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Showing: 1 - 2 of 2 results
  1. CRISPR Guide

    Guide of DNA libraries, the CRISPR library will be shipped at a concentration that is too low to be used in...from promoters and enhancers. 2015. Hilton IB, D'Ippolito AM, Vockley CM, Thakore PI, Crawford GE, Reddy...CP, Bonetti C, Vidigal JA, Han YC, Ogrodowski P, Crippa A, Rekhtman N, de Stanchina E, Lowe SW, Ventura...
  2. Antibody Guide

    ...price, and other factors like availability and shipping time. Choose antibodies from companies that are...several to compare, or select one based on price, shipping availability, ease of purchase, or similar factors...
Showing: 1 - 2 of 2 results