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Recently Deposited Plasmids

ID Plasmid Gene/Insert PI Available On
136106 CTAG_mVenus CTAG_mVenus(noATG) (Synthetic) Haseloff Nov 30, 2021
136107 CTAG_mVenus-HDEL CTAG_mVenus(noATG,noStop)-HDEL (Synthetic) Haseloff Nov 30, 2021
136108 CTAG_NLS-SV40 CTAG_NLS-SV40 (Other) Haseloff Nov 30, 2021
136109 PROM_MpUBE2 PROM_MpUBE2 Mapoly0106s0019 (Other) Haseloff Nov 30, 2021
136110 5UTR_MpUBE2 5UTR_MpUBE2 Mapoly0106s0019 (Other) Haseloff Nov 30, 2021
136111 PROM5_35S PROM_35S (CaMV) (Other) Haseloff Nov 30, 2021
136076 pCsB_spacer Even spacer (Synthetic) Haseloff Nov 30, 2021
136077 pCsC_spacer Even spacer (Synthetic) Haseloff Nov 30, 2021
136078 pCsE_spacer Even spacer (Synthetic) Haseloff Nov 30, 2021
136079 pUAP4 Haseloff Nov 30, 2021
136080 CDS_nptII CDS_nptII (Synthetic) Haseloff Nov 30, 2021
136081 CDS_mALS CDS_mALS (Synthetic) Haseloff Nov 30, 2021
136082 CDS_hptII CDS_hptII (Synthetic) Haseloff Nov 30, 2021
136083 CDS_LUC CDS_LUC (Synthetic) Haseloff Nov 30, 2021
136084 CDS_GUS CDS_GUS (Synthetic) Haseloff Nov 30, 2021
136085 CDS12_eGFP CDS12_eGFP(noStop) (Synthetic) Haseloff Nov 30, 2021
136086 CDS12_eGFP-linker CDS12_eGFP(noStop)-SerGly10xAlaSer (Synthetic) Haseloff Nov 30, 2021
136087 CDS12_mScarlet-I CDS12_mScarletI(noStop) (Synthetic) Haseloff Nov 30, 2021
136088 CDS12_mScarletI-linker CDS12_mScarletI(noStop)-SerGly10xAlaSer (Synthetic) Haseloff Nov 30, 2021
136089 CDS12_mTurquoise2 CDS12_mTurquoise2(noStop) (Synthetic) Haseloff Nov 30, 2021
136090 CDS12_mTurquoise2-linker CDS12_mTurquoise2(noStop)-SerGly10xAlaSer (Synthetic) Haseloff Nov 30, 2021
136091 CDS12_mVenus CDS12_mVenus(noStop) (Synthetic) Haseloff Nov 30, 2021
136092 CDS12_mVenus-linker CDS12_mVenus(noStop)-SerGly10xAlaSer (Synthetic) Haseloff Nov 30, 2021
136093 CDS12_TP-MpSIG2 TP-MpSIG2, Mapoly0214s0004 (Other) Haseloff Nov 30, 2021
136067 pCsA lacZ Haseloff Nov 30, 2021
136068 pCsB lacZ Haseloff Nov 30, 2021
136069 pCsC lacZ Haseloff Nov 30, 2021
136070 pCsE lacZ Haseloff Nov 30, 2021
136071 pCk1_spacer Odd spacer (Synthetic) Haseloff Nov 30, 2021
136072 pCk2_spacer Odd spacer (Synthetic) Haseloff Nov 30, 2021
136073 pCk3_spacer Odd spacer (Synthetic) Haseloff Nov 30, 2021
136074 pCk4_spacer Odd spacer (Synthetic) Haseloff Nov 30, 2021
136075 pCsA_spacer Even spacer (Synthetic) Haseloff Nov 30, 2021
161769 Ingolia lab S cerevisiae CRISPRi v1 – barcodes 181005 gRNA library targeting yeast genes (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) Ingolia Nov 30, 2021
137997 pFG036 + pFG051 Tn5 tnp (Synthetic) Rodrigue Nov 30, 2021
175381 pAAV hSyn GFP-Cre GFP-Cre recombinase (Synthetic) Aoto Nov 30, 2021
174620 PB-mCar-EGFP-WPRE-BGH-pA-UBC-Bla enhanced green fluorescent protein (Other) Busskamp Nov 30, 2021
175280 AAV-tTA tTA advanced (improved tetracycline-controlled transactivator) (Synthetic) Xu Nov 30, 2021
175276 AAV-Syn-NS1 Nonstructural protein 1 (NS1) of YFV-17D; NLS-dTomato (Other) Xu Nov 30, 2021
172144 pJH76 Ppsp gIII.2TAG, luxAB; Plpp pylS; PproK pylT (Synthetic) Bennett Nov 30, 2021
175275 pAAV-SynaptoTAG2 EGFP-Synaptobrevin-2; tdTomato (Other) Xu Nov 30, 2021
175274 pAAV-rtTA Reverse tetracycline-controlled transactivator (rtTA) (Synthetic) Xu Nov 30, 2021
178149 TIA1_Halo_N_allele Halotag (Homo sapiens) Ward Nov 30, 2021
178162 KCND3_Halo_C_allele Halotag (Homo sapiens) Ward Nov 30, 2021
178156 DCTN1_Halo_C_allele Halotag (Homo sapiens) Ward Nov 30, 2021
178148 SYNJ1_Halo_C_allele Halotag (Homo sapiens) Ward Nov 30, 2021
178155 DAO_Halo_C_allele Halotag (Homo sapiens) Ward Nov 30, 2021
174592 Human ubiquitination-related proteins CRISPR KO library ubiquitination sgRNA (Homo sapiens) Bonifacino Nov 30, 2021
177757 pAAV9-hSyn iCyt_BrEt_SnFR_PM pAAV9-hSyn iCyt_BrEt_SnFR_PM (Synthetic) Lester Nov 30, 2021
176202 CAG.mCherry-INBox-eDHFR mCherry-INBox-eDHFR (Homo sapiens) Lampson Nov 30, 2021