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Showing: 81 - 100 of 757 results
  1. Tips for Using BLAST to Verify Plasmids

    Blog Post
    May 29, 2014, 1:29 p.m.
    ...contains a composite of GenBank, EMBL, DDBJ, and PDB sequences and may be the most comprehensive for searching... Tool (BLAST) provided by NCBI. BLAST helps us compare the sequencing results of the plasmids in our repository...deletions, or insertions. We use blastp or blastx to compare our sequencing results to protein sequences to, the first decision to make is whether to compare a Sanger sequencing result to a single known reference...BLAST search to perform and will save you time compared to other types of BLAST searches. If you do not...megablast, but can return longer alignments to compare with your sequencing trace file. Unlike megablast...consistently run our blastx searches with the “Low complexity regions” filter unchecked so that these regions...
  2. Drew Endy Introduces the Biobrick Public Agreement Plasmid Collection

    Blog Post
    Dec. 12, 2013, 3:35 p.m.
    ... most successful computer languages are free to use. Of the 15 most popular computer programming languages...engineered DNA systems capable of storing data and computing inside living cells. He's also a co-founder genetic switches that enable cellular computing. These logic gates built from transcriptors are...BPA) Plasmid Collection along with a BIOFAB kit comprised of well-characterized bacterial transcription .... What the BioBricks Foundation is seeking to accomplish is to make the engineering of biology much easier...carefully engineered to support reliable functional composition. In other words, these parts can be used over...logic shows up in mechanical systems, plumbing, computers, and now through BIL gates we've implemented them...
  3. RNA Interference in Plant Biology: New Tools for an Old Favorite

    Blog Post
    Oct. 27, 2020, 1:15 p.m.
    ... as the building block of our understanding of complex biological processes. Many tools exist to perturb...silencing,” of any gene that contains sequence complementary to the dsRNA (Wilson and Doudna, 2013). RNAi... translation, or chromatin modifications of complementary gene sequences (Figure 1). As a result, gene...unmodified dsRNA elicits immunogenic reactions that complicate the effectiveness and interpretation of RNAi.... of interfering RNAs.   RNAi vs. CRISPR: Complementary techniques It is fair to say that CRISPR has...Stainier, 2020). Additionally, a study that directly compared CRISPR to RNAi in the context of a high generated from both methods did a more comprehensive gene list emerge that accurately reflected the...
  4. Live and Let Dye: Self-Labeling Protein Tags

    Blog Post
    April 16, 2024, 1:15 p.m.
    ... chemistry. Although these multi-component systems can be complicated to implement, they can be highly...Various Few Complicated Non-natural amino acids 1 Various Many Complicated   Applications... outer mitochondrial membrane labeled with SNAP-OMP25 with Atto590-BG (green), imaged with stimulated ...STED) nanoscopy. Scale bar, 2 μm. Inset shows comparison with standard confocal microscopy. Image adapted... assembly-regulating proteins in vitro reveals complex events. a) Micrographs of a fluorescently-labeled...159 aa) are smaller than HaloTag (295 aa) – for comparison, common fluorescent proteins are typically 230...Wissner, R. F., Xi, Z., Allgeyer, E. S., Zhong, S., Thompson, A. D., Lowe, N., Butler, R., Bewersdorf, J., ...
  5. Science as Art

    Blog Post
    March 2, 2015, 3:13 p.m.
    ...scientific art competitions where creations can go on display for all to enjoy. The largest competition of this... University’s Annual Art in Science competition. This competition has gained so much public interest for...moonlighting as artists can compete in the Nikon Small World Photomicrography Competition - a 40 year old Previous destructive techniques were incompatible with the need to conserve these unique samples...been featured in Time magazine . Other smaller competitions are now taking place and gathering momentum, competition that last year received over 2,000 entries. Do you mix your passion for art and...
  6. Plasmids 101: Secondary Nanobody Toolbox

    Blog Post
    Feb. 27, 2018, 2:04 p.m.
    ...them for use in your lab. Structural Comparison Functional Comparison Advantages of Nanobodies How to Use...for a comparison of nanobody, HCab, and traditional IgG antibody structures. Functional comparison Strong...nanobodies and how their structure and function compare to IgG antibodies, as well as how to produce them...Nanobody Toolbox Find Nanobody Plasmids Structural comparison As the name suggests, nanobodies are smaller ...incubated together without forming large oligomeric complexes. Antibodies are also too large to be expressed... antibody incubation. See figure 4A below for comparison of this one-step staining with nanobodies vs ...localization patterns as cells stained for one target (compare nanobodies staining in figure 4A vs 4B). How to...
  7. Healthcare Consulting: A Door to the Business of Life Sciences

