CRISPR Plasmids - Prime Edit
...BsaI No mRFP1 David Liu pU6-tmpknot-GG-acceptor Mammalian hU6 epegRNA BsaI No mRFP1 David Liu U6-pegRNA-H1...pegRNA-GG-acceptor Mammalian hU6 pegRNA BsaI No mRFP1 David Liu QPM-sgR (pTaU3) Plant TaU3 nicking sgRNA Eps3I...Find prime editor plasmids for (search and replace) genome editing. CRISPR...Browse CRISPR Plasmids By Function Genome Editing Cut Base Edit Nick Prime Edit Transcriptional Regulation ...enzyme is named PE1 . PE1 and most other prime editors use the Moloney murine leukemia virus (M-MLV) reverse...can be used in PE2–PE5 systems PE6 - small prime editors with optimized RT and/or Cas9 domains PE7 - addition...below. Use the search bar to find a gRNA vector based on expression system, promoter, the type of gRNA...