Optogenetics Guide
...enhancements such as: Human codon optimization Example: Halo Increased photocurrent amplitude Examples: eNpHR...strain Shark), used to silence neuronal activity 632 Halo/NpHR Light-driven inward chloride pump from Natronomonas...function. TULIPs Tunable light-inducible dimerization tags (TULIPs), plasmids allow cloning of protein coding...sequences with GFP-LOVpep, cpPDZ, ePDZb and ePDZb1 as tags. pDawn/pDusk Blue-light photoreceptor for light-...plasmids . Halorhodopsins Halorhodopsins are light-gated inward chloride pumps isolated from halobacteria. Wild-type...Jaws Browse Halorhodopsin plasmids . Archaerhodopsins Archaerhodopsin-3 (Arch) from Halorubrum sodomense...variant 517 Halorhodopsins Jaws Red-shifted, light-driven inward chloride pump from Haloarcula (Halobacterium...