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Showing: 61 - 80 of 457 results
  1. CRISPRainbow and Genome Visualization

    Blog Post
    Feb. 28, 2017, 3:30 p.m.
    ...Addgene. 2. Ma, Hanhui, et al. “Multicolor CRISPR labeling of chromosomal loci in human cells.” Proc. ...two genes over time, at a range of distances from 2-75 Mbp. Labeling multiple, intrachromosomal loci Building...successfully resolved loci with physical map distances of 2 and 75 Mbp, with the calculated fluorescent distances...established physical map. In comparing pairs of targets ~2 Mbp apart, they noticed that they could evaluate the...dCas9 supplied by a separate vector. Figure 2: CRISPRainbow generates 6 unique colors and a white...Genomic Loci in Living Human Cells by an Optimized CRISPR/Cas System.” Cell 155 (2013): 1379-1491. Pubmed...of 6 chromosome-specific loci in the U20S cancer cell line./ Each color represents a gRNA targeting a ...
  2. Plasmids 101: Modular Cloning

    Blog Post
    March 12, 2024, 1:15 p.m.
    ...TUs. Level 2: Assembly of multiple Level 1 TUs into multigene constructs. Figure 2: The three ...can be queried by testing any number in the Level 2 assembly. These pathways can require a lot of optimization... of multigene constructs. PLoS One. 2011 Feb 18;6(2):e16765. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0016765.  Hahn,... (2020). Resources on Addgene’s Modular Cloning...complex cellular behaviors requires making complex manipulations to cells. For example: in a cell there ... yield a cellular phenotype, translational output, etc., which can support a larger cellular engineering...TU, or even an individual part, will behave in a cell. For unpredictable cases, MoClo provides two answers...
  3. CRISPR 101: Multiplex Expression of gRNAs

    Blog Post
    Sept. 10, 2020, 11:45 a.m.
    ...illustrated in the schematic below.   Figure 2: gRNA target sequences (colored rectangles) are cloned... plasmids: This plasmid set allows you to express 2-4 gRNAs, with four being the ideal number. First you...the total number of gRNAs you wish to clone, from 2-7. For example, if you’re expressing 4 gRNAs, you’...gRNAs into spectinomycin-resistant plasmids pX330S-2 to pX330S-(last gRNA number). The 5’ most gRNA is ...Multiplexing Plasmids: These plasmids allow you to assemble 2-4 gRNAs through Golden Gate or Gibson Assembly. gRNAs...Multiplex Plasmids: These plasmids allow expression of 2-5 gRNAs in zebrafish. Custom destination vectors are...and a subsequent curing protocol that requires only 2-3 hours incubation. Kondo Lab multiplexed base editing...
  4. Multiplex Genome Editing with CRISPR-Cpf1

    Blog Post
    May 9, 2017, 2:12 p.m.
    ...expression and needing to work with a transfectable cell line. 2) They require larger expression vectors which...Single RNA-Guided Endonuclease of a Class 2 CRISPR-Cas System. Cell,163(3), 759-771. PubMed PMID: 26422227...are also larger than their Cpf1 counterparts. Table 2. Cas9 Multiplexing Options  Multiplexing Method... Cpf1 expression vector.  See the graph in figure 2 for a comparison of editing frequency resulting from...Biotechnology 35.1 (2016): 31-34. Pubmed PMID: 27918548. 2. Zetsche, B., Gootenberg, J., Abudayyeh, O., Slaymaker... of 4 crRNAs in vitro and when expressed in 293 cells. This allows for a single promoter to drive expression... were used.  With transfection, 6.4% of HEK293T cells had edits at 4 of 4 targets when an array of 4 crRNAs...
  5. Antibodies 101: Designing Your First Flow Panel

    Blog Post
    May 28, 2024, 1:45 p.m.
    ...Table 2, Figure 5) for a hypothetical experiment in the lab. Let's say I am culturing HEK 293T cells in ... weak. Table 2: A simple flow panel to detect live, transduced, and CD45-expressing cells. Marker .... To understand why that is, let's look at Figure 2. The blue laser excites at a wavelength of 488 nm ... of PE's excitation spectrum (dotted line, Figure 2). The yellow/green laser, however, excites at 561 ... stronger — or brighter — signal.   Figure 2: Excitation and emission spectra for PE. The excitation...efficiency (eGFP expression).     The first item in Table 2 is a standard and should always be included—the live...from the other fluorophores to avoid bleeding and 2) BV421 is a very bright fluorophore, which makes it...
  6. A Primer on Optogenetics: Introduction and Opsin Delivery

