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Description lysosomal associated membrane protein 1
Also known as CD107a, LAMPA, LGP120
Species Homo sapiens
Entrez ID 3916

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Plasmids containing this gene

ID Plasmid Gene/Insert PI
34831LAMP1-mGFPLAMP1 (Homo sapiens) Dell'Angelica
45147pLAMP1-mCherryLAMP1-mCherry (Homo sapiens) Palmer
51809LAMP1-bio-HisLAMP1 (Homo sapiens) Wright
61524LAMP-mChF-AIPlysosomal-associated membrane protein 1 (Homo sapiens) Inoue
64929pcDNA3-Lyso-TORCARLAMP1-TORCAR (Homo sapiens) Zhang
64933pcDNA3-Lyso-AktAR2LAMP1-AktAR2 (Homo sapiens) Zhang
71868pRK5-LAMP1-FLAGLAMP1 (Homo sapiens) Sabatini
101782AICSDP-19:LAMP1-mEGFPLAMP1 Homology Arms with linker-mEGFP (Homo sapiens) Institute for Cell Science
102249LAMP-mCherry-CRY2LAMP-mCherry-CRY2 (Homo sapiens) Cui
110948pmTurquoise2-LAMP1Lysosomal-associated membrane protein 1 (Homo sapiens) Rivera-Fuentes
111669MAC_C_LAMP1LAMP1 (Homo sapiens) Varjosalo
134868pLVX-EF1a-LAMP-1-mGFP-IRES-PuromycinLysosomal-associated membrane protein 1 (Homo sapiens) Andrews
170774pFUGW-FIRE-pHLyLAMP1 (Homo sapiens) Kao
170775pLJM1-FIRE-pHLyLAMP1 (Homo sapiens) Kao
171720LAMP1-RpHLuorin2Ratiometric pHLuorin2 fused to LAMP1 (Homo sapiens) van den Bogaart
174625pB80-LAMP1-mCherry-iLIDLAMP1-mCherry-iLID (Homo sapiens) Kapitein
180250pBa.Lamp1-GFPLAMP1 (Homo sapiens) Bentley
184055pcDNA3-Lyso-INPP4B-mCherryLGP120 Lyso-INPP4B-mCherry (Homo sapiens) Zhang
186576Lamp1-mCherry-FRBLAMP1 (Homo sapiens) Royle
192356pDEST_6xUAS:Lamp1-mGFPLamp1 (Homo sapiens) Peri
198147p3805PCMV::LAMP1::miniSOG::mCherry (Homo sapiens) Hensel
198148p3806PCMV::LAMP1::tdminiSOG::mCherry (Homo sapiens) Hensel
198149p3991PCMV::LAMP1::HaloTag::GFP (Homo sapiens) Hensel
200939LAMP1-SEP-mRuby3LAMP1 (Homo sapiens), SEP-mRuby3 Hacohen
207145LAMP1-mCherry-FRB*LAMP1 (Homo sapiens) Galione
207787pX330-LAMP1sgRNA Targeting C-terminus of LAMP1 (Homo sapiens) Pelletier
207788qTAG-C-moxGFP-Puro-LAMP1LAMP1 Homology Arms flanking a moxGFP-Puro Cassette (Homo sapiens) Pelletier
216725pFP5380 LAMP1-SBP- mCherry-FIREtagLAMP-1 (Homo sapiens) Perez
222394pAAV2-CAGIG-LAMP1-mGLLAMP1 and mGreenlantern (Homo sapiens) Tsoulfas
222586pMRX-IZU-LAMP1-mRuby3LAMP1 (Homo sapiens) Mizushima
227322qTAG-C-Solo-mStayGold-LAMP1LAMP1 Homology Arms flanking a mStayGold Tag (Homo sapiens) Pelletier