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Showing: 1 - 4 of 4 results
  1. Multicolor Animals: Using Fluorescent Proteins to Understand Single Cell Behavior

    Blog Post
    March 5, 2019, 1:08 p.m.
    ... membrane-tethered CFP (cyan). Brainbow 1.1 adds OFP (orange) (Livet et al., 2007). Brainbow uses a Cre... farther downstream in the construct. As RFP and OFP are directly downstream of the promoter in Brainbow... YFP and activate fluorescence of the downstream OFP, GFP, or RFP. Cells that express the construct but...
  2. Technologies Enabled by NanoLuc® Luciferase

    Blog Post
    Feb. 8, 2018, 12:17 p.m.
    ...imaging reporter by linking two CyOFP1 molecules to NLuc (CyOFP1-NLuc-CyOFP1; Antares). Direct injection ... cyan-excitable orange fluorescent protein, CyOFP1. CyOFP1 was molecularly evolved from mNeptune2 through...through 33 mutations and 2 deletions. CyOFP1 has a higher quantum yield, brightness and improved maturation... proteins. In their work, the authors noted how CyOFP1 could be excited by NanoLuc® luciferase (NLuc) ...
  3. 15 Hot Plasmids from 2017

    Blog Post
    Jan. 9, 2018, 3:02 p.m.
    ...for mTagBFP, TagRFPt, EGFP, mVenus, mCerulean3, mKOFP2) and empty vectors that have standard cloning sites...from cyan-excitable organge fluorescent protein (CyOFP1), some of the exciting properties of mCyRFP1 include...redshifted-emission spectrum compared to that of CyOFP1, a large stokes shift, long fluorescence lifetime...
Showing: 1 - 4 of 4 results