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Viral Vector Packaging Service: Caltech Systemic Capsids

As part of our Viral Vector Packaging Service, Addgene is distributing ready-to-use viral preparations in engineered systemic serotypes from the Viviana Gradinaru laboratory and the Caltech CLOVER Center (Link opens in a new window). As part of our standard viral production, these viral vectors undergo quality control, including AAV titering by probe-based droplet digital PCR, in vitro and (when possible) in vivo testing, and full sequencing of the final viral vector preparation.

Systemic Delivery AAV Capsid Choice

Need help deciding which capsid to choose? The following decision tree was developed at the CLOVER Center at Caltech and can help guide your decision.

AAV decision tree. Described under the heading Text Description for the AAV Decision Tree
Figure 1: Decision tree for choosing your AAV capsid. Your choice could depend on several factors including: the delivery method, mouse strain, target cell type or tissue of interest, and model organism under study. *Many engineered AAVs for mice use LY6A to cross the blood-brain barrier, leading to strain-specific tropism (See S3 table (Huang, et al., 2019) for LY6A-permissive mouse strains). AAV-PHP.eC, AAV9-X1.1 and AAV1-X1 do not display strain-specific tropism and can be used in LY6A-nonpermissive mouse strains. **AAV1-X1 has not been tested in rats. Abbreviations: AAV, adeno-associated virus; GRE, gene regulatory element; NHP, non-human primate. Image courtesy of the Gradinaru Lab and the Caltech CLOVER Center (Link opens in a new window)and was adapted from Challis et al. (2022). Text version of the AAV decision tree can be found at the bottom of this page.

For more in depth descriptions of each serotype, check out Addgene's blog on Systemic Capsids. To review performance data of each of these serotypes, please refer to Addgene’s Data Hub and the Caltech CLOVER Center’s repository of published capsid use (Link opens in a new window).


These viral vector preparations were produced with the pUCmini-iCAP-PHP.eB plasmid (Addgene #103005).

Note on PHP.eB tropism and specific mouse lines: Enhanced CNS tropism exhibited by the PHP.eB serotype has been reported to occur by using the cellular receptor LY6A (Huang et al., 2019 (Link opens in a new window)) to cross the blood brain barrier. For information on whether the PHP.eB serotype will work in your mouse line, see Supplementary Table 3 (Link opens in a new window).

