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Description activity-regulated cytoskeleton-associated protein
Also known as rg3.1
Species Rattus norvegicus
Entrez ID 54323

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Plasmids containing this gene

ID Plasmid Gene/Insert PI
119877pGEX-6p1-GST-ArcFLActivity Regulated Cytoskeletal Protein (Rattus norvegicus) Shepherd
119878pGEX-6p1-GST-ArcΔCTDActivity Regulated Cytoskeletal Protein (Rattus norvegicus) Shepherd
233049pDsRed1-CMV-Rat Arc-DsRed1-pArat Arc-DsRed fusion (Rattus norvegicus) Ploski
233053pAAV-CMV-Flag-Rat Arc-Arc- Genomic 3'UTRRat Arc (Rattus norvegicus) Ploski