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Showing: 101 - 120 of 757 results
  1. Google Forums Round Up: First Impressions of NgAgo

    Blog Post
    Aug. 4, 2016, 2:30 p.m.
    ...reaction or can be purchased 5’-modified from a company. However, unlike an RNA guide, it cannot be produced...probably while it is being synthesized) can form a complex with an ssDNA guide. Therefore, researchers must...inject cells with in vitro preassembled Cas9/gRNA complexes or with guide RNA- and Cas9-expression plasmids...survey and asked researchers if they had tested and compared NgAgo head-to-head with CRISPR-Cas9. The survey...respondents (transfection method, amount of each component per transfection etc.). Take Pooran's NgAgo Survey...same method used by Gao et al, 2016 (1). View the Complete and Up-to-Date Results of Pooran's NgAgo Survey..., leaving a small amount of active NgAgo/ssDNA complex in the cell. As proposed in the original article...
  2. CRISPR Between the Genes: How to Experiment with Enhancers and Epigenomics

    Blog Post
    Aug. 9, 2016, 2:30 p.m.
    ... function as a kind of “GPS for the genome” to compute coordinates for genetic elements like protein, ...action at a distance.” Through the marvel of DNA compaction, an enhancer can increase the expression of a...millions of base pairs away. (For details on DNA compaction and the structural proteins that make it possible...appendix DNA is a 3D fractal). Enhancer biology is a complex and dynamic field. We’re going to focus on a tried...People are wrong. In reality, cellular DNA is a complex three-dimensional globule of chromatin. Chromatin...tertiary structures (globules) to achieve exquisite compaction—on the order of 700 terabytes per gram—and form...chromosomes we all know and love. To understand compaction, suppose you have a piece string that’s 10 meters...
  3. Custom CRISPR Screens & the Green Listed Software

    Blog Post
    July 11, 2017, 2:30 p.m.
    ...library, as well as GC%, reverse compliment sequences, and more. Output_Compact: A text file that describes...there are also benefits gained by lowering the complexity of the screen. For example, the analysis becomes...a lasting impression on me. The slide showed a complex signaling pathway with many receptors, signaling...used these knockout mice to show exactly which components of the known pathway that were essential for very useful for drug discovery, to dissect a complex signaling pathway, and to identify what part of...response to a particular ligand (such as when a component of a microbe or a cytokine is added to a cell)... rapidly performed by targeting all potential components of a signaling pathway. For example, one could...
  4. Avoiding the Dark Side of Fluorescent Protein Fusions with mOX FPs

    Blog Post
    Oct. 27, 2015, 3 p.m.
    ...with fluorescent proteins (FPs) localized to compartments other than the cytoplasm. That is, unfortunately...positioning of the FP sequence relative to cell compartment targeting sequences, which often have absolute...that FPs are often poorly suited for cellular compartments other than the cytoplasm. Generally, FPs evolved...subcellular environments, including the organelles that compose the secretory pathway, endocytic vesicles, mitochondria.... Many of the resident proteins within these compartments undergo significant post-translational modifications...inter-chain disulfide bonds between FPs blocks Golgi complex-localized fusions from properly exiting the ER ...and spectral characteristics of the moxFPs are comparable to the non-optimized parental proteins. Our recent...
  5. Transferable Skills Guide: External Collaborations

    Blog Post
    April 19, 2018, 1:25 p.m.
    ...experts that complement your (scientific) skill set and is therefore very useful for complex projects. It...collaborations are becoming increasingly important as more complex approaches to scientific questions become popular...especially when considering small to mid-sized companies and organizations. Addgene as a nonprofit organization... worked with people outside the department to accomplish a variety of goals. For example, I worked with...provided a crash course in this discipline. Getting companies to come to these types of events can be very tough...First I needed to find the right contacts at the companies and then convince the contacts to give me some...repetition. I learned to look at the event from the company’s perspective, focus on the message and to keep ...
  6. Easi-CRISPR: Generating Knock-In and Conditional Mouse Models

    Blog Post
    April 5, 2018, 12:42 p.m.
    ...challenging for sequences with complex secondary structure. Today, multiple companies offer long single-stranded...ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complexes of Cas9 protein and the separated guide RNA components (crRNA and tracrRNA...maximum Easi-CRISPR efficiency. Easi-CRISPR is compatible with standard microinjection and electroporation...successfully used guides targeting the same or complementary strands, as well as guides facing towards or... simple method for delivery of genome editing components to the germline. In contrast to standard microinjection...placed to mediate electroporation. Ohtsuka et al. compared traditional microinjection and i-GONAD knock-in...efficiency using a small ssDNA, and they found comparable efficiencies (52 vs 49%). In contrast, Easi-CRISPR...
  7. Understanding GPCR Signaling Using TRUPATH

