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Showing: 61 - 80 of 741 results
  1. Multiple Plasmids at a Low Price: Kits from Addgene

    Blog Post
    Sept. 14, 2016, 2:30 p.m.
    ...of extensive sequences used for cloning into the final translated products. Negative selection markers ...expression vectors additionally contain various combinations of protein tags (His, Avi, and GFP) as well ...blocker isolated from a designed repeat protein combinatorial library by in vivo functional screen." Scientific...production of a downstream peptide, the transcription terminators in this series are just the tool you need. The...this portion of the BIOFAB Plasmid Set contain terminators of varying strengths centered within GFP/RFP ...characterized in Cambray et al., 2013. These terminators can be used to precisely tune your polycistronic... for a researcher to quickly generate N- and C-terminal epitope tag fusions to a protein of interest. ...
  2. A Primer on Optogenetics: Introduction and Opsin Delivery

    Blog Post
    Sept. 10, 2015, 2:30 p.m.
    ... lambda sutures and subsequent determination of the proper coordinates of your brain region of interest...activation and the kinetics of opsin activity/inactivity. Dr. Deisseroth has also generously made many... as the vector core at the University of North Carolina) that offer his constructs. Importantly, frame (DIO). Upon coexpression with cre recombinase (either from a mouse line or viral co-injection...specificity dependent on the promoter of the cre recombinase while still taking advantage of the robust expression...identical for all of these surgeries. Identify coordinates through a rodent brain atlas or research papers...prior to using the virus. You may need to adjust coordinates based on your own method of identifying bregma...
  3. pSiM24: Simplifying Plant Genetic Engineering

    Blog Post
    Sept. 29, 2015, 2:30 p.m.
    ...Agrobacterium binary vectors Vectors designed for use in Agrobacterium are termed binary vectors because...depositor Indu Maiti has created a new and versatile binary Ti vector for both transient and stable gene expression...and E. coli. Like plasmids used in other systems, binary vectors are cloned and prepped in E. coli. with the target plant species. Thus, binary vectors contain two origins of replication, one...transferred to the plant, similar to viral vectors’ terminal repeats. It’s a lot of information to fit into...into a single plasmid, so most first-generation binary vectors are quite large (>10 kb.) Since transformation...scientists want to transfer large genes, smaller binary vectors with a larger cloning capacity would be...
  4. Genetically-encoded Sparse Cell Labeling - A SPARC of Innovation

    Blog Post
    May 21, 2020, 1:15 p.m.
    ...the brain of Cre-expressing mice to trigger recombination and expression of a transgene (Lin et al., 2018...with precisely truncated attP sites to control recombination of the gene construct. A predictable number ...effector or retain the stop cassette following recombination. Image from Isaacman-Beck et al., 2019. Sparse... Sparse Predictive Activity through Recombinase Competition (SPARC), a genetic tool that allows for the... downstream gene expression. attP and attB, recombination sites. These sites are target sequences of PhiC31...where the stop cassette is removed during the recombination step, the effector is expressed. In cells where...expressed and the cells are not labeled. PhiC31, a recombinase. It specifically integrates an attP site into...
  5. CRISPR 101: RNA Editing with Cas13

    Blog Post
    July 31, 2020, 12:30 p.m.
    ...natural cytidine deaminases, they evolved the adenine deaminase ADAR2DD to deaminate cytidine and used... dRanCas13b (catalytically inactive Cas13) to target the cytosine deaminase. Three rounds of rational ...Originally published Nov 30, 2017 and updated Jul 31, 2020. Cas13 enzymes are quickly becoming major ...editor: a Cas13 enzyme fused to an RNA adenosine deaminase (ADAR). Such a system would convert adenine to...protein, they examined ADAR1 and ADAR2, which deaminate adenosine to inosine in RNA, creating a functional...functional A->G change. They fused ADAR deaminase domains (ADARDD) to dPspCas13b, but observed low RNA editing...the full ADAR2DD to further optimize cytidine deaminase activity. While RESCUE can perform C-to-U edits...
  6. Viral Vectors 101: Parts of the AAV Transfer Plasmid

