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This is a digital-only collection of vector backbone information compiled by Addgene from third party sources.

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78 Results for: Bluescript

Name Vector Type Resistance Marker Bacterial Resistance Source Sequence Available
AprM8 Unspecified Ampicillin No
BSII TKS- Unspecified Yes
KS+SV0CAT Unspecified ATCC Yes
KS+SV2CAT Unspecified ATCC Yes
lambda SurfZAP Unspecified Stratagene Yes
lambda ZAP II Unspecified Stratagene No
pAct1-D Unspecified No
pBBR1MCS Unspecified Yes
pBC KS(+) Chloramphenicol Agilent Technologies Yes
pBC KS(-) Chloramphenicol Agilent Technologies Yes
pBC SK(+) Chloramphenicol Agilent Technologies Yes
pBC SK(-) Chloramphenicol Agilent Technologies Yes
pBK614 Unspecified Yes
pBluescript II KS (+) Bacterial Expression Ampicillin Stratagene Yes
pBluescript II KS (-) Bacterial Expression Ampicillin Stratagene Yes
pBlueScript II SK (+) Bacterial Expression Ampicillin Stratagene Yes
pBluescript II SK (-) Bacterial Expression Ampicillin Stratagene Yes
pBlueScript II XR Bacterial Expression Stratagene No
pBluescript KS (+) Bacterial Expression Ampicillin Stratagene Yes
pBluescript KS (-) Bacterial Expression Ampicillin Stratagene Yes
pBluescript SK (+) Bacterial Expression Ampicillin Stratagene Yes
pBluescript SK (-) Bacterial Expression Ampicillin Stratagene Yes
pBluescript-FL Yes
pBluescriptR Yes
pBNsp-Neo-Alpha Unspecified ATCC No
pBSFI Other, adaptor plasmid Ampicillin Aoki et al., PNAS. 1998 Dec 8;95(25):14950-5 Yes
pCHA Unspecified Yes
pCR-Script SK+ Unspecified Stratagene No
pCS2+ Mammalian Expression, xenopus//avian/zebrafish Ampicillin RZPD Yes
pGP11 Unspecified Yes
PhageScript Unspecified Stratagene Yes
pHSREM1 Unspecified ATCC No
pHSREM2 Unspecified ATCC No
pHSREM3 Unspecified ATCC No
pHSREM4 Unspecified ATCC No
pLUC Unspecified ATCC No
pOG44 Unspecified Stratagene No
pOG45 Unspecified Stratagene No
pPBH201 Unspecified No
pPCR-Script Amp SK(+) Bacterial Expression Ampicillin Stratagene Yes
pPSG A Unspecified No
pRS166 Unspecified ATCC No
pRS167 Unspecified ATCC No
pRS169 Unspecified ATCC No
pRS173 Unspecified ATCC No
pRS200 Unspecified ATCC Yes
pRS202 Unspecified ATCC No
pRS304 Unspecified ATCC Yes
pRS305 ATCC Yes
pRS306 Yeast Expression ATCC Yes
pRS313 Unspecified ATCC Yes
pRS314 Unspecified ATCC Yes
pRS315 Unspecified ATCC Yes
pRS316 Unspecified ATCC Yes
pRS317 Unspecified ATCC No
pRS318 Unspecified ATCC No
pRS403 Unspecified Stratagene Yes
pRS404 Yeast Expression TRP1 Ampicillin Stratagene Yes
pRS405 Unspecified Stratagene Yes
pRS406 Unspecified Stratagene Yes
pRS414 Unspecified Stratagene Yes
pRS415 Unspecified Stratagene Yes
pRS416 Unspecified Stratagene Yes
pRSET5A Unspecified Yes
pRSET5B Unspecified Yes
pRSET5C Unspecified Yes
pRSET5D Unspecified Yes
pRSET6A Unspecified Yes
pRSET6B Unspecified Yes
pRSET6D Unspecified Yes
pRSS56 Unspecified Yes
pSFFV-neo Mammalian Expression Neomycin Ampicillin No
pSL301 Unspecified Invitrogen Yes
pSVK3 Unspecified Amersham Yes
pTEX Unspecified ATCC No
pTF1 Unspecified ATCC Yes
pUCGM Unspecified Yes
pULJA30 Unspecified No

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  • Zeocin® is an InvivoGen trademark.