Searchable and Sortable gRNAs for Your Next CRISPR Experiment
Blog Post
...validated gRNAs in our newly curated Validated gRNA Target Sequence Table.
What are validated gRNAs?
Proper...reagents, including many gRNA-containing plasmids (McDade et al, 2016). Many of the gRNAs contained within these...validated gRNAs can save you the time that would be spent making and testing entirely new gRNA designs....contains validated gRNA sequences. Validated in this context refers to the fact that every gRNA listed in use our validated gRNA Target Sequence Table.
Disclaimer: The efficacy of gRNAs is impacted by the ...validated gRNA table has been derived from scientists’ submissions, either their deposited gRNA plasmids...the validated gRNA sequences alone. Sequence submission is welcomed for validated gRNAs that are not generated...