... between experiments. In Gibson assembly, long primers for each fragment must be designed and ordered,...
  19. CrispyCrunch: High-throughput Design and Analysis of CRISPR+HDR Experiments

    Blog Post guide RNAs, donor templates and sequencing primers for quality control. At such a scale, automation... project was spent selecting guides, designing primers, and running analyses. New team members have taken...CrispyCrunch, or you can input pre-existing guides for primer design. The ecosystem of CRISPR tools Before we found performed batch guide design, batch primer design or batch analysis. We wanted to relieve ...lines of code, we enabled it to return guides and primers in batch, optimized for HDR. Compared to wealth...inputting the target regions Design donor RNA Design primers Review and order reagents Perform your wet lab uses standard tools and databases, including primer3, biopython, bwa, samtools, bowtie, UCSC genome ...
Showing: 1 - 20 of 128 results