    Blog Post
    Aug. 11, 2020, 1:15 p.m.
    ...of an AAV plasmid. Inverted terminal repeat (ITR) sequence Inverted terminal repeats (ITRs) are what them.  Lox sites Lox sites, in combination with the Cre recombinase, are used to spatially and temporally...loss, it’s best to propagate AAV constructs in recombination-deficient bacterial strains, such as Stbl3s....FLEX or DIO. Lox sites are recognized by the recombinase Cre. Cre first flips the sequence between the...excise the sequence between the second pair. The final result is a permanently flipped transgene. By restricting...the end of the AAV genome, just upstream of the final ITR.  polyA  The polyadenylation or polyA signal...the end of the AAV genome, just upstream of the final ITR and downstream of the WPRE. TL;DR? Watch our...
  7. Easi-CRISPR: Generating Knock-In and Conditional Mouse Models

    Blog Post
    April 5, 2018, 12:42 p.m.
    ... 69090 pMJ915 MBP (N terminal); 6xHis (N terminal); 2xNLS (C terminal) 47327 pET-28b-Cas9-... 6xHis (C terminal); NLS (C terminal) 62933 pET-Cas9-NLS-6xHis 6xHis (C terminal); NLS (C terminal...62934 pET-NLS-Cas9-6xHis 6xHis (C terminal); NLS (N terminal)   Easi-CRISPR efficiency and delivery...marker, likely by breeding to a mouse line with a recombinase. If it turned out your chimeric mice did not ... a standard dsDNA repair template is used. The original design for creating a conditional allele, or floxed...that the T7 promoter will not be included in the final ssDNA template. Although effective, ivTRT may fluorescent proteins (EGFP, mCherry etc.), recombinases (Cre, Flp etc.), and tetracycline drug induction...
  8. Fluorescent Proteins 101: Photoactivatable Fluorescent Proteins

    Blog Post
    April 25, 2017, 2:30 p.m.
    ...wtGFP is illuminated with UV-violet light (~400 nm), the chromophore photoconverts predominantly to the ...activates and inactivates Dronpa is not ideal, since this means Dronpa is quickly inactivated and less photons...PA-GFP to display almost no fluorescence when illuminated with 488nm light. However, when UV-violet light... to a 100-fold increase in fluorescence when illuminated with blue light (1). Similar to PA-GFP, scientists...derived from DsRed and mRFP, respectively. When illuminated with violet light, both variants are photoconverted...but then further exposure to blue light also inactivates the chromophore, leading to a non-fluorescent...find a version of Dronpa that doesn't become inactivated as quickly. Padron is a monomeric, reversible...
  9. Cancer and the Immune System: Deciphering the Relationship

    Blog Post
    March 14, 2017, 2:30 p.m.
    ... “Three Es of Immunoediting” nomenclature. 1. Eliminate - Latent tumors are recognized by effector cells...interleukin (IL)-12 and interferon gamma (IFNγ) - and eliminate cancer cells. 2. Equilibrium - In a process bacteria, the tumor cells that escape the elimination stage acquire genetic alterations and alter cell-surface...In contrast to the acute immune responses that eliminate early stage cancer cells, chronic inflammatory...tolerance-producing antigens enunciated above. Finally, signals released from the microenvironment help...cells, and often cannot eradicate metastasis or eliminate the probability of a relapse. Chemical and aide chemotherapy and result in successful elimination of certain tumors. However, antibody stability...
  10. Four Ways to Package Transgenes That Exceed the Size Limit of Adeno-associated Virus

    Blog Post
    Sept. 1, 2020, 1:15 p.m.
    ...mRNA Surveillance Mechanism That Eliminates Transcripts Lacking Termination Codons. Science 295:2258–2261...generally accepted that some form of homologous recombination (HR) occurs via this region of overlap, but ...single over-sized vector, but not always.  The combination of serotype and tissue/cell type could have a...fragments are likely non-functional, they could be dominant-negative and/or toxic. A potential solution is...repairs Overview: The sequential homologous recombination approach delivers large donor templates using...Evaluating Efficiencies of Dual AAV Approaches for Retinal Targeting. Front Neurosci 11: . mouse airway transduction following recombination between AAV vectors carrying parts of a larger...
  11. Hot Plasmids and Viral Preps - January 2021