Browse Available PHP.eB AAV

ID Name Promoter Description Category PI
28306 pAAV-FLEX-tdTomato CAG tdTomato, Cre-dependent Control Boyden
37825 pAAV-CAG-GFP CAG GFP Control Boyden
50469 pAAV-CaMKIIa-EGFP CamKIIa EGFP Control Roth
59462 pAAV-CAG-tdTomato CAG tdTomato Control Boyden
83900 pAAV-mDlx-GFP-Fishell-1 Dlx GFP Control Fishell
99130 pAAV-mDlx-NLS-mRuby2 Dlx mRuby2 Control Gradinaru
104055 pAAV-CAG-eYFP CAG EYFP Control Gradinaru
104061 CAG-NLS-GFP CAG NLS-GFP Control Gradinaru
105530 pAAV.CMV.PI.EGFP.WPRE.bGH CMV EGFP Control Wilson
105547 pENN.AAV.EF1a.eGFP.WPRE.rBG EF1a EGFP Control Wilson
114469 pAAV-CaMKIIa-mCherry CamKIIa mCherry Control Deisseroth
114470 pAAV-Ef1a-mCherry EF1a mCherry Control Deisseroth
117382 hSyn1-eYFP Syn EYFP Control Gradinaru
135630 pAAV-S5E2-dTom-nlsdTom E2 regulatory element dTomato Control Dimidschstein
135631 pAAV-S5E2-GFP-fGFP E2 regulatory element GFP, membrane-targeted GFP Control Dimidschstein
192552 pAAV-CAG-2xNLS-tdTomato-WPRE-hGHpolyA CAG tdTomato Control Feng
163505 CN1390-rAAV-DLX2.0-minBG-SYFP2-WPRE3-BGHpA minBetaGlobin SYFP2 Control Ting
163509 CN1839-rAAV-hSyn1-SYFP2-10aa-H2B-WPRE3-BGHpA hSyn1 H2B-SYFP2 Control Ting
191706 AiP13044 - pAAV-AiE0779m_3xC2-minBG-SYFP2-WPRE3-BGHpA (Alias: CN3044) minBG SYFP2 Control AIBS, Ting
191707 AiP12237 - pAAV-AiE0452h-minBG-SYFP2-WPRE3-BGHpA (Alias: CN2237) minBG SYFP2 Control AIBS, Ting
191720 AiP13038 - pAAV-AiE0743m_3xC2-minBG-SYFP2-WPRE3-BGHpA (Alias: CN3038) minBG SYFP2 Control AIBS, Ting
191726 AiP12787 - pAAV-AiE0140h_3xC2-minBG-SYFP2-WPRE3-BGHpA (Alias: CN2787) minBG SYFP2 Control AIBS, Ting
191728 AiP12408 - pAAV-AiE0600m-minBG-SYFP2-WPRE3-BGHpA (Alias: CN2408) minBG SYFP2 Control AIBS, Ting
191737 AiP12610 - pAAV-AiE0780m-minBG-SYFP2-WPRE3-BGHpA (Alias: CN2610) minBG SYFP2 Control AIBS, Ting
199773 AiP13863 - pAAV-AiE0888m_C4-minBG-SYFP2-WPRE3-BGHpA (Alias: CN3863) minBG SYFP2 Control AIBS, Ting
199774 AiP13905 - pAAV-AiE0441h_3xC2-minBG-SYFP2-WPRE3-BGHpA (Alias: CN3905) minBG SYFP2 Control AIBS, Ting
214858 AiP14496: pAAV-AiE0873m_3xC2-minBG-SYFP2-P2A-3XFLAG-10aa-H2B-WPRE3-BGHpA (Alias: CN4496) minBG SYFP2 Control AIBS, Ting
213814 pAAV_BiSSTe10_dTomato_nlsdTomato BiSSTe10 dTomato/nlsdTomato Control Fishell
213829 pAAV_BiCHATe27_dTomato_nlsdTomato BiCHATe27 dTomato/nlsdTomato Control Fishell
213855 pAAV_BiVIPe4_dTomato_nlsdTomato BiVIPe4 dTomato/nlsdTomato Control Fishell
213914 pAAV_BiLAMP5e3_dTomato_nlsdTomato_nlsdTomato BiLAMP5e3 dTomato/nlsdTomato Control Fishell
213936 pAAV_BiPVe4_dTomato_nlsdTomato BiPVe4 dTomato/nlsdTomato Control Fishell
213940 pAAV_BiPVe3_dTomato_nlsdTomato BiPVe3 dTomato/nlsdTomato Control Fishell
213944 pAAV_BiSSTe4_dTomato_nlsdTomato BiSSTe4 dTomato/nlsdTomato Control Fishell
44361 pAAV-hSyn-DIO-hM3D(Gq)-mCherry Syn Activator, Cre-dependent DREADD Roth
44362 pAAV-hSyn-DIO-hM4D(Gi)-mCherry Syn Inhibitor, Cre-dependent DREADD Roth
135635 pAAV-S5E2-Gq-P2A-dTomato E2 regulatory element Activator DREADD Dimidschstein