    Blog Post
    Oct. 13, 2016, 2:30 p.m.
    ... advise pharmaceutical companies, biotech start-ups, health insurance companies, and governments on the...the part of the company involved: Research & Development (R&D) teams at pharma companies carry out preclinical... acquisitions of or collaborations with other companies. Medical Affairs groups work on building awareness... patients, shaping discussions with insurance companies about the pricing and coverage of drugs, and developing... teams, reflecting the need for all parts of a company to collaborate whenever it faces an important over the next 3, 5, or 10 years. Complicating these challenges is the fact that they occur...their jobs most, get pleasure from taking up such complex challenges, quickly breaking them up into smaller...
  8. New CRISPR Tools: Cas7-11 and PASTE

    Blog Post
    Feb. 17, 2022, 2 p.m.
    ...derived from the more complex type III-A and III-B systems. Though it was composed of many protein subunits...might be phylogenetically classified as the more complex Class I systems that contain multiple subunits,...evolution, were also working on the project. Using computational observations, Koonin and Makarova found that...the domains into a single protein, shedding the complexity of its ancestors. They classified the system ...system contains two pieces: a single protein, computationally described as a fusion of four Cas7 proteins...significantly reduced amount of off-target toxicity compared to other RNA editing methods — streamlining experimental...mammalian cell lines. However, in those same comparisons, the AbuGoot lab reported no detectable effect...
  9. What Do I Do Now? Academic v. Non-Academic Career Decisions

    Blog Post
    March 9, 2017, 3:40 p.m.
    ...Table 1: Taking it a Step Further - Big Company v. Small Company Big (e.g. Pharma) Small (e.g. Biotech...advancement in one company, good performers in for the long haul Limited movement in one company, likely will...academic silo to tenured professor.  Non-academia encompasses millions of choices including pharma, tech transfer...options in nonprofit science. No one list can ever encompass them all. We can’t designate non-academic jobs...and teach students Collaborations may be less “complicated” - for example, easy to initiate a collaboration...More sources of training and resources within the company Must find own sources of knowledge often externally...every 3-6 years—a short and exciting ride Complicated matrix structures are common Small integrated...
  10. Natural or synthetic? How Addgene’s dataset reveals trends in biological innovation

    Blog Post
    Nov. 8, 2018, 3:47 p.m.
    ... inquiry started when Neil Thompson, a research scientist at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence...technological change happens really fast,” Thompson says. To do this, Thompson reached out to MIT labs in the (GC content or rare codon percentage) and comparative properties (percent sequence identity and percent...query coverage) that could be determined through comparisons with a reference sequence database. Through a...content between many organisms and DNA synthesis companies often work within a narrow range for GC content...synthetic vs. natural gene are essential and complementary tools in a time where biological engineering...Kunjapur, Aditya M., Philipp Pfingstag, and Neil C. Thompson. "Gene synthesis allows biologists to source genes...
  11. Evolution of Lab Techniques

    Blog Post
    June 21, 2016, 2:30 p.m.
    ...when. Compiling the identity and location of a given nucleotide, a researcher (or a simple computer Neuroscience at Harvard University. Just as computers, cell phones, and cars become more technologically... fluorescently labeled probe. If the DNA is complementary to the probe (for example, has the sequence quantified by the strength of the signal in comparison to a control sample. Southern blotting standard PCR. This allows the researcher to compare different DNA sequences to see which is more abundant...mapping to investigate DNA sequence content by comparing the fragments created by different restriction... sequencing of many samples at once for later comparison. These next-generation sequencing techniques ...
  12. Flow Cytometry Readouts: Yes, No, and Everything in Between

    Blog Post
    Aug. 20, 2024, 1:15 p.m.
    ...easier to identify by comparing peak positions to the base expression. When compared to the control — which... voltage has been adjusted appropriately and compensation performed. Before you read out your plots, make sure you’ve also adjusted voltage and compensated your colors. Here are some good practice tips...population cluster would be shifted to the right in comparison, say somewhere between a 104–105 signal your gate based on the dot plot would be complicated.  Figure 2: (A) a smeary dot plot showing...with the baseline suggesting this sample has a comparable expression to the baseline/negative control. ... populations in the histogram plot in Figure 4 compared to the dot plot in Figure 2. Quantification using...
  13. A Quick Guide to a Career in Software Product Management

    Blog Post
    Nov. 24, 2020, 2:15 p.m. at a biotech company, I always assumed I’d work one or two years at the company and then go to grad... the head of software product management at my company was open to meeting with me and explaining product manager helps ensure that the company or software group is building the software tools...Well, I’ll give you an example. At my previous company, Ginkgo Bioworks, our software development team...backgrounds, most did not. It was my job to translate complex lab operations workflows into a format the developers... to solve is clear, but the solution is more complicated. You’ll need to be creative to be able to work...framework If you can’t find internships at science companies, try to find internships with translatable skills...
  14. Antibodies 101: ChIP

