Addgene Depositors Get More Citations
Blog Post
April 20, 2017, 2:30 p.m.
...associated plasmids with Addgene. Since then, Addgene has filled over 6,500 requests for these plasmids. While...without plasmids at Addgene
To find out whether scientific articles associated with Addgene plasmid deposits...those containing plasmids that the authors deposited with Addgene and those without plasmids deposited with...2,596 of which had plasmids deposited with Addgene.
Articles with Addgene plasmids get more citations
...with plasmids deposited at Addgene – typically about four times as many as papers without plasmids deposited...Papers without Addgene Plasmids in Journal (E)
Percent of Papers with Addgene Plasmids in Journal (F)
Weight...more interestingly, could we tell if depositing a plasmid with Addgene causes a paper to get cited more?