New Optimized Genome-wide CRISPRko, CRISPRi, and CRISPRa Libraries
Blog Post
Oct. 4, 2018, 12:44 p.m.
...CRISPRko sgRNA library
The Brunello library consists of 77,441 sgRNAs with an average of 4 sgRNAs per gene...contains two sets of sgRNAs; A, the top 3 ranked sgRNAs, and B, the next 3 ranked sgRNAs. Dolcetto was able...containing only 3 sgRNAs (setA) also outperformed CRISPRi libraries with 10 sgRNAs in the sgRNA metrics, confirming...2014 to predict sgRNA activity. In this study scientists examined approximately 1,900 sgRNAs and identified...subsampling analysis of the sgRNAs, Brunello even with only a single sgRNA outperformed another CRISPR...CRISPR library with 6 sgRNAS, highlighting the benefit of sgRNA design in CRISPR libraries. Thus, the Brunello... CRISPRko sgRNA library as pooled library or lentiviral prep!
Dolcetto: human CRISPRi sgRNA library