104491 pGP-AAV-syn-FLEX-jGCaMP7s-WPRE Syn Calcium sensor, Cre-dependent GCaMP Kim, GENIE
104492 pGP-AAV-syn-FLEX-jGCaMP7f-WPRE Syn Calcium sensor, Cre-dependent GCaMP Kim, GENIE
104495 pGP-AAV-CAG-FLEX-jGCaMP7s-WPRE CAG Calcium sensor, Cre-dependent GCaMP Kim, GENIE
104496 pGP-AAV-CAG-FLEX-jGCaMP7f-WPRE CAG Calcium sensor, Cre-dependent GCaMP Kim, GENIE
104487 pGP-AAV-syn-jGCaMP7s-WPRE Syn Calcium sensor GCaMP Kim, GENIE
104488 pGP-AAV-syn-jGCaMP7f-WPRE Syn Calcium sensor GCaMP Kim, GENIE
135632 pAAV-S5E2-GCaMP6f E2 regulatory element Calcium sensor GCaMP Dimidschstein
100854 pAAV.Syn.NES-jRGECO1a.WPRE.SV40 Syn Calcium sensor RGECO Kim, GENIE
162375 pGP-AAV-syn-jGCaMP8m-WPRE Syn Calcium sensor GCaMP GENIE
26973 pAAV-hSyn-hChR2(H134R)-EYFP Syn Activator ChR2 Deisseroth
20298 pAAV-EF1a-double floxed-hChR2(H134R)-EYFP-WPRE-HGHpA EF1a Activator, Cre-dependent ChR2 Deisseroth
127090 pAAV-CAG-DIO-ChR2(H134R)-eYFP CAG Activator, Cre-dependent ChR2 Gradinaru
135633 pAAV-S5E2-C1V1-eYFP E2 regulatory element Activator C1V1 Dimidschstein
135634 pAAV-S5E2-ChR2-mCherry E2 regulatory element Activator ChR2 Dimidschstein
214846 AiP13755: pAAV-AiE0743m_3xC2-minBG-ChR2(H134R)-EYFP-WPRE3-BGHpA (Alias: CN3755) minBG Activator ChR2(H134R) AIBS, Ting
214852 AiP14033: pAAV-AiE0779m_3xC2-minBG-CoChR-EGFP-WPRE3-BGHpA (Alias: CN4033) minBG Activator CoChR AIBS, Ting
214853 AiP14035: pAAV-AiE0452h_3xC2-minBG-CoChR-EGFP-WPRE3-BGHpA (Alias: CN4035) minBG Activator CoChR AIBS, Ting
214869 AiP15140: pAAV-AiE0873m_3xC2-minBG-CoChR-EGFP-WPRE3-BGHpA (Alias: CN5140) minBG Activator CoChR AIBS, Ting
213815 pAAV_BiSSTe10_ChR2_mCherry BiSSTe10 Activator ChR2 Fishell
213830 pAAV_BiCHATe27_ChR2_mCherry BiCHATe27 Activator ChR2 Fishell
213856 pAAV_BiVIPe4_ChR2_mCherry BiVIPe4 Activator ChR2 Fishell
213915 pAAV_BiLAMP5e3_ChR2_mCherry BiLAMP5e3 Activator ChR2 Fishell
213937 pAAV_BiPVe4_ChR2_mCherry BiPVe4 Activator ChR2 Fishell
213941 pAAV_BiPVe3_ChR2_mCherry BiPVe3 Activator ChR2 Fishell
213945 pAAV_BiSSTe4_ChR2_mCherry BiSSTe4 Activator ChR2 Fishell
105540 pENN.AAV.hSyn.HI.eGFP-Cre.WPRE.SV40 Syn Cre-EGFP expression Cre Wilson
105550 pAAV.GFAP.Cre.WPRE.hGH GFAP Cre-expression Cre Wilson
107738 pAAV-hSyn-Cre-P2A-dTomato Syn Cre-expression Cre Larsen
140135 pAAV-EF1a-iCreV EF1a light-inducible recombinase iCreV Zeng
140136 pAAV-EF1a-iDreV EF1a light-inducible recombinase iDreV Zeng
140137 pAAV-EF1a-iFlpV EF1a light-inducible recombinase iFlpV Zeng
164450 CN1851-rAAV-hI56i-minBglobin-iCre-4X2C-WPRE3-BGHpA minBG iCre expression iCre Ting
199775 AiP13778 - pAAV-AiE0450h-minBG-iCre(R297T)-BGHpA (Alias: CN3778) minBG iCre(R297T) expression iCre AIBS, Ting
199776 AiP13779 - pAAV-AiE0779m_3xC2-minBG-iCre(R297T)-BGHpA (Alias: CN3779) minBG iCre(R297T) expression iCre AIBS, Ting
199777 AiP13781 - pAAV-AiE0452h-minBG-iCre(R297T)-BGHpA (Alias: CN3781) minBG iCre(R297T) expression iCre AIBS, Ting
214862 AiP14825: pAAV-AiE0441h_3xC2-minBG-iCre(R297T)-BGHpA (Alias: CN4825) minBG iCre(R297T) expression iCre AIBS, Ting