    Blog Post
    Jan. 5, 2021, 2:15 p.m.
    ...bringing the C-terminal and N-terminal Cre fragments together and permitting recombinase activity. Opto-Cre-Vvd... of bacterial gene expression By Meghan Rego Recombinases are enzymes that recognize, cut, and alter specific...translocation or cassette exchange. By utilizing recombinases to manipulate genomes, scientists can control...expression of their genes of interest. While recombinases are powerful gene expression tools in and of...Cells expressing an RFP reporter plasmid for recombinase activity were exposed to blue light. Cre-Vvd ...substantially improved activity as compared to other recombinase/photodimer pairs. Created with ...24390935/ Hypercompact genome editor CRISPR-Casɸ By Melina Fan The Doudna Lab adds to the CRISPR-Cas toolbox...
  12. Adenoviral Vector Production and Troubleshooting

    Blog Post
    June 14, 2018, 11:44 a.m.
    ...detailed instructions on how to generate the final recombinant adenoviral plasmid construct, please see Addgene...bacterial strain not prone to recombination for amplification. The final purified plasmid stock should...candidates for applications in oncolysis and vaccination!) In the 65 years since its discovery, researchers...linear double-stranded DNA of ~36kb, with inverted terminal repeats (ITR) present at both ends. immune response against AdV. Importantly, recombination-competent adenovirus (RCA) can be generated ...packaging cell line is transferred into the AdV by recombination. It is therefore recommended to test for the...more complex and the presence of helper virus contaminants have slowed the use of this system. New and ...
  13. Of Myc and Men

    Blog Post
    Jan. 19, 2023, 2:15 p.m.
    ...peptide, while three bound to the C-terminal peptide. One of these C-terminal antibodies was Myc1-9E10 (aka ...Munro S, Pelham HRB (1987) A C-terminal signal prevents secretion of luminal ER proteins. Cell 48:899–907...Tagging Plasmid-based Recombinant Antibody Resources on  Find recombinant anti-c-Myc [9E10] ..., 1984). The strategy they landed on was to recombinantly append their proteins of interest with unrelated...protein had a highly specific antibody to the C-terminal five amino acids, meaning the tag could be quite...). They noticed that Myc1-9E10 and the other C-terminal antibodies only recognized the human c-Myc protein...sequences in these species, they found that the N-terminal half of the antigen differs significantly between...
  14. Multiplexed Capture of Promoter-enhancer 3D Chromatin Structures Using CRISPR

    Blog Post
    July 2, 2020, 12:40 p.m.
    ...situ of Regulatory Elements: The original CAPTURE method The original CAPTURE method requires the creation...Originally published Dec 7, 2017 and updated Jul 2, 2020. Promoters may be the star of gene regulation...Purification in situ of Regulatory Elements) method. The original CAPTURE method was published in 2017 and PCR or deep sequencing. A drawback of the original CAPTURE method is that a new cell line has to ... of the CAPTURE 2.0 system To improve upon the original CAPTURE method, the Xu Lab made the following ...changes to create CAPTURE 2.0:  Replace the biotinalatable tag on dCas9 with a BioTAP-tag. The of the two remaining CAPTURE 2.0 components eliminates the need to create stable cell lines and allows...
  15. FLEx Technology and Optogenetics: Flipping the switch on gene expression with high spatial and temporal resolution

    Blog Post
    Oct. 17, 2019, 12:28 p.m.
    ...through site-specific recombinases such as Cre or Flp that induce DNA recombination at defined recognition... with an inactive opsin gene; in Cre expressing cells, however, Cre induces the recombination of the double-floxed... P1 site-specific recombination. Purification and properties of the Cre recombinase protein." Journal ...Taylor et al., 2016; Hooper and Maguire, 2016). Recombinant adeno-associated viruses (rAAVs) have become ...opposite orientations. Since Cre does not cause recombination between mismatched recognition sites, its presence...viruses, such as the optogenetic FLEx vectors in combination with transgenic animals or rAAVs expressing Cre... "Adeno-associated virus 2/9 delivery of Cre recombinase in mouse primary afferents." Scientific reports...
  16. 15 Hot Plasmids from 2017

