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Showing: 61 - 80 of 341 results
  1. Sequencing Options for CRISPR Genotyping

    Blog Post
    Oct. 4, 2016, 2:30 p.m.
    ...View Our CRISPR Guide Pages Find CRISPR Plasmids for Your Experiments Get Ready-to-Use CRISPR Lentivirus...steps in the CRISPR experimental process is validating edits. Regardless of which CRISPR genome editing...discussed in CRISPR 101: Validating Your Genome Edit, there are a variety of options for CRISPR genotyping...Perform Genome-Wide Screens with CRISPR Generate Mouse Models with CRISPR/Cas9 Additional Resources on gene. The validation process, also known as CRISPR genotyping, is critical to demonstrating causal...biology. It is key to address these concerns as CRISPR use grows across the life sciences and to establish...moves toward standardized thresholds for validating CRISPR experiments, many are turning to next-generation...
  2. CRISPR-Cas14: a family of small DNA-targeting enzymes enabling high-fidelity SNP genotyping

    Blog Post
    Nov. 29, 2018, 1:53 p.m.
    ... to a CRISPR array and the universal CRISPR integrase, cas1. They discovered a family of CRISPR-Cas systems...about DETECTR Browse all of the CRISPR blog posts Download our CRISPR cheat sheet Resources on plasmids here Checkout our CRISPR guide page Browse the CRISPR collection ...genome of virtually any organisms on this planet, CRISPR-Cas systems were merely adaptive immune systems...other Cas proteins found in the so-called class 2 CRISPR-Cas systems. There are 24 variants of the cas14...predicted RuvC nuclease domain, characteristic of CRISPR-Cas enzymes. In contrast to other Cas enzymes, ...cloned the cas14 gene together with the adjacent CRISPR array and intergenic regions containing the putative...
  3. New CRISPR Tools: Cas7-11 and PASTE

    Blog Post
    Feb. 17, 2022, 2 p.m.
    ... and Flexibility to CRISPR Engineering CRISPR 101: RNA Editing With Cas13  CRISPR Cheat Sheet Resources...RNA or DNA via a CRISPR mechanism. The weird black pellet's DNA yielded a new CRISPR effector protein ...has dual activities: processing pre-CRISPR RNA into mature CRISPR RNA and cleaving RNA at positions defined...DNA with CRISPR-driven precision into a genome, can be considered the fourth generation of CRISPR, one which... part of any revolutionary discovery, including CRISPR, is turning potential into impact. In molecular...been working on two tools that expand and exploit CRISPR, both of which we're featuring in today's blog....their quest to find, characterize, and develop new CRISPR systems and technologies, the AbuGoot lab often...
  4. Cas13d: Small RNA-targeting CRISPR enzymes for transcriptome engineering

    Blog Post
    May 3, 2018, 1:48 p.m.
    ...Microbial CRISPR diversity is impressive, and researchers are just beginning to tap the wealth of CRISPR possibilities...RNA Knockdown Plasmids Check out our CRISPR Guide Read our CRISPR History  ...RNA-editing Cas13 enzymes have taken the CRISPR world by storm. Like RNA interference, these enzymes ...general bioinformatic screens that looked for a CRISPR repeat array near a putative effector nuclease....these papers can independently process their own CRISPR arrays into guide RNAs. crRNA cleavage is retained... WYL proteins an intriguing counterpart to anti-CRISPR proteins that negatively modulate the activity ...measured by flow cytometry, respectively. Cas13d CRISPR array processing is robust, with CasRx and either...
  5. Protein Tagging with CRISPR/Cas9: A Conversation with Mendenhall and Myers

    Blog Post
    July 28, 2015, 2:30 p.m.
    ...go to Addgene: What motivated you to adapt CRISPR for use in protein tagging...protein tagging with CRISPR Additional CRISPR Posts from the Addgene Blog ...quickly and efficiently, they’ve recently adapted the CRISPR/Cas9 system for protein tagging. We spoke with ...with Mendenhall and Myers about their new CRISPR tagging system, which they’ve now made available at Addgene...transcription factors. Our groups got together to adapt CRISPR for tagging experiments and it’s already looking...improvements in efficiency and throughput. In adapting the CRISPR/Cas system, what we are doing is adding in a second...context? Mendenhall: The benefits are two-fold: CRISPR/Cas9 offers high efficiency of inducing double ...
  6. CRISPR Activation: A Practical Guide

