Plasmid#189922PurposeAAV genome encoding SaABE8e and Sa sgRNA cassette on a single AAV, with BsmBI sites for protospacer installationDepositorInsertSaABE8e
UseAAVTagsExpressionMutationSaCas9 D10APromoterEFSAvailable sinceSept. 7, 2022AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
pEJS1084_pTetR-P2A-BFP/BspMI flexible sgRNA
Plasmid#117687PurposeU6 driven Spy sgRNA cloning vector where guide sequences are inserted between BspMI sites. This plasmid works with Addgene #108570 for subnuclear proteomic profiling via C-BERST method.DepositorInsertsKanamycin cassette
UseCRISPR and LentiviralTagsExpressionMammalianMutationPromoterU6 and hPGKAvailable sinceDec. 17, 2018AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
pJEP316-pAAV-U6SaCas9gRNA(SapI)-pA Empty Cassette
Plasmid#113693PurposeU6 driven SaCas9 gRNA expression cassette without a gRNA. SapI can be used to clone in gRNAs.DepositorInsertSaCas9 gRNA Cassete
UseAAV and CRISPRTagsExpressionMutationPromoterAvailable sinceDec. 11, 2018AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
pX601 miniCMV-SaCas9-SpA-sgRNA scaffold
Plasmid#107055PurposeBackbone vector for cloning in target sgRNA for use with SaCas9 (SauCas9)DepositorTypeEmpty backboneUseAAV and CRISPRTagsExpressionMammalianMutationPromoterAvailable sinceApril 18, 2018AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
Plasmid#138460Purposelenti sgRNA cloning backbone with MS2 loops and EF1a-MCP-KRABDepositorInsertMCP-KRAB-IRES-zsGreen1
UseCRISPR and LentiviralTagsExpressionMammalianMutationPromoterEF1AAvailable sinceOct. 7, 2020AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
pUC19-U6-BsmBI_cassette-Nme/Nme2Cas9-sgRNA (KAC32)
Plasmid#133794PurposeU6 promoter sgRNA entry vector used for all NmeCas9 or Nme2Cas9 sgRNAs (clone spacer oligos into BsmBI cassette) - similar to sgRNA architecture from Amrani et al. Genome Biology 2018DepositorInsertNmeCas9 and Nme2Cas9 sgRNA entry vector
UseTagsExpressionMammalianMutationsgRNA architecture from Amrani et al. Genome Biol…PromoterU6Available sinceMarch 30, 2020AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
Plasmid#138461Purposelenti sgRNA cloning backbone with MS2 loops and EF1a-MCP-VP64DepositorInsertMCP-VP64-IRES-zsGreen1
UseCRISPR and LentiviralTagsExpressionMammalianMutationPromoterEF1AAvailable sinceMay 15, 2020AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
Plasmid#201152PurposeLentiviral expression of S. pyogenes dead Cas9 (dCas9/dSpCas9/SpdCas9) fused to the KRAB domain as well as a gRNA targeting the tight TRE promoter and the blasticidin resistance gene.DepositorInsertsdCas9-KRAB
UseCRISPR and LentiviralTagsHAExpressionMutationgRNA sequence: TACGTTCTCTATCACTGATPromoterAvailable sinceJuly 25, 2023AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
pKL038 Lenti U6 dCas12a gRNA Puro mCherry
Plasmid#195546PurposedCas12a gRNA expression backboneDepositorInsertLenti U6- empty cassette_Direct repeat_puro_mcherry
UseCRISPR and LentiviralTagsExpressionMammalianMutationPromoterU6Available sinceMay 6, 2024AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
Plasmid#158990PurposeVector G encodes pAAV-pCMV-dSaCas9-VP64-spA-pU6-sgRNA (BsaI) transgenes for AAV packaging and expression of CRISPR activator in mammalian cellsDepositorInsertdSaCas9-VP64
UseAAV and CRISPRTagsExpressionMammalianMutationPromoterpCMVAvailable sinceAug. 29, 2020AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
Plasmid#92120PurposeExpression plasmid for both MS2-P65-HSF1 activator helper complex and sgRNA with two MS2 loops at tetraloop and stemloop 2 contains BsaI sites for insertion of spacer sequences.DepositorInsertMS2-P65-HSF1 (HSF1 Human, Synthetic)
UseCRISPRTagsExpressionMammalianMutationPromoterEF1aAvailable sinceOct. 31, 2017AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
Pzac2.1 U6-control sgRNA1, 2, 3_gfaABC1D mcherry SV40
Plasmid#179120PurposeExpresses control sgRNAs under the U6 promoter and mcherry protein specifically in astrocytesDepositorInsertcontrol sgRNA
UseAAVTagsExpressionMutationPromoterU6Available sinceNov. 4, 2022AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
Plasmid#201151PurposeLentiviral expression of S. aureus dead Cas9 (dCas9/dSaCas9/SadCas9) fused to the KRAB domain as well as a gRNA targeting the tight TRE promoter and the blasticidin resistance gene.DepositorInsertsSadCas9-KRAB
UseCRISPR and LentiviralTagsHAExpressionMutationgRNA sequence: ATCAGTGATAGAGAACGTATGPromoterAvailable sinceJuly 25, 2023AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
pX552-EF1a-DIO-mcherry(with gRNA scaffold)
Plasmid#199581PurposeExpresses mCherry in a Cre-dependent mannerDepositorInsertmCherry
UseAAV, CRISPR, and Cre/LoxTagsExpressionMammalianMutationPromoterEF1a intron A and U6Available sinceOct. 29, 2024AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
B52 (empty plasmid backbone to express 2 sgRNAs)
Plasmid#100708PurposeEmpty plasmid backbone to express 2 sgRNAs (use BbsI and BsmBI for cloning)DepositorTypeEmpty backboneUseCRISPRTagsExpressionMammalianMutationPromoterU6 promotersAvailable sinceSept. 6, 2017AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
pM123: pAAV-EFS-CasRx-control presgRNA
Plasmid#166871PurposeAAV vector for expressing CasRx and control presgRNA for RNA-editingDepositorInsertsU6-control presgRNA
UseAAV and CRISPRTagsHA and NLSExpressionMammalianMutationPromoterEFS and U6Available sinceJuly 1, 2021AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
Pzac2.1 U6-Ezr sgRNA1, 2, 3_gfaABC1D mcherry SV40
Plasmid#179119PurposeExpresses Ezr sgRNAs under the U6 promoter and mcherry protein specifically in astrocytesDepositorInsertEzr sgRNA
UseAAVTagsExpressionMutationPromoterU6Available sinceNov. 4, 2022AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
Plasmid#213969PurposeAAV vector for encoding SpCas9 driven by pCALM1 promoter targeting Shank3 locus in the presence of Cre recombinaseDepositorInsertShank3 sgRNA
UseAAV and CRISPRTagsExpressionMutationPromoterAvailable sinceMay 15, 2024AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
pTol2-hsp70l:Cas9-t2A-GFP, 5xU6:sgRNA
Plasmid#108871PurposeExpression of heat shock inducible Cas9-GFP and U6-driven 5 individual gRNAs for scGESTALT in zebrafishDepositorInserts5xU6:sgRNA
UseCRISPRTagsExpressionMutationPromoterU6 and hsp70Available sinceApril 25, 2018AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only -
Plasmid#177182Purposeplasmid expressing a pegRNA targeting the PEAR-GFP plasmid along with an mCherry markerDepositorInsertpegRNA targeting the PEAR-GFP plasmid
UseCRISPRTagsExpressionMammalianMutationPromoterU6Available sinceFeb. 3, 2022AvailabilityAcademic Institutions and Nonprofits only