Visualizing Translation at the Single Molecule Level
Blog Post
Aug. 1, 2017, 1:15 p.m.
...Yan et al.’s reporter contains 24 copies of SunTag, a synthetic scaffold that can recruit GFP fused to the...following components:
a GFP protein that binds to the coding region of a reporter mRNA via a PP7 coat protein...protein (NLS-PCP-GFP)
an RFP protein that binds to the 3’ UTR of the reporter mRNA via an MS2 coat protein...64543)
Before translation, both GFP and RFP are bound to the reporter, causing it to appear yellow. The...translation pushes NLS-PCP-GFP off of the mRNA, leaving only a red FP bound to the reporter. Because it contains...translation is necessary for removal of GFP from the TRICK reporter.
Delayed translation is known to be important...correlated with GFP intensity, showing that TRICK is an accurate readout of relative reporter translation....