Plasmid#209047PurposeGateway-compatible entry vector, with insert of the full length TAF5 geneDepositorInsertTAF5 full length
UseGateway entry vectorTagsExpressionMammalianMutationPromoterAvailable sinceJune 20, 2024AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
Plasmid#196511PurposeExpress single-chain peptide-MHC (pp65 CMV epitope on HLA-A0201)DepositorInsertsingle chain of a pp65 peptide, b2m and HLA A0201
UseLentiviralTagsNAExpressionMammalianMutationY84CPromoterCMVAvailable sinceMarch 1, 2023AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
Plasmid#174335Purposeencodes hORAI1 with HA-tag in its extracellular loop 2 and an N-terminal GFP fusion (GFP-ORAI1-EC-HA).DepositorInserthuman Orai1 (ORAI1 Human)
UseTagsGFP in the N-terminus and HA tag in the extracell…ExpressionMammalianMutationPromoterCMVAvailable sinceDec. 9, 2021AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
p5E-MCS-c-Fos-b-globin (JDW 1237)
Plasmid#229829PurposeA gateway compatible 5' entry clone containing an MCS upstream of the murine c-fos minimal promotor and b-globin intron.DepositorInsertc-fos minimal promoter and b-globin intron
UseGateway entry cloneTagsExpressionMammalianMutationPromoterAvailable sinceFeb. 13, 2025AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
Plasmid#79503PurposeMultiSite Gateway entry clones, second fragment (attL5, attL2) Human YAP1 CDSDepositorInsertYAP1 (YAP1 Human)
UseMultisite gateway entry cloneTagsFLAGExpressionMutationPromoterno PromoterAvailable sinceMay 12, 2017AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
Plasmid#196513PurposeExpress single-chain pMHC with sequencing tag for 10x genomicsDepositorInsertsingle chain of a pp65 peptide, b2m and HLA A0201
UseLentiviralTagsNAExpressionMammalianMutationY84C, 10xgenomics compatible tagPromoterCMVAvailable sinceMay 15, 2023AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
Plasmid#63155PurposeMiddle Entry clone for Gateway containing a zebrafish codon-optimized Cas9 flanked by 2 NLS and followed by inframe GFP. Cas9 and GFP are separated by the sequence of a T2A self-cleaving peptide.DepositorInsertCas9-T2A-GFP
UseCRISPR; Tol2 middle entry vector for gatewayTagsExpressionMutationPromoterAvailable sinceApril 1, 2015AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
Plasmid#169043Purpose5' entry vector for Gateway cloning for expression in spinal motor neurons using 3 tandem repeats of the zebrafish mnx1 enhancer.DepositorInsertMnx1 enhancer (3x) (mnx1 Zebrafish)
UseGateway entry cloning vectorTagsExpressionMutationPromoter3xMnx1Available sinceJan. 26, 2022AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
YopH (residues 164-468)
Plasmid#79749PurposeThis plasmid encodes the active catalytic domain (amino acid residues 164-468) of YopH. Inteded for co-expression with human Tyr kinase plasmids to enhance bacterial kinase expression.DepositorInsertYopH (residues 164-468)
UseTagsExpressionBacterialMutationPromoterT7Available sinceNov. 21, 2016AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
pCK033 p5E desma MCS
Plasmid#195948PurposeGateway p5E vectorDepositorInsertdesmin a regulatory elements (desma Zebrafish)
UseOtherTagsExpressionMutationPromoterAvailable sinceFeb. 22, 2023AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only