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Showing: 41 - 60 of 794 results
  1. Arabidopsis in Education: How the Arabidopsis Biological Resource Center Brings Plant Science to Life

    Blog Post
    April 12, 2018, 1:02 p.m.
    ... Our education partnerships have grown to include local school districts, professional education associations...contributed by guest blogger Courtney Price, the Education & Outreach Specialist for the Arabidopsis Biological...resources for Arabidopsis and related species. Located at The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio,... more than 100,000 samples to researchers and educators in 60 countries each year. Introducing Arabidopsis...outreach program kicked off with the release of 20 education kits designed for use in K-12 and college-level...Translating Research on Arabidopsis Into a Network of Educational Resources). Arabidopsis is used in research to...blogger, Courtney Price!  Courtney Price is the Education & Outreach Specialist for the Arabidopsis Biological...
  2. Hot Plasmids - March 2019 - Anti-CRISPR, 2in1 Cloning, Fluorescent Voltage Indicators, and Photoswitchable Proteins

    Blog Post
    March 19, 2019, 1:31 p.m.
    ...voltage indicator Archon Article contributed by Shreya Vedantam  Listen to the voltage indicator podcast... genetically encoded voltage indicators. To expand the voltage indicator toolbox, Ed Boyden’s lab developed...customized for protein visualization, relocation, degradation, modification, and scaffolding. In their study...xCas9, and requires no additional chemicals or modifications. This versatility opens up the potential for...Archon1, a novel opsin-based fluorescent voltage indicator. Archon1 can embed itself into the cell membrane...response to blue light (445nm). The discovery and applications of protein partners that bind to only the light...
  3. Early Career Researcher Toolbox: Social Media for Scientists

    Blog Post
    Dec. 11, 2018, 12:46 p.m.
    ... writing for the Addgene blog, sharing Chemistry Cat memes was how I used social media as a scientist....needed to start using Twitter. Sharing Chemistry Cat memes use to be how I used social media as a scientist...remotely as an Addgene Science Communication Intern. Developing science communication skills, while also learning... on a panel about “Social Media for Science Communication” at the American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB...Twitter Learn about using Reddit for science communication ...
  4. Technologies Enabled by NanoLuc® Luciferase

    Blog Post
    Feb. 8, 2018, 12:17 p.m.
    ...GpNLuc and OgNLuc are available through Addgene (Cat.# 70185 and 70186, respectively). Antares Chu, J...construct for Antares is available through Addgene (Cat. # 74279). Enhanced Nano-Lanterns  Suzuki, K., al (2). In this post, I’ll cover two great applications of the NLuc technology. The first couples NLuc...fluorescence. The paper reports a wide variety of applications of the Enhanced Nano-Lanterns including monitoring...2017) Genetically encoded bioluminescent voltage indicator for multi-purpose use in wide range of bioimaging...
  5. The Crispr Babies Saga Shows the Need for Action, Not More Delays

    Blog Post
    Dec. 20, 2018, 1:15 p.m.
    ...) in an old Girl Scout Cookie factory with their cats, Harley and Lexi, and a clutter ofoutdoors-only ...with healthy mitochondria, with the intent to eradicate mitochondrial diseases. The key success of the...
  6. Cultivating Community Science at BosLab

    Blog Post
    Nov. 2, 2017, 1:35 p.m.
    ...Experimenting in an Open Source Lab: from CRISPR to Cats Stem Cell Models for Disease & Open Science: Interview...state of Massachusetts. Because we’re conveniently located next to a major Biotech hub, building up our lab...pipetting experience. However, after a few months of dedicated time at BosLab, he became our bacterial transformation...projects range from hacking probiotics to filming educational lab videos, while some are looking to develop...microbial diversity in different soil conditions/locations but to engage the local community (including local...Order Plasmids from Addgene! Find Free and Open Educational Resources at Addgene! ...
  7. 3 Challenges in Plant Synthetic Biology

    Blog Post
    July 22, 2014, 5:46 p.m.
    ...found climbing mountains or playing with his two cats. Keira Havens grew up in Hawaii where she was fascinated...biotechnologists face is public perception of genetic modification (GM) and synthetic biology. The mistrust and...cannot build what we do not understand, and the complicated and unique metabolic processes of plants are ...
  8. Story of a SynBio Startup: RevBio's Epiphany (or Lack Thereof)

