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Direct Readout of Neural Stem Cell Transgenesis with an Integration-Coupled Gene Expression Switch.

Kumamoto T, Maurinot F, Barry-Martinet R, Vaslin C, Vandormael-Pournin S, Le M, Lerat M, Niculescu D, Cohen-Tannoudji M, Rebsam A, Loulier K, Nedelec S, Tozer S, Livet J
Neuron. 2020 Aug 19;107(4):617-630.e6. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2020.05.038. Epub 2020 Jun 18. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
154013iOn-CAG∞MCSExpression vector based on the iOn integration-coupled transcriptional switch (Kumamoto et al bioRxiv 2019), equipped with an MCS to clone-in genes of interest and express it from a CAG promoter
154014iOn-CAG∞RFPVector based on the iOn integration-coupled transcriptional switch (Kumamoto et al bioRxiv 2019) expressing the fluorescent protein mRFP1 from a CAG promoter upon action of the piggyBac transposase
154015LiOn-CAG∞GFPVector based on the LiOn integration-coupled translational switch (Kumamoto et al bioRxiv 2019) expressing the fluorescent protein EGFP from a CAG promoter upon action of the piggyBac transposase
154016LiOn-CAG∞RFPVector based on the LiOn integration-coupled translational switch (Kumamoto et al bioRxiv 2019) expressing the fluorescent protein mRFP1 from a CAG promoter upon action of the piggyBac transposase
154017LiOn-CAG∞IRFPVector based on the LiOn integration-coupled translational switch (Kumamoto et al bioRxiv 2019) expressing the fluorescent protein IRFP670 from a CAG promoter upon action of the piggyBac transposase
154018LiOn-CMV∞CreVector based on the LiOn integration-coupled translational switch (Kumamoto et al bioRxiv 2019) expressing a functional Cre recombinase from a CMV promoter upon action of the piggyBac transposase
154019LiOn*-CAG∞RFPVector based on the LiOn integration-coupled translational switch and devoid of TTAA sequences, expressing the fluorescent protein mRFP1 from a CAG promoter upon action of the piggyBac transposase

Antibodies from Article