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Expresses full-length Junctional adhesion molecule C precursor ectodomain in mammalian cells. C-terminal rat Cd4d3+4 tag, biotinylation sequence and His tag.
Donor template for mStayGold insertion into the C-terminus of the LAMP1 locus. For lysosome visualization. To be co-transfected with sgRNA plasmid px330-LAMP1 (Addgene #207787)
Expresses full-length Inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain H4 precursor ectodomain in mammalian cells. C-terminal rat Cd4d3+4 tag, biotinylation sequence and His tag.
Donor template for mScarlet insertion into the N-terminus of the LMNB1 locus for nuclear envelope visualization. To be co-transfected with sgRNA plasmid px330-PITCh-LMNB1 Addgene #207770
Expresses full-length Pro-epidermal growth factor precursor ectodomain in mammalian cells. C-terminal rat Cd4d3+4 tag, biotinylation sequence and His tag.
Expression vector for a sgRNA against BFP and spCas9-Ec86 RT fusion protein linked to mCherry via a T2A peptide. Donor template An was inserted in the Retron Ec86 msr-msd region by SpeI and AvrII.
Expression vector for a sgRNA against BFP and spCas9-Sa163 RT fusion protein linked to mCherry via a T2A peptide. Donor template An was inserted in the Retron Sa163 msr-msd region by SpeI and AvrII.
Expresses full-length Integrin beta-3 precursor ectodomain in mammalian cells. Stop codon before C-terminal rat Cd4d3+4 tag, biotinylation sequence and His tag.