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Showing: 1 - 12 of 12 results
  1. Jaenisch Lab CRISPR Plasmids

    ...Activators Gateway Donors ID Plasmid 48214 pAC1-pCR8-dCas9VP48 : dCas9VP48 on Gateway donor vector pCR8/GW... Gateway donor vector pCR8/GW/TOPO. 48219 pAC147-pCR8-dCas9VP64 : dCas9VP64 on Gateway donor vector pCR8...Gateway donor vector pCR8/GW/TOPO. 48221 pAC149-pCR8-dCas9VP160 : dCas9VP160 on Gateway donor vector pCR8...(with Stop codon) are also available as Gateway donor vectors [48218~48221] and can be transferred to ...
  2. CRISPR Plasmids - Tagging

    ... targeting the genomic site and the donor vector. The PITCh donor plasmid with an EGFP-2A-PuroR cassette... and donor vectors as well as pX330S-2-PITCh, expressing a generic gRNA targeting the PITCh donor plasmid...Plasmids Protein Species Tag Donor Plasmid gRNA plasmid gRNA plasmid FLAG pFETCh_Donor CEBPB Human FLAG pFETCh_CEBPB...may be used. The HDR (homology directed repair) donor plasmid with homology arms and selection design and clone in the homology arms for the donor plasmid. The Mendenhall and Myers labs have also...instead of HDR, which makes it easy to construct a donor vector, because MMEJ utilizes very short (around..., & FBL-specific gRNA pCRIS-PITChv2-FBL - PITCh donor vector for EGFP-2A-PuroR knock-in into human FBL...
  3. Fluorescent Protein Guide: FRET

    ... by exciting the donor and measuring the emission of the acceptor. For a given donor-acceptor pair, the... is non-radiatively transferred from an excited donor fluorophore to an acceptor. Since the transfer ...fluorescent proteins have been developed for use as donor and acceptor pairs in FRET experiments. The efficiency...efficiency strongly depends on the distance between the donor and acceptor molecules and can therefore be used...used to calculate the distances between the donor and acceptor. FRET is often used to study (1) protein-protein...interactions where each protein is separately fused to a donor or acceptor molecule (also referred to as intermolecular...conformational changes within a protein where the donor and acceptor are both fused to the same protein ...
  4. Zhang Lab's CRISPR Frequently Asked Questions

    ...using ssDNA oligo as donor template, it's usually more efficient than plasmid donor. Typical design is ...notes below are considerations for designing HR donor. Generally if off-target (non-specific) cleavage...then select the best guide to co-transfect in HR donor. Alternatively, a new system described recently ...insertions or deletions), we typically use plasmid donor, with two homology arms on each side flanking your..., we use around 400ng of a typical size (~ 5kb) donor plasmid with Cas9/sgRNAs vector, for one well in...make mutations of the HR template to avoid this donor plasmid being degraded by Cas9 in cells. One good...or avoid putting in the full target site in the donor. For example, choosing target sites that span the...
  5. FlyCRISPR

    ... cleavage sites, while the addition of an ssODN donor template can mediate gene replacement by homologous...51019 pDsRed-attP : Vector for generating dsDNA donors for homology-directed repair to replace genes or.... 51434 pHD-DsRed : vector for generating dsDNA donors for homology-directed repair. Contains the visible...
  6. CRISPR References and Information

    ...pAC93 , pAC94 , pAC95 ; dCas9 activator gateway donors: pAC84 , pAC1 , pAC147 , pAC148 , pAC149 ; gateway...HDR design; Deep sequencing Cas9: pMLM3613 dsDNA donor plasmid backbones pSL1180-HR-PUbECFP & pSL1180polyUBdsRED... Mammalian: FLAG tagging endogenous proteins pFETCh_Donor ; additional HDR & gRNA plasmids are available...
  7. Cre-lox system

    ... components, PhyBdeltaCreC and PIF6CreN, in AAV donor/transfer vector Cbh AAV Eisenhoffer 131786 pLenti-CreLite...pAAV-Sox2-CreERT2 Cre-ERT2 - Tamoxifen inducible; AAV donor vector AAV He 135659 pQcre1 Cre PpagA from B. anthracis...
  8. Zhang Lab CRISPR Page

    ...also contains a Kras G12D homology directed repair donor template. #60225 - AAV:ITR-U6-sgRNA(LacZ)-pEFS-Rluc...)-U6-sgRNA(Lkb1)-pEFS-Rluc-2A-Cre-shortPA-KrasG12D_HDRdonor-ITR (AAV-KPL) This plasmid contains two expression...
  9. Genetic Code Expansion

    ...Liu 172482 pEVOL-pylT-AznLRS AznLRS M. mazei azidonorleucine Bacterial TAG Wenshe Liu 182537 pEVOL-MmAcKRS1...Dieter Söll 51401 pAM1 NLL-MetRS E. coli azi-donorleucine (Anl) Bacterial ATG David Tirrell 62598 pKPY514...methionyl-tRNA synthetase (L274GMmMetRS) M. musculus azidonorleucine (Anl) Mammalian ATG David Tirrell 89189 pMaRSC...methionyl-tRNA synthetase (L274GMmMetRS) M. musculus azidonorleucine (Anl) Mammalian ATG David Tirrell Browse Strains...
  10. CRISPR Plasmids - Empty gRNA Vectors

    ...pyogenes Blast Docampo pDonor_hU6 69312 Mammalian hU6 none S. pyogenes Ventura pDonor_mU6 69350 Mammalian mU6... 61285 Bacteria J23119 none S. pyogenes Beisel pZDonor-Nm-Cas9-gRNA-hU6 61366 Mammalian U6 none N. meningitidis... mU6 none S. pyogenes Ventura pDonor_sU6 69351 Mammalian sU6 none S. pyogenes Ventura pCRISPRyl 70007 ...
  11. Neurodegeneration Plasmid Collection

    ...Hemmo Meyer 85845 pDONOR-SNCAe2-WT SNCA CAG Parkinson's Jens Schwamborn 85847 pDONOR-SNCAe3-WT SNCA CAG...Schwamborn 85848 pDONOR-SNCAe3-A53T SNCA CAG Parkinson's Jens Schwamborn 86154 pDONOR-PARK6e5-I368N PINK1...Ataxia telangiectasia Yannick Doyon 214815 ATM_N_FS_v2_Donor ATM Ataxia telangiectasia Yannick Doyon 214916...
Showing: 1 - 12 of 12 results