    Blog Post
    Jan. 9, 2018, 3:02 p.m.
    ...thereby rendering them inactive in the cytoplasm. The authors use PhoCl in combination with this caging technique...Tol2 Gateway-Compatible Toolbox is based on the original Tol2kit generated by the Chi-Bin Chien lab (Kwan...with nonoverlapping emission spectra (N- and C-terminal tags for mTagBFP, TagRFPt, EGFP, mVenus, mCerulean3...Gateway-Compatible Toolbox Podcast Segment The impact of KLF4 N-terminal variants on iPSC generation Deriving iPSCs (induced...discrepancies, which they traced to a 9 amino acid N-terminal variation in the Klf4 isoform (KLF4s or KLF4L)...variant they call mScarlet. Bindels et al used a combination of deliberate and random mutagenesis to isolate...light-dependent Gal4 transcriptional activation and Cre recombination. Find PhoCl plasmids at Addgene. Zhang W, et...
  17. To Each HIS Own

    Blog Post
    March 2, 2023, 2:15 p.m.'s biological research requires a close examination of specific proteins within a system. This can...expressed in frame on the N- or C-terminus of a recombinant protein of interest. The tag was developed as...wash steps removes excess proteins and other contaminants. The protein of interest is then eluted using...tagged protein of interest (purple) and several contaminating proteins (blue, green, orange) flows through...immobilized along with a polyhistidine containing contaminating protein (orange). A low imidazole wash buffer...buffer disrupts the weak interaction of the contaminating protein but not that of the protein of interest...wash buffer should be high enough to disrupt contaminant-metal ion binding without eluting the target ...
  18. Viral Vectors 101: Virus Safety

    Blog Post
    June 22, 2023, 1:15 p.m.
    ...cabinet, it needs to be decontaminated in a biosafety cabinet. When decontaminating liquid waste, remember...production), there is a significant risk for aerosol contamination. As most centrifugation has to be done outside...heat sealed tubes can be used for extra security. Finally, when spinning down lentivirus, you’ll need to should open in the biosafety cabinet and decontaminate after use. Virus-exposed plastics and other ...other surfaces should be thoroughly decontaminated after use, typically with bleach (plastic) or ethanol (...cities may require a higher percentage of the decontaminate to be used for BSL-2 waste, and of course, if... percentage indicates the proportion of the decontaminate in the waste itself, not in the solution that...
  19. An “elegans” Approach to Better CRISPR/Cas9 Editing Efficiency

    Blog Post
    Dec. 17, 2020, 1:30 p.m.
    ...efficiency. Finally, as shown in Drosophila S2 cells (Böttcher et al., 2014), inactivation of non-homologous...Originally published Jan 27, 2015 and last updated Dec 17, 2020. This post was contributed by Jordan ...heat-shocking to induce the expression of a Cre recombinase contained within the knock-in. Including Cre-...approach – co-CRISPR from Craig Mello’s lab – used inactivation of the unc-22 gene as their selection marker...Andy Fire’s lab used oligo-mediated knock-in of a dominant mutation, known as co-conversion (Arribere et channeling DNA breaks into the homologous recombination repair pathway. Reagents required to perform...), and Victor Ambros and Gary Ruvkun for their seminal work on micro RNAs in C. elegans. The C. elegans...
  20. Plasmids 101: Common Lab E. coli Strains

    Blog Post
    Nov. 7, 2014, 2:56 p.m.
    ...Lactose permease inactivated, lactose cannot be taken up by cell mcrA, mcrBC Inactivation of pathway that... is essential for recombination and general DNA repair Reduces plasmid recombination, increases plasmid...stability, reduced recombination relA or relA1 Relaxed phenotype, mutation eliminating stringent factor...them in 1885. E. coli are mainly found in the intestinal tract of animals. There are many different naturally... foreign (methylated) DNA mrr, Δ(mcrC-mrr) Inactivation of pathway that cleaves methylated adenine or...ara disruption of arabinose metabolism pathway Inability to utilize arabinose as a carbon source leuB...leuB β-isopropyl malate dehydrogenase inactivated Requires exogenous leucine source for growth proAB mutation...
Showing: 61 - 80 of 741 results