Minigenomes - a Safe Way to Study Dangerous Viruses Like the Ebola Virus
Blog Post
March 17, 2016, 2:30 p.m.
...are under control of a T7 RNA polymerase promoter sequence. Thus, T7 RNA polymerase also needs to be present...containing the T7 RNA polymerase gene or using cells that stably express T7 (e.g. BSR T7/5 cells) (1).
Similar to other RNA viruses, EBOV brings its own RNA-dependent RNA polymerase into the infected cells... The RNA genome is encapsidated by the nucleoprotein, NP. NP associates with the viral polymerase, which... negative sense, single-stranded RNA minigenome. The viral polymerase complex then recognizes the replicate the minigenome, the viral polymerase initiates RNA synthesis at the 3’ end of the minigenome...transcription performed by the viral polymerase. Alternatively, the mRNA can be detected directly by Northern...