    Blog Post
    Dec. 14, 2020, 2:15 p.m.
    ...GPCRs (Takeda S et al., 2002) and many downstream complexes involved, it can be difficult for scientists sight (Olsen RHJ et al., 2020). A transducer complex consists of a trimer of three subunits: alpha, ...collectively known as a heterotrimeric G protein. This complex converts a signal received by a GPCR on the being able to identify specific transducer complexes that are activated in response to a ligand binding...inactive, these subunits are found in a trimeric complex bound to the intracellular surface of the GPCR....Following activation in response to the ligand, the complex will disassociate, resulting in a decreased GFP2...They further used TRUPATH to analyze a panel of compounds across the transducerome on a single GPCR, showing...
  8. CRISPR 101: Cytosine and Adenine Base Editors

    Blog Post
    Aug. 6, 2020, 2:30 p.m.
    ...effects, ABEs also compare favorably to other methods. In a head to head comparison with Cas9, Cas9 modified... efficiency of homology-directed repair (HDR). Compared to non-homologous end joining, HDR occurs at a...represent the fourth generation of base editors. Compared to BE3, BE4 offers a 2.3 fold decrease in C->G...frequency of 1.2%. Although the lab did not conduct comprehensive genome-wide studies of ABE specificity, their... 40 new ABE8 variants (Gaudelli et al., 2020). Compared to ABE7.10, ABE8s resulted in 1.5-fold more editing...higher editing efficiency at non-NGG PAM variants compared to ABE7.10. ABE8s have an improved base editing...done by fusing the adenine and cytosine editing components together. Keith Joung’s lab created a dual-deaminase...
  9. The Fluorescent Vegetables in Aptamer Soup

    Blog Post
    Jan. 29, 2019, 2:27 p.m.
    ...locations using Cas9 and track the localization of the complex. Broccoli, the other green fluorescent aptamer,...investigate RNA assembly. The split aptamer is composed of a “Top” and “Bottom” portion, each fused to... RNA. Fluorescence is observed when these RNAs complex and the entire aptamer can hybridize and fold. ...uniqueness of the photostability of the Corn-DFHO complex. For dessert (last but not least), the only fruit-named...Other groups have used Mango to study RNA-protein complexes (Panchapakesan et al., 2017) and short non-coding...identified through microfluidic-assisted in vitro compartmentalisation for their high binding affinity to TO1-biotin...of these variants exhibit increased brightness compared to Mango, and all are photostable and useful for...
  10. An Integrin Antibody Toolkit from IPI

    Blog Post
    March 28, 2024, 1:15 p.m.
    ...conformational complexity There are 24 known mammalian integrins, all heterodimers composed of one of 18...are essential cell surface receptors involved in complex signaling pathways and the linkage of intra- and...-integrin toolset IPI’s anti-integrin toolset comprises 26 recombinant antibodies (rAbs) either produced...-mimetic sequences that imitate this motif and compete with both small molecule integrin inhibitors and...their targeted integrin subtype, even when in competition with other similar integrins, as reported by ...demonstrated that anti-integrin αVβ5.9 “essentially completely blocks all adhesion,” inhibiting the function... rAbs. The other eight are chimeric antibodies composed of rat or mouse variable regions fused with rabbit...
  11. FPbase: A new community-editable fluorescent protein database

    Blog Post
    May 16, 2018, 1 p.m.
    ...non-trivial, however, as FPs are tremendously complicated entities with a large range of characteristics...about FPs than is currently represented at fpvis (complete spectral information, accession numbers, sequences... (PostgreSQL), that aims to eventually be a comprehensive community resource for information about fluorescent...Protein Property Visualization allows for visual comparison of FPs and how they relate to one another. .  ...FPbase Fluorescence Spectra Viewer can be used to compare excitation and emission spectra when available, or your lab use frequently) for the sake of comparison or ease of retrieval.  These collection pages...database relating to that set of proteins.  For computer-savvy users looking to incorporate FPbase data...
  12. Plasmids 101: Environmental Plasmids

    Blog Post
    Jan. 31, 2017, 3:30 p.m.
    ...beneficial traits that allow them to survive in competitive environments. Plasmids derived directly from ...extremely useful for survival in the crowded and competitive natural environments outside the petri dish. ...that allow their host organisms to thrive in competitive environments. The genes encoding these functions...triumph over your neighbours is to eliminate the competition via the production of toxins and antibiotics.... such as Penicillium produce bacteria-zapping compounds like penicillin, and bacteria in turn possess ... producer is immune. Resistance to antibiotic compounds produced by other species (like those pesky Penicillium...There are less aggressive ways to survive in competitive environments, however, such as taking up an unoccupied...
  13. Plasmids 101: NGS Quality Control for Pooled Libraries

    Blog Post
    Oct. 26, 2017, 1:59 p.m.
    ...transformation First, use enough DNA and competent bacteria to ensure all components of the library are represented...represented. Typically, Addgene uses electrocompetent Stbl4 cells when performing amplifications, and we use electroporation...may be amplified preferentially, skewing the composition of the final recovered DNA. This bias can be ...need to count how many times each of the library components is found in the read list. If you also sequenced...sequenced the pre-amplification DNA, you’ll compare the numbers before and after. However, because there are...give you a bell curve of the abundance of each component of your library. You should look for two things...making sure few/no plasmids have dropped out, and comparing pre- and post-amplification sequencing results...
  14. Scientific Reproducibility - Focusing on Solutions at the Minisymposium on Reproducibility

