Limited Use Label License: Cellecta Lentiviral Pooled Plasmid and Packaged shRNA Libraries Limited Use Label License
By purchasing and using the Cellecta Lentiviral Pooled Plasmid and/or Packaged shRNA Libraries ("Product"), scientist receiving and using the Product ("Researcher") agrees to provide appropriate acknowledgment of the source of the Product in all publications: "Lentiviral shRNA libraries were kindly provided and developed by Cellecta based on NIH-funded research grant support 44RR024095, 44HG003355". Cellecta encourages Researcher to provide a copy of any manuscript publicly disclosed and presented at any symposia, international, national, or regional professional meetings, or publicly disclosed and published in journals, theses, or dissertations, or otherwise publicly disclosed and published through any means that incorporates information relating to the Product, or improvements to the Product made by Researcher, to Cellecta at least 30 days after publication. Cellecta encourages Researcher to deposit any data or results generated by Researcher in the course of using the Cellecta Lentiviral Pooled Plasmid and/or Packaged shRNA Libraries in a public resource database developed by Cellecta or by a third party, if an appropriate public resource database exists, within a six (6) month time frame after publication of data in a peer-reviewed journal.