These viral vector preparations were produced with the pUCmini-iCAP-PHP.S plasmid (Addgene #103006).

Browse Available PHP.S AAV

ID Name Promoter Description Category PI
28306 pAAV-FLEX-tdTomato CAG tdTomato, Cre-dependent Control Boyden
59462 pAAV-CAG-tdTomato CAG tdTomato Control Boyden


These viral vector preparations were produced with the pUCmini-iCAP-PHP.V1 plasmid (Addgene #127847).

Browse Available PHP.V1 AAV

ID Name Promoter Description Category PI
104052 pAAV-CAG-DIO-EYFP CAG EYFP, Cre-dependent Control Gradinaru


These viral vector preparations were produced with the pUCmini-iCAP-AAV.MaCPNS1 plasmid (Addgene #185136).

Browse Available MaCPNS1 AAV

ID Name Promoter Description Category PI
37825 pAAV-CAG-GFP CAG GFP Control Boyden


These viral vector preparations were produced with the pUCmini-iCAP-AAV.MaCPNS2 plasmid (Addgene #185137).

Browse Available MaCPNS2 AAV

ID Name Promoter Description Category PI
37825 pAAV-CAG-GFP CAG GFP Control Boyden


These viral vector preparations were produced with the pUCmini-iCAP-AAV.CAP-B10 plasmid (Addgene #175004).

Browse Available CAP-B10 AAV

ID Name Promoter Description Category PI
37825 pAAV-CAG-GFP CAG GFP Control Boyden


These viral vector preparations were produced with the pUCmini-iCAP-AAV.CAP-B22 plasmid (Addgene #175005).

Browse Available CAP-B22 AAV

ID Name Promoter Description Category PI
37825 pAAV-CAG-GFP CAG GFP Control Boyden


These viral vector preparations were produced with the pUCmini-iCAP-AAV9-X1.1 plasmid (Addgene #196836).

Browse Available AAV9-X1.1

ID Name Promoter Description Category PI
37825 pAAV-CAG-GFP CAG GFP Control Boyden

Citation Information

When using the Caltech serotypes in future publications, please acknowledge Viviana Gradinaru and cite as follows:

Don’t See What You’re Looking For?

Our Packaged on Request service offers you even more options. Select from a vast catalog of eligible AAV plasmids and we’ll make the viral vector prep you need.

Or fill out our form to let us know what you would like to see available in viral prep format. Please note this does not guarantee viral vector packaging service, but lets us know what viruses would be helpful to the scientific community.

Text Description for the AAV Decision Tree

The AAV decision tree graphic above helps you choose the best capsid for your cell type. First, do you want to target CNS or PNS? Then consider species, and then cell type.

For CNS:

  • For infant rhesus macaques:
    • Broad tropism - AAV.MaCPNS1, AAV.MaCPNS2
    • Cell type-biased:
      • Neurons - AAV.CAP-Mac, AAV9-X1.1
  • For marmosets:
    • Broad tropism - AAV.CAP-B22
    • Cell type-biased:
      • Neurons - AAV.CAP-B10
      • Brain vascular cells - AAV.CAP-Mac
  • For rats:
    • Broad tropism - AAV-PHP.eB
    • Cell type-biased:
      • Neurons - AAV.CAP-Mac
      • Brain vascular cells - AAV9-X1.1, AAV1-X1
  • For mice:
    • Broad tropism - AAV-PHP.eB, AAV-PHP.AX, AAV-PHP.eC
    • Cell type-biased:
      • Astrocytes - AAV-PHP.AX with GRE or transgenic animal
      • Oligodendrocytes - AAV-PHP.eB with GRE or transgenic animal
      • Brain vascular cells - AAV9-X1.1, AAV1-X1
      • Neurons - AAV.CAP-B10, AAV-PHP.N
        • Broad - AAV-PHP.AX with GRE or transgenic animal
        • L5 & Inhibitory - AAV-PHP.eB with GRE or transgenic animal
        • L2/3 & L4 - AAV.CAP-B10 with GRE or transgenic animal
        • Excitatory - AAV.PHP.N with GRE or transgenic animal

For PNS applications in rodents and NHPs:

  • Broad tropism - AAV-MaCPNS2, AAV-PHP.S
  • Sensory nervous system - AAV-MaCPNS1

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