    Blog Post
    March 10, 2022, 3:25 p.m.
    ...protein:DNA complexes with antibodies specific to your protein(s) of interest. Once the complex is captured...protein:DNA complexes and finally (5) isolated the DNA from your antibody:protein:DNA complexes. Your DNA... the first step is to ensure your protein:DNA complexes will remain bound to each other until you are ...reversible bonds. This will keep the protein:DNA complexes together until you want to break them. Crosslinking...digestion can preserve more of the protein:DNA complexes. Once you’ve finished fragmenting the DNA, spin...that?  So while this method is certainly long and complex, you may be thinking, well, these are mostly fairly...techniques. What’s all the fuss? Well, ChIP’s complexities come not from the techniques used, but from ...
  15. Technical Design of a Western Blot

    Blog Post
    Aug. 22, 2024, 1:15 p.m.
    ...protein. Proteins located in membrane-bound subcompartments, like the mitochondria or nucleus, will likely...loading buffers, as most Bradford assays are not compatible with detergents like SDS, while BCA assays are...their differing chemistries. You therefore cannot compare Bis and Tris gels or blots to each other. Once ...protein-based blocker is either degraded or not completely mixed together.   Commercially available chemical-based...lower cost, and smaller size. However, HRP is not compatible with sodium azide, a common microbial agent used...phosphates have a linear reaction rate and are compatible with antimicrobial agents. Chemiluminescence ...chemiluminescence enzymes, they are more likely to be compatible with stripping and probing.   Imaging At the ...
  16. Advice on Career Paths and the Green Card Process for International Researchers and Entrepreneurs

    Blog Post
    Dec. 20, 2017, 2:33 p.m.
    ...requirement if you work for a private company you must show that your company employs at least 3 full-time people...Within these sectors, you could start your own company, work in a bench research career or a non-bench... to find the perfect job immediately after you complete your Ph.D. or postdoc. Foreign national researchers... need to be aware of the April 1 deadline for companies to submit an application on their behalf.  If transfer, communications, medical writing, compliance, core facility management, collaboration directed to you specifically. You must also complete the peer review for it to be counted as proof ...your CV and bio sketch whenever you have new accomplishments to add. Obtain copies and translations of documents...
  17. Generating Mouse Models Using CRISPR/Cas9

    Blog Post
    July 12, 2016, 2:30 p.m.
    ...engineered ESCs), and chimeric adults mated to produce completely transgenic offspring. Although powerful, this... genome, the CRISPR/Cas system makes use of 3 components, a guide RNA (gRNA) of about 125 nt that specifies...gRNA, Cas9, and donor oligonucleotide or plasmid components are brought together and microinjected into either...eggs. Or, to avoid handling embryos ex vivo, the components can be electroporated into the oviduct of pregnant... major advantages of CRISPR mouse editing when compared to more conventional methods. First, one can work... work with almost any strains of mice, as compared with conventional gene targeting, which is limited ...including 129 and C57BL/6, for which we have germline competent ESC lines. Second, the process is much quicker...
  18. Plasmids 101: In-house NGS Plasmid Quality Control Now at Addgene

    Blog Post
    April 6, 2021, 12:30 p.m.
    ...MiSeq that takes about two days to complete. After the run completes, we begin our assembly process. Again...sufficient quantity for sequencing. This process is completed in a plate format yielding anywhere from two to...Illumina sequencing on our newly donated MiSeq.  For Complete Plasmid Sequencing we perform a 2x251 run on our...annotated Genbank files that are useful for more complicated plasmids, like those that contain synthesized...mutations, truncations, and insertions that could compromise function. When we do find mutations, we check..., NGS for some plasmids will not result in one complete, circular assembly. Most of the time, these plasmids...obtain an NGS result that is useful, but not 100% complete, we will still make this data available as a partial...
  19. How to Prepare for an Industry Interview

    Blog Post
    July 9, 2020, 1:15 p.m.
    ...ask your interviewers You’re interviewing the company as much as they are interviewing you, so come prepared...performance evaluations, professional development, and company culture.  It’s also a good idea to prepare 1-2 .... This is a chance to highlight your prior accomplishments and demonstrate your science communication ... Connect your prior work or a new idea to the company’s area of expertise. This has potential to make ...consider bringing your own laptop as a backup, if the company will allow it. Before you start your presentation...interview. Expect to be tired once the interview is complete Industry interviews are long! Mine lasted 4.5 emails from HR carefully because sometimes companies have relaxed dress codes for interviews. You can...
  20. Important Considerations When Using AAVs

    Blog Post
    June 13, 2017, 2:30 p.m.
    ...can we compare these methods in specific applications, we may also be able to use these comparisons to 9 months in mice [2]). Low Immune Response: Compared to other viral vectors (e.g. Lentivirus, possible to use AAV constructs with self-complementing structure (scAAV) (7). As single stranded DNA...mapping of circuits In our lab, we use AAV-DREADD complexes to study neural function. Often the reporter proteins... proteins associated with these complexes are so robustly expressed that anatomical assessments can be...Ready-to-Use Retrograde AAV Preps at Addgene 2) Comparison of genetically engineered receptors (i.e. chemogenetics...neural control. Surprisingly, little research has compared and contrasted optogenetic and chemogenetic receptors...
Showing: 81 - 100 of 757 results