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  1. Fluorescent Protein Guide: Biosensors

    ...Calcium erGAP3 (GFP-Aequorin Protein) for imaging of Ca+ dynamics in endoplasmic reticulum GFP-Aequorin Protein...FlincG3 (GFP-based cGMP sensor) for imaging in C. elegans neurons Using a Robust and Sensitive GFP-Based ...:547-63. Sergio Grinstein pH Superfolder pHluorin pH sensor A superfolder variant of pH-sensitive pHluorin...2020 GENIE Project Calcium jGCaMP7 High-performance GFP-based calcium indicators (Constitutive or Cre-dependent...cyclic AMP) Signaling reporter island (SiRI) with GFP-based fluorescent reporter cAMPr Spatial Multiplexing... FLAMP Plasmids Jun Chu cGMP (cyclic GMP) FlincG GFP-based cGMP sensor Differential patterning of cGMP... vascular smooth muscle cells revealed by single GFP-linked biosensors. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008...
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