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Recently Deposited Plasmids

ID Plasmid Gene/Insert PI Available On
74602 pHR-mCherry-p2A-LIC1 G domain full length human dynein light intermediate chain 1 amino acids 1-389 (Homo sapiens) Vale May 02, 2016
74496 pMSCV-SOCS6-WT SOCS6 (Mus musculus) Rönnstrand May 02, 2016
74284 pR26 iBFP Dest Rosa26 5-homology region (Mus musculus) Kuehn May 02, 2016
74282 pR26 CAG/BFP Dest Rosa26 5-homology region (Mus musculus) Kuehn May 02, 2016
74696 pAN1717 Insulated J23101-YFP (Other) Voigt May 02, 2016
73349 pAdx-CMV-dsRed CMV-IRES-dsRed (Synthetic) Oka May 02, 2016
74449 pEF-hSEMA4C-Fc human Semaphorin-4C ectodomain with human Fc tag (Homo sapiens) Friedel May 02, 2016
72480 mito-V5-APEX2 APEX2 (Other) Ting Apr 29, 2016
74688 pPsrA-R1 PTac-RBSR1-PsrA-PPsrA-YFP (Other) Voigt Apr 29, 2016
73523 pEGFP-ninein C-ter ninein C-ter (residues 1874-2113) (Mus musculus) Bornens Apr 29, 2016
73521 pEGFP-ninein coiled-coil 1 ninein coiled-coil 1 (Mus musculus) Bornens Apr 29, 2016
73520 pEGFP-ninein N-ter ninein N-ter (residues 1-373) (Mus musculus) Bornens Apr 29, 2016
73519 pEGFP-ninein ninein (Mus musculus) Bornens Apr 29, 2016
73858 FU - dio YFP - W eYFP (Synthetic) Nedivi Apr 29, 2016
74686 pPhlF-P2 PTac-RBSP2-PhlF-PPhlF-YFP (Other) Voigt Apr 29, 2016
74685 pPhlF-P1 PTac-RBSP1-PhlF-PPhlF-YFP (Other) Voigt Apr 29, 2016
74694 pSrpR-S4 PTac-RBSS4-SrpR-PSrpR-YFP (Other) Voigt Apr 29, 2016
74691 pSrpR-S1 PTac-RBSS1-SrpR-PSrpR-YFP (Other) Voigt Apr 29, 2016
74926 pHR-tdPP7-3xmCherry PP7-3xmCherry Tanenbaum Apr 29, 2016
74925 pHR-PP7-2xmCherry-CAAX PP7-2xmCherry-CAAX Tanenbaum Apr 29, 2016
74886 pSK41 attP site (Other) Foerstemann Apr 28, 2016
74887 pIS1 Act5C upstream homology region (Drosophila melanogaster), Act5C downstream homology (Drosophila melanogaster) Foerstemann Apr 28, 2016
74773 pKF296 TEV- 2xV5 tag (short version) (Other) Foerstemann Apr 28, 2016
74774 pKF297 TEV- 2xV5 tag (short version) (Other) Foerstemann Apr 28, 2016
41677 pcDNA3.1(+)mGAT1-565-YFP-566CT Mus musculus GABA transporter 1 (Mus musculus) Lester Apr 27, 2016
41682 pcDNA3.1(+)mGAT1-577-CFP-578CT Mus musculus GABA transporter 1 (Mus musculus) Lester Apr 27, 2016
41680 pcDNA3.1(+)mGAT1-570-CFP-571CT Mus musculus GABA transporter 1 (Mus musculus) Lester Apr 27, 2016
41679 pcDNA3.1(+)mGAT1-570-YFP-571CT Mus musculus GABA transporter 1 (Mus musculus) Lester Apr 27, 2016
41662 pcDNA3.1(+)mGAT1-0-GFP Mus musculus GABA transporter 1 (Mus musculus) Lester Apr 27, 2016
41678 pcDNA3.1(+)mGAT1-565-CFP-566CT Mus musculus GABA transporter 1 (Mus musculus) Lester Apr 27, 2016
73618 pNIA-CEN-Venus-FLAG-LINXa4-Bre1 Venus (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) Kuhlman Apr 27, 2016
73617 pNIA-CEN-FLAG-LINXa4-Bre1 LINXa4-Bre1dNLS (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) Kuhlman Apr 27, 2016
41664 pcDNA3.1(+)mGAT1-0-CFP Mus musculus GABA transporter 1 (Mus musculus) Lester Apr 27, 2016
74447 pLenti.CMV/TO_PRKAA2 AMPK alpha 2 (Homo sapiens) Shaw Apr 27, 2016
74446 pLenti.CMV/TO_PRKAA1 AMPK alpha 1 (Homo sapiens) Shaw Apr 27, 2016
74710 pCDNA3.1- dCas9-2xNLS-EGFP dCas9-2xNLS-EGFP Yeo Apr 27, 2016
73616 pTriEx-mCherry-LINXa3-nano LINXa3-nano (Synthetic) Kuhlman Apr 27, 2016
41681 pcDNA3.1(+)mGAT1-577-YFP-578CT Mus musculus GABA transporter 1 (Mus musculus) Lester Apr 27, 2016
45096 pCI-neo:Beta2meGFP nAChR beta2 (Mus musculus) Lester Apr 27, 2016
48812 pcDNA3.1-nAChr-Alpha6 nAChr-alpha6 (Mus musculus) Lester Apr 27, 2016
74709 pBluescriptSKII+ U6-sgRNA(F+E) TFRC U6 promoter driving sgRNA targeting the 3'UTR of TFRC mRNA Yeo Apr 27, 2016
73615 pTriEx-mCherry-LINXb3 LINXb3 (Synthetic) Kuhlman Apr 27, 2016
74488 pJA317 d1ODC (Homo sapiens) Fire Apr 27, 2016
74705 pBluescriptSKII+ U6-sgRNA(F+E) ACTB U6 promoter driving sgRNA targeting the 3'UTR of ACTB mRNA Yeo Apr 27, 2016
74489 pJA318 d4ODC (Homo sapiens) Fire Apr 27, 2016
74487 pJA291 puroR-mCherry-T2A-eGFP (Synthetic) Fire Apr 27, 2016
72362 pFETCh_ZNF3 ZNF3 Homology Arms (Homo sapiens) Mendenhall Apr 27, 2016
73230 AKAP13 AKAP13 (Homo sapiens) Burgess-Brown Apr 27, 2016
74375 pX462-hPRKAA1-gRNA_B human AMPK alpha 1 exon1 gRNA (Homo sapiens) Shaw Apr 27, 2016
74376 pX462-hPRKAA2-gRNA_A human AMPK alpha 2 exon1 gRNA (Homo sapiens) Shaw Apr 27, 2016