    Blog Post
    Aug. 18, 2016, 2:30 p.m.
    ..., Wang X (2015) WU-CRISPR: characteristics of functional guide RNAs for the CRISPR/Cas9 system. Genome... More about Genome-wide Screens with CRISPR/Cas9 Learn How CRISPR Has Been Used with AAV Resources on...Catch Up on Your CRISPR Background with Our CRISPR Guide Pages ... Two ways to use CRISPRa for your research CRISPRa for specific gene targets CRISPR activation for genes...Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering. CRISPR/Cas9 is an enormously plastic tool and has taken...loci to create changes in phenotypes. For example, CRISPR activation has been used to differentiate induced...viral latency (Bialek et al., 2016). Additionally, CRISPR-based activation can be made inducible upon environmental...
  7. 3 Tips to Improve HDR Efficiency for CRISPR Editing in Human Cells

    Blog Post
    Sept. 5, 2017, 1:58 p.m.
    ...Increasing HDR accuracy with CRISPR/Cas-blocking mutations After genome editing with CRISPR/Cas9 in human cells...Paquet, et al  2017). Find Additional CRISPR Resources on Addgene's CRISPR Guide Page 2. Optimizing "cut-to-mutation...gRNA Delivering CRISPR Ribonucleoproteins Resources on Browse All CRISPR Plasmids Check ...s lab at the Rockefeller University in NYC. The CRISPR/Cas9 system is a versatile tool for precise gene... many organisms and model systems. We have used CRISPR/Cas9 extensively for the purpose of making sequence-specific...human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). The CRISPR/Cas9 com­plex is very efficient at introducing, Mai et al) we were very excited to set up a CRISPR-based editing platform in our lab. Our goal was...
  8. Overcoming the AAV Size Limitation for CRISPR Delivery

    Blog Post
    Sept. 16, 2020, 1 p.m.
    ...toxicity. More AAV-based CRISPR systems Smaller Cas proteins SaCas9 isn't the only CRISPR enzyme that’s small...about Cas9 Variants and the Expanded CRISPR Toolbox Read about CRISPR enzyme Cpf1 Read our Introduction Check out our CRISPR Guide Find CRISPR Plasmids ... and last updated Sep 16, 2020 by Beth Kenkel.  CRISPR genome editing has quickly become a popular system...characterization for in vivo studies. One of the pitfalls of CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing is the potential for off-target...liver-specific serotype AAV8. Since the efficiency of CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing varies across targets, they...added advantage that it can be turned off by anti-CRISPR proteins. The Sontheimer lab used NmeCas9 with ...
  9. Custom CRISPR Screens & the Green Listed Software

    Blog Post
    July 11, 2017, 2:30 p.m.
    ...Learn More About CRISPR Find CRISPR Screening Libraries Browse All CRISPR Plasmids class CRISPR labs.  Check Out This Video to See How Green Listed Works at a Glance!  CRISPR knockout...Addgene Blog Learn about CRISPR Screens How to Design Your gRNA Tips for a 1st CRISPR User Resources on genes you’d like to investigate in your next CRISPR screen. Luckily, the Green Listed software can software tool used to design gRNAs for custom CRISPR screens targeting a (long or short) list of genes...screens: Full genome vs. custom screens Full genome CRISPR knockout screens have been used in several settings...T. gondii are available through Additional libraries are also available...
  10. Choosing a CRISPR Nuclease: Site Accessibility, Specificity, and Sensitivity

    Blog Post
    Nov. 5, 2019, 1:28 p.m. Visit our CRISPR plasmids and resources page Read our CRISPR guide Find CRISPR plasmids for mammalian...for My CRISPR Experiment? The three years flew by, but since then, scientists have adapted CRISPR nucleases... Read our CRISPR 101 blog posts Find more information about Cas proteins Download the CRISPR 101 eBook...previous blog post The PAM Requirement and Expanding CRISPR Beyond SpCas9 described the PAM specificity of ...the Cas9 to use in your experiments   The CRISPR drawer. So many options! Comic by Maya Cas9 While Cas9 remains the most widely used CRISPR nuclease, recent work has shown that Cas9. As scientists continue to characterize CRISPR nucleases from a variety of sources, it is likely...
  11. Searchable and Sortable gRNAs for Your Next CRISPR Experiment