    Blog Post
    Sept. 10, 2015, 2:30 p.m.
    ...: PMC3337962. 8. Zhao S, et al. Cell type-specific channelrhodopsin-2 transgenic mice for optogenetic ...commonly used in optogenetics: 1) electrophysiology and 2) behavioral experiments. I’m not an electrophysiologist...choice in the brain region you wish to stimulate 2) Fabrication and implantation of the optical fiber...thoroughly elsewhere (here and here for instance) [2], [3]. Karl Deisseroth of Stanford University , for a discussion of the different variants [1, 2, 4]. And, of course, the best way to learn about the...monitor expression at various time points (e.g. every 1-2 weeks over 8 weeks) in order to determine the optimal...(4):251-66. doi: 10.1038/nrn3171. PMID: 22430017. 2. Fenno L, et al. The development and application of...
  7. Five Popular Model Organisms, Part 2

    Blog Post
    Sept. 29, 2020, 1:15 p.m.
    ... H. J. (2009). Rats! Disease Models & Mechanisms, 2(5–6), 206–210. ...are often used to study vertebrate embryology and cell development. One major resource for frog research...Organism to Study and Model Human Genetic Disease. Cells Tissues Organs, 205(5–6), 303–313.
  8. Viral Vectors 101: Optogenetic Tools

    Blog Post
    June 27, 2023, 1:15 p.m.
    ...Optogenetic control of intracellular signaling pathways. Trends in Biotechnology, 33(2), 92–100. controlling neuronal activity, channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2), a blue light-activated cation channel, from...used in tandem with the opsin.      Figure 2: Diagram of excitatory (ChR2) activation by light ...) domains, phytochrome B (PhyB), and cryptochrome 2 (CRY2) (Zhang & Cui, 2015). When stimulated with light...comparative analysis of microbial opsins. Nature Methods, 9(2), 159–172. References...comparative analysis of microbial opsins. Nature Methods, 9(2), 159–172. Nagel...Hegemann, P., & Bamberg, E. (2003). Channelrhodopsin-2, a directly light-gated cation-selective membrane ...
  9. Plasmids 101: Dimers and Multimers

    Blog Post
    Jan. 10, 2023, 2:15 p.m.
    ...identification.   Fig. 2: Gel image of Plasmid 61564: pBAMD1-2 (~4.7 kb) digested with SpeI the formation of plasmid multimers. Cell. 1976 Dec;9(4 PT 2):707-16. doi: 10.1016/0092-8674(76)90134... at ~3.6 kb and ~1.1 kb (lane 3). Uncut DNA (lane 2) has a band at <3 kb, which corresponds to the supercoiled...dimers in Escherichia coli K-12. Plasmid. 1989 Mar;21(2):138-41. doi: 10.1016/0147-619x(89)90057-7. PMID: ...Plasmids and Chromosomes. Microbiol Spectr. 2014 Oct;2(5). doi: 10.1128/microbiolspec.PLAS-0025-2014. PMID...Behavior of Plasmid DNA. Microbiol Spectr. 2015 Apr;3(2):10.1128/microbiolspec.PLAS-0036-2014. doi: lower copy numbers within bacterial cells, and bacterial cells with multimers grow more slowly compared...
  10. Flow Cytometry Readouts: Yes, No, and Everything in Between

    Blog Post
    Aug. 20, 2024, 1:15 p.m.
    ...low expression, and everything in between (Figure 2). These smears tend to occur when you are looking ...on your experiment. You can see from Figure 2 that determining where to place your gate based on the dot... dot plot would be complicated.  Figure 2: (A) a smeary dot plot showing a range of antibody readouts...plot in Figure 4 compared to the dot plot in Figure 2. Quantification using MFI makes it easier to identify...percentage of total live cells are GFP+. In this plot, with adjusted voltage, cells that did not receive ...would serve you well. Percentage of cells in a parent gate (all live cells for example) that are positive ...example, you have introduced a GFP protein into your cells (visualized via the FITC channel) and you are trying...
  11. CRISPR Between the Genes: How to Experiment with Enhancers and Epigenomics