    Blog Post
    June 5, 2014, 3:32 p.m.
    ...found climbing mountains or playing with his two cats. Keira Havens grew up in Hawaii where she was fascinated...plants engineered to detect explosives and rapidly indicate their presence. They are genetically modified ...enjoy and see a future in. And we decided to make education and outreach a cornerstone of our business, because...
  9. Technique: Probe Phage Genomes for Host Binding Proteins

    Blog Post
    Sept. 29, 2016, 2:30 p.m.
    ...spending time with her horse, and wondering what her cat is thinking. Find her on Twitter @JessicaSacher. ... whole genome amplification (by a mechanism known as multiple displacement amplification) even in the ...same location that their host colonies grew. If your cells of interest stick to the same location as a...adding methyl groups, glycosyl groups, and other modifications to their bases in order to protect their DNA...DNA from host cell nucleases (4). To further complicate matters, even when sequenced, phage genomes tend...compressed nitrogen gas; this shears DNA at random locations and allows for a given fragment size to be selected... for physical shearing exist as well, such as sonication and needle shearing. Essentially, any method ...
  10. Plasmids 101: Plasmid Incompatibility

    Blog Post
    March 31, 2020, 1:15 p.m.
    ...Origin of Replication? See our Plasmids 101: Origin of Replication blog).  The replication problem Plasmids...directly inhibit replication by binding to the origin of replication and blocking replication machinery (del... of microbial plasmids: classification and identification based on replication and transfer systems and...plasmid that contains the origin of replication and the replication control machinery (Need a refresher... that inhibits replication when copy number in the cell is high, but allows replication when copy number...either indirectly inhibit replication through inhibiting translation of replication machinery proteins, or...antisense RNAs inhibit plasmid replication.   Figure 1: The replication problem. Iterons are repeated...
  11. CRISPR 101: Epigenetics and Editing the Epigenome

    Blog Post
    June 24, 2020, 5:45 p.m.
    ...epigenome (the sum of epigenetic modifications across the genome) has been implicated in disease states, and targeting...DNA sequences. Non-editing CRISPR applications direct catalytically dead dCas9 fused to a variety of epigenetic... the catalytic domain of p300 acetyltransferase increases levels of H3K27ac histone modification at specified...Preps for Epigenetic Modification Why use epigenetic modifiers? Epigenetic modification is certainly not ...Nature Communications 8: . Find plasmids from this publication at Addgene..., 2017 and updated Jun 24, 2020. Epigenetic modifications are an additional layer of control over gene...efficient. In general, epigenetic chromatin modifications are correlated with alterations in gene expression...
  12. Intro to Our Summer SciComm Series!

    Blog Post
    June 9, 2022, 1:15 p.m.
    ... can and do consume science communication.  Formal education is education that is provided through a structured...underlying all communications efforts.  Scicomm definitions (as used by Addgene)    Science communication, or science...time engaging with science communication efforts.  Scientific communication or scientific writing is note that it is the actual communication itself, not the communication method, that determines if something...scientific or science communication. A Tweet is still considered scientific communication if the language is... engage or disengage at will.  Informal education is education that is provided, typically ad hoc, for...Series, where we’ll be talking about science communication, best practices in the field, and even getting...
  13. Behind the scenes: Addgene’s new search engine and more

    Blog Post
    Dec. 12, 2019, 2:22 p.m.
    ...that allows category-specific, narrow searches. We defined three top level categories — catalog, educational... in a given category, and serve as a shortcut to a search scoped to that category. Catalog ID suggestions...prefer to browse and discover items in our catalog or educational resources through our main dropdown menu... of Addgene’s customer’s needs. Categories We created a categorization of our information in order to ...depositors — each with subcategories such as plasmids and viral preps for catalog, blog posts and protocols...80,000+ reagents and 700+ educational resources — including blog posts, protocols, guides, and collections...sequencing data; as a result, the materials in our catalog are very well-characterized. During this time, ...
  14. 5 Steps to Writing Grant Proposals for Grad Students

    Blog Post
    Feb. 11, 2014, 12:13 p.m.
    ...the grant application process. When my PhD advisor first asked me to write a grant application due the a previously funded grant application to see how funds were allocated. Step 3: Get feedback from your...the next round of applications. Step 5: Keep writing! Each written grant application builds upon the ... project grant application" by the NIH Still want more information on the application process? What types...advisor alone applies for these competitive grant applications; however, in some cases, your advisor may choose...writing, volunteered to take the lead on various applications throughout my graduate career, and helped receive...Proposal writing: Improves technical writing and communication skills, Elucidates the big picture and future...
  15. Plasmids 101: Protein tags