    Blog Post
    May 17, 2016, 2:30 p.m.
    ...Design Your gRNA Use the CRISPR Software Matchmaker Browse Alll of Our CRISPR Posts Additional Resources... Browse gRNA Design Tools Read Our CRISPR Guide Pages Find CRISPR Plasmids  ... one.  At Addgene, over 120 labs have deposited CRISPR reagents, including many gRNA-containing plasmids...articles. If you’re targeting your favorite gene with CRISPR, using one of these validated gRNAs can save selection and gRNA design are essential for a CRISPR experiment.  The selection process is often time...sequence which has already been shown to work in CRISPR experiments. Addgene’s dedication to resource sharing...plasmid. If you, for example, prefer to deliver your CRISPR components as RNPs (ribonucleoproteins) and therefore...
  12. CRISPR 101: Epigenetics and Editing the Epigenome

    Blog Post
    June 24, 2020, 5:45 p.m.
    ...deacetylases. CRISPR and epigenetics As with many TALEN-based technologies, the advent of CRISPR has made .... For an up-to-date list of CRISPR epigenetic tools, check out our CRISPR Epigenetics resource. Transcriptional...potential advantage of CRISPR epigenetic tools is their persistence and inheritance. CRISPR activators and repressors...modification at specific genomic loci is possible using CRISPR, and Addgene has a number of tools for this purpose...targeted to specific DNA sequences. Non-editing CRISPR applications direct catalytically dead dCas9 fused...double strand breaks. Below you'll find some of the CRISPR-based epigenetic modifiers available from Addgene...Epigenetic modification is certainly not the only CRISPR-based technology designed to alter gene expression...
  13. Hot Plasmids and Viral Preps - July 2021

    Blog Post
    July 27, 2021, 1:15 p.m.
    ...article: CRISPR-based editing in organoid Biosensors for detecting strigolactones The CRISPR Corner New...10.1021/acssynbio.0c00192   The CRISPR corner By Jennifer Tsang New CRISPR plasmids are always being added...To find all of the CRISPR plasmids available from Addgene, head over to our CRISPR Plasmids and Resources...system, showing the workflow for inducible CRISPR inhibition (CRISPRi). A) Lentiviral vector design. B) Strategy...New ready-to-use viral preps New toolkit for CRISPR-based genome editing in organoids By Ashley Waldron..., organoid users have recently begun to develop CRISPR-based approaches for studying gene function in ...derived from other tissue-types. By bringing together CRISPR-based approaches and organoid models, toolkits ...
  14. Addgene @ Keystone: Thoughts on Precision Genome Engineering and Synbio

    Blog Post
    Jan. 15, 2015, 1:50 p.m. our new CRISPR page (which describes how to plan your CRISPR experiment for our new CRISPR/Cas users... blog. Find more CRISPR and Genome Engineering Resources at our website: CRISPR Resources & Plasmids...genome engineering from ZFNs through TALENs and CRISPR-Cas nucleases, provided important context for the...was followed by three of the biggest names in the CRISPR-Cas9 field – Jennifer Doudna, Feng Zhang, and Keith...on this field. Advances in genome engineering & CRISPR technology That afternoon's workshop, entitled ... way of examining, modifying, and improving the CRISPR-Cas9 system. Mehmet Fatih Bolukbasi from Scot Wolfe' effects. Other young scientists discussed new CRISPR delivery systems, modifications to the RNA components...
  15. Trends in CRISPR and SynBio Technologies

    Blog Post
    Feb. 4, 2015, 3:58 p.m.
    ... community. Data on CRISPR and synBio plasmid sharing In a recent review on CRISPR technology, for example... and distribution trends for Zinc Finger, TALE, CRISPR, and SynBio plasmids over time. You can see these...  crispr...
  16. CRISPR 101 eBook...en español