    Blog Post
    Aug. 9, 2016, 2:30 p.m.
    ... we identified in step 2. The result is a heterogenous population of stem cells, usually housed in a single...: 1. Find Enhancers that have NANOG binding sites 2. Design a CRISPR screen to target and disrupt the ...NANOG enhancers 3. CRISPR out the enhancers from step 2. See which ESCs die or differentiate Step 3 reveals...expression for NANOG enhancers, we’re ready for step 2: design a CRISPR screen to disrupt these enhancers...gRNA sequences without off-target effects for the 2+ million DHS sites. See below for further details.... for stem cells, or metastasized tumor cells, or alzheimers-affected neurons, or [your cell line of interest...critical to stem cell survival. Knowing which genes influence the survival of our cell culture is the foundation...
  12. CRISPR 101: Targeting RNA with Cas13a (C2c2)

    Blog Post
    Sept. 21, 2017, 2:07 p.m.
    ...question: C2c1, C2c2 and C2c3 (short for Class 2, candidate 1, 2, or 3). C2c1 and C2c3 are related to Cpf1,...characterization of diverse class 2 CRISPR-Cas systems." Molecular cell 60.3 (2015): 385-397. PubMed PMID...however cutting efficiency of Cas13a is reduced when 2 mismatches are present. The protospacer flanking sequence...PMC5127784. Find plasmids from this paper at Addgene. 2. East-Seletsky, Alexandra, et al. "Two distinct RNase...thought to activate programmed cell death or a dormant state for bacterial cells that have been infected with...bacterial cells, LwaCas13a does not display nonspecific RNA cleavage activity in eukaryotic cells. They RNAs, although its usefulness in bacterial cells will likely be limited by the propensity of Cas13a...
  13. MXS Chaining

    Blog Post
    Feb. 7, 2017, 3:30 p.m.
    ...Tethering partner Subcellular localization 1 TagBFP 399nm/ 456nm histone 2B (H2B) Chromatin 2 Cerulean 433nm...based (chaining-based) cloning. The modules (Figure 2) are contained in individual plasmids and are each...between various cloning methods are listed in Table 2. For example,  chaining-based cloning methods require...suitable for combining endogenous sequences. Table 2: High Throughput Cloning Strategies Method Technology...PMID: 20205762. PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2822740. 2. Engler C, Kandzia R, Marillonnet S. A one pot, one...protein localization, as well as cellular processes like gene expression and cell migration (Sladitschek and... MXS-chaining were used to label subcellular structures in live cells. Four individual expression constructs...
  14. AAV Titers: Where Do They Come From And What Do They Mean?

    Blog Post
    Nov. 15, 2017, 3 p.m.
    ...PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3640491. 2. Grimm, D., et al. "Titration of AAV-2 particles via a novel capsid the physical titer of a viral solution (Figure 2). Because physical titers are used for dosing purposes...mean and how they can be compared.   Figure 2: Label that comes on Addgene’s AAV aliquots. Our titer...of genomes can limit production of recombinant AAV-2." Gene therapy 6.7 (1999). PubMed PMID: 10455443. ...Characterization of a recombinant adeno-associated virus type 2 Reference Standard Material." Human gene therapy 21.10...particles that can transduce cells. Infectious titers are typically quantified by cell transduction assays. Wild-type...
  15. CRISPR Antimicrobials

    Blog Post
    May 3, 2016, 2:30 p.m.
    ...Citorik Plasmids here). In both cases, they used 1-2 CRISPR crRNAs targeting sequences found only in certain...resensitize antibiotic-resistant bacteria (Figure 2). The first phage introduced is lysogenic, integrating...machinery targeting 1) the given resistance gene and 2) a second lytic phage. Bacteria that receive this ...bacteria have previously flourished.   Figure 2: Two-phage strategies to resensitize bacteria to antibiotics...237163. Find plasmids from this paper at Addgene. 2. Bikard, David, et al. “Exploiting CRISPR-Cas nucleases...reach essentially every cell or else small pools of antibiotic resistant cells could repopulate the environment...strategies are nonspecific - they harm any bacterial cell without a resistance gene, allowing resistant bacteria...
  16. New Neuroscience Tool: The iGluSnFR3 Glutamate Sensor

