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Pan-cancer CasRx lncRNA Albarossa Library
(Pooled Library #212966)

  • Purpose

    The human CasRx CRISPR lentiviral library encodes 75,725 gRNA arrays (two gRNAs per array) targeting 24,171 lncRNAs. lncRNAs are targeted by 2–7 arrays, depending on the length and other lncRNA characteristics. The library has been designed for its application across solid cancers. Target selection/prioritization for the library is based on lncRNA expression (across 839 solid cancer cell lines), evolutionary conservation, and tissue specificity, thereby reconciling high discovery power and pan-solid-cancer representation with scalable experimental throughput.

  • Vector Backbone


Item Catalog # Description Quantity Price (USD)
Pooled Library 212966 Pan-cancer CasRx lncRNA Albarossa library 1 $640 Add to Cart
Available to Academic and Nonprofits Only
  • A CasRx plasmid is NOT included with this item and will have to be ordered separately. Can be used with plasmids expressing CasRx such as pTransposon.CAG.CasRX-P2A-Blast (#212965) or used with cell lines already expressing CasRx.

Library Details

  • Species
  • lncRNAs
  • gRNAs per element
    2–7 gRNA arrays (each array encodes 2 gRNAs)
  • Controls

    • 900 gRNA arrays targeting 300 essential coding genes (3 arrays per gene)
    • 900 gRNA arrays targeting 300 never essential coding genes (3 arrays per gene)
    • 600 non-targeting gRNA arrays
    • A total of 2400 control gRNA arrays
  • Total number of gRNAs
    78,125 gRNA arrays (in total 156,250 gRNAs)
  • Lentiviral generation

Library Shipping

This library is delivered as suspended DNA in a microcentrifuge tube on blue ice. The tube's contents will not necessarily be frozen. For best results, minimize freeze/thaws.

  • Volume
    ∼20 µL
  • Concentration
    50 ng/µL

Resource Information

How to cite this pooled library ( Back to top )

These pooled libraries were created by your colleagues. Please acknowledge the Principal Investigator, cite the article in which the plasmids were described, and include Addgene in the Materials and Methods of your future publications.

  • For your Materials & Methods section:

    Pan-cancer CasRx lncRNA Albarossa library was a gift from Roland Rad (Addgene #212966 ; ; RRID:Addgene_212966)
  • For your References section:

    Genome-scale pan-cancer interrogation of lncRNA dependencies using CasRx. Montero JJ, Trozzo R, Sugden M, Öllinger R, Belka A, Zhigalova E, Waetzig P, Engleitner T, Schmidt-Supprian M, Saur D, Rad R. Nat Methods. 2024 Apr;21(4):584-596. doi: 10.1038/s41592-024-02190-0. PubMed 38409225 (Link opens in a new window)