    Blog Post
    Jan. 18, 2024, 2:15 p.m.
    ...La primera edición de nuestro libro electrónico CRISPR 101 ya está disponible en español! Esta traducción...para editarla. Estamos orgullosos de anunciar que CRISPR 101: Una herramienta de edición ahora es parte ...nuestra colección de libros electrónicos. Descargar CRISPR 101: Una herramienta de edición Addgene tiene una...accedan a recursos útiles para sus experimentos CRISPR. Muchas gracias a: Daniel Mejías Sánchez, PhD,[email protected] The first edition of our CRISPR 101 eBook is now available in Spanish!  This translation...the translation. We are pleased to announce that CRISPR 101: Una herramienta de edición is now an official...official part of our eBook collection.  Download CRISPR 101: Una herramienta de edición  Addgene has a large...
  17. What's New in CRISPR - March 2020

    Blog Post
    March 10, 2020, 1:15 p.m. Download the CRISPR 101 eBook Find our CRISPR 101 blog posts Read our CRISPR cheat sheet Resources...the new CRISPR plasmids available at Addgene. We will still periodically focus on specific CRISPR plasmid...Resources on Read our CRISPR guide Find CRISPR plasmids by function Find recently deposited plasmids...editing CRISPRi in Caulobacter crescentus Multiplexed gRNA for human pluripotent stem cells CRISPR-based...that this blog series will help you find more new CRISPR tools for your research! This time: Optogenetic... Scientific Reports Find the plasmids Enhanced CRISPR-based DNA demethylation Figure 2: The ...Communications Find Casilio-ME plasmids If you have a new CRISPR tool you’ve recently deposited to Addgene and you...
  18. Giving gRNAs a Facelift - Synthetic and Beyond

    Blog Post
    Oct. 20, 2022, 1:15 p.m. your CRISPR gRNA CRISPR 101: Ribonucleoprotein (RNP) Delivery Components of CRISPR/Cas9 ...sequence for CRISPR-Cas9 targeting is led by a ~20 bp gRNA which is part of the larger CRISPR RNA (crRNA...vectors View Addgene's CRISPR resources Request ready-to-use viral preps of select CRISPR lentiviral plasmids...surprise then that stability of the RNA used in CRISPR-Cas9 experiments – the “gRNA” – suffers from the...modifications listed above were developed before CRISPR-Cas9, for use in applications like siRNA and find pre-tested gRNA sequences for your next CRISPR experiment.    Chemical RNA modifications... On-off switches for gRNAs A major drawback of CRISPR-Cas9 technology is that most expression systems...
  19. CRISPR Meets Synthetic Biology: A Conversation with MIT’s Christopher Voigt

    Blog Post
    April 22, 2015, 2:06 p.m.
    ...the future.  Building circuits from CRISPRs Addgene: What can CRISPR do for synthetic biology? Voigt: The...multi-input CRISPR/Cas9 genetic circuits References: Nielsen AA, Voigt CA. Multi-input CRISPR/Cas genetic...Nielsen describe what’s possible when multi-input CRISPR/Cas genetic circuits are linked to the regulatory...about this collision that’s taking place between CRISPR technology and synthetic biology, the tools he’... proteins that don’t interfere with each other. CRISPR is so orthogonal and programmable that you can ...straightforward surprisingly. So I think a nice thing about CRISPR is how much easier it is to work with than regulatory...One thing is that Cas9 is toxic. When cells carry CRISPR circuitry, it can slow their growth. Something ...
  20. With Our New Viral Service, We're Taking CRISPR Further!

    Blog Post
    Dec. 6, 2016, 3:30 p.m.
    ...ready-to-use CRISPR lentiviral preps to researchers across the globe. Why provide CRISPR as virus? “Like...are rough approximations of the total number of CRISPR plasmids for that particular organism with the indicated function. One huge reason CRISPR has become such a popular genome editing tool is... is its developers’ willingness to make their CRISPR technologies available to the academic research community...point for the production of viruses used to deliver CRISPR components to cells or organisms under study. In... Advisory board, on the difficulty of producing CRISPR lentivirus. As we’ve heard from scientists, producing...kb) this is a particularly prominent problem in CRISPR genome editing experiments. We aim to alleviate...
Showing: 61 - 80 of 341 results