Technology Transfer Newsletters

Addgene's Technology Transfer Newsletters are designed to keep you informed about current Addgene technology transfer news and initiatives.
By sharing information and receiving feedback about the current system, Addgene strives to make its MTA processes work for your institution.
Fall 2018
- Fall 2018 Newsletter
- Tech Transfer Article: EU Copyright Law Fit for The Digital Age
- Community Spotlight: Randall Carter, Contracts Administrator at Addgene
Spring 2018
- Spring 2018 Newsletter
- Tech Transfer Article: Transformative Use
- Tech Transfer Article: General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
- Tech Transfer Article: Our Agile Approach to Tech Transfer Account Improvements
- Community Spotlight: Krisandra Cuenta, Corporate Counsel at Addgene
Fall 2017
- Fall 2017 Newsletter
- Tech Transfer Article: A Recipe for Protection
- Tech Transfer Article: Don't Go Chasin Waterfalls
- From the Office Trenches: A Day in the Life of an Addgene MTA Reviewer
Winter 2017
- Winter 2017 Newsletter
- Tech Transfer Article: Patent Trolling in the Forums
- Tech Transfer Article: Save Time and Resources by Depositing
- Community Spotlight: Bryan Archambault, Contracts & Project Coordinator at Addgene
Summer 2016
- Summer 2016 Newsletter
- Tech Transfer Article: Addgene by the Numbers
- Tech Transfer Article: Constructing a Genome
Winter 2016
- Winter 2016 Newsletter
- Community Spotlight: Eddy Page, Customer Support Specialist at Addgene
- Tech Transfer Article: A Brief Introduction to Plasmids for the Non-Scientist
- Tech Transfer Article: Streamline and Simplify Your Addgene Work
Summer 2015
- Summer 2015 Newsletter
- Community Spotlight: Yoko Taniguchi, Medical Applications Promoting Office at the Center for iPS Cell Research and Application at Kyoto University
- Tech Transfer Article: US Ratifies Hague Agreement
- Tech Transfer Article: A Reintroduction to the UBMTA
Winter 2014
- Winter 2014 Newsletter
- Community Spotlight: Lauren Gogo, Contracts Officer for Biomedical & Life Sciences at The University of Toronto
- Tech Transfer Article: Significant Use of University Resources
- Tech Transfer Article: Technology Transfer Offices as Educators
Spring 2014
- Spring 2014 Newsletter
- Community Spotlight: Anna Mitsak, Technology Licensing Associate at The Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Tech Transfer Article: E-Signatures 101
- Spotlight On South Africa: Intellectual Property Trends in South Africa
Fall 2013
- Fall 2013 Newsletter
- Community Spotlight: Peter Wells, Director of the Technology Transfer Office at The Jackson Laboratory
- Tech Transfer Article: America Invents Act
- Spotlight On Singapore: Intellectual Property Trends in Singapore
- Upcoming Tech Transfer Events
Spring 2013
- Spring 2013 Newsletter
- Tech Transfer Article: How Does Your Office Stack Up?
- Tech Transfer Article: Addgene's Upcoming School Visits
- Tech Transfer Article: Update - EchoSign for Plasmid Deposit Approvals
Fall 2012
- Fall 2012 Newsletter
- Tech Transfer Article: Electronic MTA System
- Tech Transfer Article: Industry Distribution Pilot
- Tech Transfer Article: EchoSign for Plasmid Deposit Approvals