    Blog Post
    Dec. 11, 2014, 4:26 p.m.
    ...or DYKDDDK 1 Affinity and Purification Good for antibody-based purification; has inherent GST Large Protein 26 Purification and Stability Good for purification with glutathione; protects...used for purification as elution requires low pH poly His HHHHHH  0.8 Affinity and Purification Very small...GKPIPNPLLGLDST   1.4 Affinity and Purification Good for antibody-based purification Combo and cleavage tags...multitude of uses including (but not limited to) purification, detection, solubilization, localization, or...fusion proteins to aid in the expression and purification of recombinant proteins. Tags for fused to recombinant proteins for one-step purification with glutathione, can also protect against proteolysis...
  16. Deep Dive: qPCR

    Blog Post
    Sept. 29, 2022, 1:15 p.m.
    ...single peak, indicating one amplicon and no primer dimers. (b) A shoulder peak indicating primer dimers...Method Standard Curve?  Amplification Efficacy Calculation Amplification Efficacy Assumptions ...understanding and technical proficiency with common applications - now let’s dive right in! You know qPCR most commonly used to measure relative quantification of mRNA, which can be used as a proxy it solves, so understanding and using the application correctly is imperative. Picking your chemistry... at least 25 bp away from each primer, ideally located close to either the forward or the reverse primer...dimers. (c) A double peak indicating 2 amplicons. Image credits (respectively): Zuzanna K. Filutowska; Selma...
  17. Engaging with science and society at pgEd

    Blog Post
    Sept. 20, 2018, 12:17 p.m.
    ...variety of projects in the space of science education, communication, and policy. In this post, I hope to policy and science communication A career in science communication or policy requires broad interest...pursuing a career in science communication or policy, being able to communicate your work to a non-technical...series on careers in science communication Find all of our science communication posts Extracurricular activities... of New Initiatives for the Personal Genetics Education Project (pgEd). Advances in genetic technologies...inequalities and injustices. The Personal Genetics Education Project (pgEd), where I currently work, strives... as well as the personal, social and ethical implications of genetics. In these conversations, pgEd strives...
  18. Giving gRNAs a Facelift - Synthetic and Beyond

    Blog Post
    Oct. 20, 2022, 1:15 p.m.
    ...switches. Stabilizing gRNA modifications  Sugar phosphate backbone modifications The recognition sequence...phosphorothioates with 2’-O-methyl modifications, proved more stability than just one modification alone (Hendel, et al...ordered as synthesis modifications when purchasing your gRNA. Pro tip: modifications are typically incorporated...stabilizing modifications listed above were developed before CRISPR-Cas9, for use in applications like siRNA...worrying about the status of your RNA. gRNAs modifications are even going beyond stability, adding color...cellular RNA molecules with post translational modifications. One of the most common of these is 2’-O-methylation...nucleolytic attack. Another stabilizing sugar modification, found at the same site, is 2’-fluoro (2’-F)...
  19. 27 Hot Plasmids from 2016

    Blog Post
    Dec. 22, 2016, 3:03 p.m.
    ...FAIRE-seq, and CHIP-seq), genome-wide identification and quantification of enhancer activity have remained...compartments (cytosol, Addgene catalog #71245; mitochondria, Addgene catalog #71247) Rosella provides an ...CpG methylation by fusing catalytically inactive Cas9 (dCas9) with the catalytic domain from DNA methyltransferase...  Superglue proteins with SpyTag/SpyCatcher and SnoopTag/SnoopCatcher The development of recombinant DNA...alternating the use of the SnoopTag/SnoopCatcher and SpyTag/SpyCatcher pairs. In order to improve the ease...MBPx-SpyCatcher construct. This construct is used to produce a maltose binding protein/SpyCatcher fusion...of larger fusions through SpyTag/SpyCatcher and SnoopTag/SnoopCatcher linkages. Once all of the desired...
  20. Advice on Career Paths and the Green Card Process for International Researchers and Entrepreneurs

    Blog Post
    Dec. 20, 2017, 2:33 p.m.
    ...higher education nonprofit entities related to or affiliated with institutions of higher education nonprofit...for self-sponsorship of the I-140 application meaning that the category does not require a foreign national.... NIW requirements stress “educational background, expertise, publications, and plan for future activities...received 116,224 employment based green card applications and approved 91,023 during the first 3 quarters...for a role that is closely aligned with their education/experience, i.e. a research role, for a Ph.D. ...well-tailored to meet the needs of researchers. The categories are as follows: Cap Subject Industry H1B Academic...occupation" as requiring theoretical and practical application of a body of highly specialized knowledge in ...
Showing: 41 - 60 of 794 results