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LentiGuide-Neo Citations (5)

Originally described in: The interferon-inducible isoform of NCOA7 inhibits endosome-mediated viral entry.
Doyle T, Moncorge O, Bonaventure B, Pollpeter D, Lussignol M, Tauziet M, Apolonia L, Catanese MT, Goujon C, Malim MH Nat Microbiol. 2018 Dec;3(12):1369-1376. doi: 10.1038/s41564-018-0273-9. Epub 2018 Nov 26.
PubMed Journal

Articles Citing LentiGuide-Neo

SARS-CoV-2 triggers an MDA-5-dependent interferon response which is unable to control replication in lung epithelial cells. Rebendenne A, Valadao ALC, Tauziet M, Maarifi G, Bonaventure B, McKellar J, Planes R, Nisole S, Arnaud-Arnould M, Moncorge O, Goujon C. J Virol. 2021 Jan 29. pii: JVI.02415-20. doi: 10.1128/JVI.02415-20. PubMed

Associated Plasmids

ABL kinases regulate translation in HER2+ cells through Y-box-binding protein 1 to facilitate colonization of the brain. McKernan CM, Khatri A, Hannigan M, Child J, Chen Q, Mayro B, Snyder D, Nicchitta CV, Pendergast AM. Cell Rep. 2022 Aug 30;40(9):111268. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2022.111268. PubMed
Cytotoxicity of CD19-CAR-NK92 cells is primarily mediated via perforin/granzyme pathway. Althaus J, Nilius-Eliliwi V, Maghnouj A, Doring S, Schroers R, Hudecek M, Hahn SA, Mika T. Cancer Immunol Immunother. 2023 Aug;72(8):2573-2583. doi: 10.1007/s00262-023-03443-1. Epub 2023 Apr 13. PubMed
Phase separation of FSP1 promotes ferroptosis. Nakamura T, Hipp C, Santos Dias Mourao A, Borggrafe J, Aldrovandi M, Henkelmann B, Wanninger J, Mishima E, Lytton E, Emler D, Proneth B, Sattler M, Conrad M. Nature. 2023 Jul;619(7969):371-377. doi: 10.1038/s41586-023-06255-6. Epub 2023 Jun 28. PubMed
DHODH inhibitors sensitize to ferroptosis by FSP1 inhibition. Mishima E, Nakamura T, Zheng J, Zhang W, Mourao ASD, Sennhenn P, Conrad M. Nature. 2023 Jul;619(7968):E9-E18. doi: 10.1038/s41586-023-06269-0. Epub 2023 Jul 5. PubMed

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