    Blog Post
    May 18, 2018, 7:32 p.m.
    ...larger datasets and use computer based analysis techniques, an important component of reproducibility is... for preclinical studies, as reported by drug companies attempting to apply the findings from these studies...research. I’ve talked to many researchers who have complaints about the unreliability of antibodies. IPI is...technologies to your own research needs. Other companies like NEB and ATCC can provide you with additional...sifting through paper lab notebooks). Once you’ve completed your experiment, you’ll need to analyze your results...can understand your analyses and repeat them. Companies like Code Ocean allow researchers to share code...submit designs and transparently reveal them upon completing an experiment. There’s not necessarily in-principle...
  15. Plasmids 101: Dimers and Multimers

    Blog Post
    Jan. 10, 2023, 2:15 p.m.
    ...reduced transformation and transfection efficiency compared to the monomeric version of the plasmid (Maucksch...multimers have additional origins of replication compared to monomers, they are also able to replicate at...bacterial cells with multimers grow more slowly compared to those containing the monomeric version of the...and more prone to being lost in bacterial cells compared to monomers, although this can be prevented via...cannot be used to detect plasmid multimers. Some companies provide NGS whole plasmid sequencing services ...frequency of multimerization, and in some cases completely prevent the formation of plasmid multimers (Bedbrook...produced the highest yield of monomeric plasmid compared to DH5α. However, more research is needed to determine...
  16. Sharing is Caring: But How to Distribute Open Hardware?

    Blog Post
    Feb. 28, 2023, 2:15 p.m.
    ...achievement, the complexity of the device increases, as does the price. With this increased complexity comes the...consumer-grade components. In this field, often referred to as 'frugal science', existing components are adapted...are constantly being developed which combine computational processing with biological protocols and revolutionary... rarely provide the construction plans or CAD (computer aided design) drawings of their devices, which...around the use of commercially available tools and components. Rapid prototyping techniques such as 3D printing...and can allow for innovative organizations and companies to provide problem-solving platforms.     ...
  17. 3 Challenges in Plant Synthetic Biology

    Blog Post
    July 22, 2014, 5:46 p.m.
    ...previous blog post about how they started their company here. The first transgenic plant was engineered...cannot build what we do not understand, and the complicated and unique metabolic processes of plants are ... Our color changing flower involves two basic components: the pigments (anthocyanins), and the plant circadian...also identified and characterized mechanisms and components of the circadian rhythm in petunias. Because ...before us, it’s possible for us to combine these components to develop flowers that change color. Without...Without this basic research – this comprehensive understanding of the genetic pieces underpinning these mechanisms...plant synthetic biology. There are already two comprehensive plant cloning kits available in the repository...
  18. Antibodies 101: Selecting the Right Antibody

    Blog Post
    March 15, 2022, 1:15 p.m.
    ... as these immune complexes are smaller than a primary:secondaries:conjugates complex. If you are trying...and therefore each target protein. This can be accomplished by using a panel of primary antibodies conjugated...tissues and cell lines; orthogonal strategies that compare antibody assay results with those of antibody-independent...transcriptomics; independent antibody strategies that compare the staining patterns of multiple antibodies against...that express a tagged version of the antigen and compare staining of the antibody to that of the anti-tag... strategies that isolate an antibody’s immune complexes and confirm interacting partners by mass spectrometry... guaranteed to work. Antibody-based assays are complex and antibodies may perform differently in different...
  19. Reaching out to China: Canton Nucleic Acids Forum (CNAF) 2015

    Blog Post
    Dec. 1, 2015, 3:30 p.m.
    ...RNA is a structural and functional component of the ribosome complex and Dr. Steitz quipped that RNA in...development zone so many science and technology companies and start-ups choose to locate there. I made time...was the outdoor market where one can shop for components of traditional Chinese medicine. There were hundreds...Lowe lab have allowed them to begin understanding complex regulation of and by tRNAs and tRNA-derived RNAs...replication with no proteins). The chemistry is complex and this work requires an interdisciplinary team... they do it. Of course, No conference would be complete without CRISPR Michael Terns from of the the ribosome is in a complicated conformation “not like DNA which has a boring structure.” That certainly...
  20. Educational Planarian Tools for Teaching Developmental Biology Techniques

    Blog Post
    May 24, 2018, 1:20 p.m.
    ...worm amputations. They also created an online companion resource called “cutting class” which provides...Digoxigenin-labelled Uracil) that will bind to complementary mRNA within an embryo or tissue. Once the riboprobes...specific antibodies that detect the mRNA-riboprobe complex are added to the tissue. The last step involves...cells that contain this mRNA-riboprobe-antibody complex and, as a result, these cells turn blue. Students...organism of interest, use the RNA to create a complementary DNA (cDNA), and then use PCR and molecular cloning...performing these experiments have a good baseline for comparison. Performing WISH using these plasmids can strand of the siRNA and are directed by complementarity to the remaining single stranded siRNA to bind...
Showing: 101 - 120 of 757 results