    Blog Post
    April 7, 2022, 1:15 p.m.
    ...kinetics which are illustrated in figures 2 and 3.  Figure 2: Glutamate titration curves for the different...signals upon sensing glutamate using both 1-photon and 2-photon imaging.   Figure 1: 1P and 2P excitation...adapted from Aggarwal et al…, Supplementary Figure 2.   Improved trafficking and localization through... glutamate release from neurons and other brain cells in vivo. Glutamate plays a variety of roles in synaptic...sensor to the membrane and displays it on the extracellular side. In addition to the original PDGFR TMD,...promoter, FLEXed for expression in Cre-expressing cells hSynap: Human Synapsin-1 promoter. Good for neuronal...promoter, FLEXed for expression in Cre-expressing cells. hSynap-FLP: Synapsin-1 promoter, FLP-dependent ...
  17. 22 Hot Plasmid Technologies from 2014

    Blog Post
    Jan. 6, 2015, 5:21 p.m.
    ...Currently available from the Kim lab are 2 presynaptic and 2 postsynaptic targeting mGRASP plasmids. Additionally... Robinson et al., Dev Cell 2010 Feb 16;18(2):324-31. Cheeseman et al., J Cell Sci 2013 May 1;126(Pt ... 2µg/ml of Doxycycline for 2 hours, and imaged on the Keyence BZ-9000 fluorescence microscope 8 hours ...promotes the formation of an isopeptide bond between 2 peptide tags, SpyTag and KTag. The group demonstrated... of three sets of cloning vectors (Level 0, 1, or 2) which can be utilized in three successive assembly...1 modules can be similarly assembled into a Level 2 vector, thus forming a functional genetic circuit....circuit. Flexibility has been built into the Level 2 vectors to allow for additional iterations of Level 1 assembly...
  18. Hassle-free 96-well Format Epitope Tagging Using Cas9 Ribonucleoprotein

    Blog Post
    June 28, 2018, 3:01 p.m.
    ...purify IVT sgRNA in the lab. Figure 2: Cas9 RNP complexed with 2-part cr:tracrRNA tags genes more then transfected into stem cells. Cells are allowed to recover for 2-5 days and then analyzed for tagging...transfect and let cells recover for 2-5 days.Note: We use the Nucleofection method for delivery of csRNP... knock-in efficiency (<2% positive by ICC for the tag) or do not see any cells positive for tag insertion...stem cells. Development 144: 635-648. PubMed PMID: 28096221. PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5312033. 2. Dewari...IVT sgRNA) approach (Dewari et al. 2018 and Figure 2). Not only is the cr:tracrRNA approach highly efficient...transfected cells, we count the number of tag-positive cells (tag ICC) as a percentage of total cells in the...
  19. An Introduction to Adenovirus

    Blog Post
    Oct. 3, 2023, 1:15 p.m.
    ...either SARS-CoV-2, Adenovirus type 41 (AdV-41), or Adenovirus-Associated Virus type 2 (AAV2) – or some... was either 1) a physiological effect of SARS-CoV-2 toward destabilizing one’s natural immune response...response to Adenovirus (and/or to its partner, AAV) or 2) a sociological effect of the COVID-19 lockdowns causing...… Chiu, C. Y. (2023). Adeno-associated virus type 2 in US children with acute severe hepatitis. Nature... AdVs is dependent on modulation of the host cell’s cell cycle; inhibition of the innate immune system... in the producer cells where there is E1 and E3 gene complementation. In target cells that are infected...hexon), as well as other intracellularly-exposed proteins and downstream cellular events, all recruit strong...
  20. Genome-wide Screening Using CRISPR

    Blog Post
    Aug. 18, 2015, 2:30 p.m.
    ...plasmid, or a 2-plasmid system in which Cas9 must be delivered separately.  Mutant cells are enriched ...targeting a specific gene within the genome (see Fig. 2). Individual gRNAs are designed in silico using publicly...mouse, human, fly, E. coli, and T. gondii genes.  2) What genetic modification are you trying to make?...CRISPR libraries is a multi-step process (see Fig. 2). In most cases, CRISPR libraries are provided at ...heterogeneous population of mutant cells, with each cell or set of cells containing a mutation in a different...fluorescence-based cell sorting and screened for a particular phenotype. For example, mutant cells can be used...lead to skewed results. Selecting a cell type - Theoretically, any cell type can be used in a CRISPR screen...
Showing: 61 - 80 of 457 results