28 Hot Plasmid Technologies from 2015
Blog Post
Dec. 23, 2015, 3:30 p.m.
a RFP protein that binds to the 3’ UTR of the reporter mRNA via an MS2 coat protein (NLS-MS2-RFP)
the...transcribed, it is bound by both the GFP and the RFP proteins in the nucleus. During the first round of...nucleus (thanks to a NLS on these proteins). The RFP proteins, however, remain bound to the mRNA since...Pre-constructed Entry vectors containing Cas9, EGFP, mCherry, iRFP, tdTomato, luciferase, LacZ, puromycin or CreERT2...vector expressing a separate reporter gene (EGFP, iRFP, IFP1.4, puromycin, neomycin or luciferase) to create...