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Showing: 1 - 3 of 3 results
  1. Kazuhiro Oka Lentiviral Vectors

    ...promoter pCDH-CMV 72265 Express gene of interest from the CMV promoter pCDH-EF1 72266 Express gene of interest...promoter pCDH-CMV-Nluc-P2A-copGFp-T2A-Puro 73037 Expresses Nluc and copGFP from the CMV promoter pCDH-CMV-...from the CMV promoter pAdx-CMV-YFP 73348 Express YFP with an NLS from the CMV promoter pAdx-CMV-dsRed 73349...promoter pCDH-CMV-mCherry-T2A-Puro 72264 Express mCherry and puromycin resistance gene from the CMV promoter...Xgal/IPTG plate pAdx-CMV-copGFP 73346 Expresses copGFP from the CMV promoter pAdx-CMV-tdTomato 73347 Expresses...dsRed from the CMV promoter pAdx-CMV-iCre-p2A-copGFP 73350 Expresses iCre and EGFP from the CMV promoter pAdx-CMV-iCre-P2A-tdTomato...phosphoglycerate kinase I) promoter pCDH-CMV4 72284 Express gene of interest from the CMV promoter. WPRE has been ...
  2. Cre-lox system

    ...pLOX-CW-CRE Cre CMV Lentiviral Trono 12265 pHR-CMV-nlsCRE Cre CMV Lentiviral Trono 12493 p259 pCMV-CRE-M (BglII...27493 pBT140 Cre CMV Mammalian Luo 27546 pLM-CMV-R-Cre Cre and mCherry coexpression CMV Lentiviral Sadelain...Oka 72257 pCDH-CB-iCre iCre CB Lentiviral Oka 73350 pAdx-CMV-iCre-P2A-copGFP iCre and GFP CMV Adenoviral...System PI 8394 p209 pCMV-cre-K Cre-K CMV Mammalian Green 8395 p210 pCMV-CREM CREM CMV Mammalian Green 8401...CREM CMV Mammalian Green 12494 p260 pCMV-CRE-M-AR(wt) CREM fused to AR ligand binding domain CMV Mammalian...split-Cre CMV Mammalian Hirrlinger 106370 pCMV-Tag2B-NCreERT2 N-terminal split-Cre-ERT2 CMV Mammalian ...probasin Mammalian Green 8406 p252 pPr-CREM/CMV-STOP-luc CREM and CMV-STOP-luc cassette probasin Mammalian Green...
  3. Neurodegeneration Plasmid Collection

    ... DCTN1 CMV ALS Trina Schroer 51221 CMV-CC2 DCTN1 CMV ALS Trina Schroer 51412 CMV-p150 DCTN1 CMV ALS Trina...hATMS1981A ATM His, Flag CMV Ataxia telangiectasia Michael Kastan 32813 CMV-hEAAT1 SLC1A3 CMV Episodic ataxia ...moPrP(3F4) D177N PRNP CMV Dementia Susan Lindquist 1321 cytosolic moPrP (3F4) PRNP CMV Dementia Susan Lindquist...FLAG-hPLIC-2 UBQLN2 Flag CMV ALS Peter Howley 8662 p4456 FLAG-hPLIC-2 NTF UBQLN2 Flag CMV ALS Peter Howley 10880...DNMT1 GFP CMV Hereditary sensory neuropathy type IE Tyler Jacks 12166 pSicoR Dnmt1 DNMT1 GFP CMV Hereditary...PINK1 Myc CMV Parkinson's Mark Cookson 13315 pcDNA-DEST53 PINK1 N-GFP PINK1 GFP CMV Parkinson's Mark Cookson...C-GFP PINK1 GFP CMV Parkinson's Mark Cookson 13318 pLenti6-DEST PINK1-V5 G309D PINK1 V5 CMV Parkinson's Mark...
Showing: 1 - 3 of 3 results