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Showing: 361 - 380 of 773 results
  1. Generating Mouse Models Using CRISPR/Cas9

    Blog Post
    July 12, 2016, 2:30 p.m.
    ...(Wenning) was fascinated by CRISPR and rushed to test it. I still remember the day, March 16, 2014, that... it has been repurposed for genome editing in eukaryotes, with the most widely used CRISPR genome editing...specifies the target, the Cas9 endonuclease that creates the DNA double-strand break (DSB) at the target...mouse zygote (Qin et al., 2015).  When inside the zygotes, the gRNA will seek out its target among the 3 ...
  2. Antibodies 101: Introduction to Antibodies

    Blog Post
    Jan. 19, 2021, 2:15 p.m.
    ...the surface of extracellular pathogens such as parasites or microbes, or to proteins expressed on the surface...cascades that clear these infections. Anything that generates an antibody response in the immune system is different times of the immune response and initiates different immune cascades. In the research setting...quantitative measurement of protein expression in cell lysates, whole cells, or tissue samples. Many experiments...
  3. 2021 Deck the Lab Winners!

    Blog Post
    Jan. 25, 2022, 2:15 p.m.
    ... announce the winners of our 2021 Deck the Lab Contest! Though 2021 had more than its fair share of challenges... challenges, the annual Deck the Lab Contest brought us smiles and joy. In fact, our Addgenies were absolutely...festive makeover today✂️❄️🦠thanks to the awesome templates by @CVRHutchinson @CVRinfo. Check them out: https...
  4. Countdown to Halloween @Addgene

    Blog Post
    Oct. 29, 2014, 5:26 p.m.
    ...through 2009, though I suspect that our costume contests were indeed occurring earlier but that the photo...protect the innocent revelers. Our Halloween costume contests have become an annual tradition in which we choose...finding out who wins this year’s Addgene costume contest, like us on Facebook and checkout our FB page on...
  5. New Viral Vectors - March 2024

    Blog Post
    March 5, 2024, 2:15 p.m.
    ...only March!)  In our repository, you'll find the latest iteration of GCaMP, GCaMP8, available in new serotypes...repository  Name Serotype Category Depositor  Notes AAV-CAG-jGCaMP8s-WPRE AAV1 Biosensor Looger New...forgot to use the link below to keep up with the latest in Addgene's viral vectors services and resources...
  6. The CRISPR Software Matchmaker: A New Tool for Choosing the Best CRISPR Software for Your Needs

    Blog Post
    Nov. 3, 2015, 3:30 p.m. need access to raw data, the target sites, off-target sites, scores and the statistics that go into...genome contains only 0.66 million targetable NGG PAM sites whereas the human genome has about 300 million. ...newer tools may still prove somewhat useful for the latest NTT targeting Cas protein, Cpf1. Separately, on-target...
  7. Bringing Sustainable Practices to the Lab: Innovations

    Blog Post
    March 7, 2019, 2:39 p.m.
    ...environmental impact of those processes? Who even regulates them? You may be surprised to learn that it hasn... been 50 years since the creation of the United States Environmental Protection Agency, which started ...scientists washed and reused materials such as glass pipettes or inoculation loops. While single-use is now ...
  8. Top 10 Open Science Developments of 2013

    Blog Post
    Dec. 19, 2013, 3:46 p.m.
    ...So, as 2013 comes to a close, let’s take a few minutes to reflect on some of the most noteworthy developments...database to gather the results of Myriad's genetic tests for breast and ovarian cancer risk directly from...granted via a public repository or authors’ own web sites. 9)      The year 2013 has also been the year of...
  9. From our Table to Yours: An Inside Look at Lunch at Addgene

    Blog Post
    Nov. 27, 2013, 2:54 p.m.
    ... was pumpkin. Everyone gets to vote for their favorites, and trophies are awarded and coveted. I’ve only...we head into Thanksgiving weekend in the United States, I look forward to gathering around a large have any traditions that you share with your labmates, be they food related or not? We would love to...
  10. Optogenetics + CRISPR, Using Light to Control Genome Editing

    Blog Post
    Sept. 3, 2020, 12:15 p.m. activate gene transcription. The researchers tested a variety of combinations to optimize both fusion...500nm). By fusing the two pdDronpa domains to the sites flanking the DNA-binding cleft of Cas9, the fluorescent...Upon light activation, dCas9 is released within minutes and red foci formed 20-40 min later. The CASANOVA...synthetase, read this article). The group first tested photocaging various lysines in Cas9 to determine...
  11. X-CHIME: Context Dependent Germline Knockout in Immune Cells

    Blog Post
    Jan. 16, 2024, 6:13 p.m.
    ..., M.W., Nguyen, T.H., Coxe, M.A., Miller, B.C., Yates, K.B., Gillis, J.E., Sen, D.R., Gaudiano, E.F., ..., Haining, W.N., & Sharpe, A.H. (2019). PTPN2 regulates the generation of exhausted CD8+ T cell subpopulations...0480-4 LaFleur, M. W., Nguyen, T. H., Coxe, M. A., Yates, K. B., Trombley, J. D., Weiss, S. A., Brown, F....
  12. Same Addgene, New Look - Why We Redesigned Our Homepage & Mascot

    Blog Post
    Dec. 5, 2019, 1:49 p.m.
    ...months of strategizing, designing, developing, testing - and repeat - we’re proud and excited to finally...homepage While users are increasingly accessing websites other than through the ‘front door,’ the homepage...Additionally we also wanted to highlight our blog, daily updates, and offer better exploration throughout the site...
  13. What's New in CRISPR - September 2019

    Blog Post
    Sept. 10, 2019, 12:56 p.m.
    ...transcriptional regulators. In this system, Cas9 generates a double-stranded DNA break at the genomic loci... the universal sgRNA is not predicted to target sites in the human, pig, or zebrafish genome, this system... Using the structure of CasX at eight different states of assembly from cryo-electron microscopy, the ...
  14. 2023 and 2024: Reflections and Looking Ahead

    Blog Post
    Jan. 23, 2024, 2:15 p.m. make it more accessible. Other accessibility updates include a printer-friendly design and alt text ...on all images. We have also made accessibility updates to our website, which receives 3.8 million visitors...perspective on Addgene through her LinkedIn page. She invites you to connect with her there. More on the Addgene...
  15. Who Gives a Tweet? 9 Facts About Scientists on Twitter

    Blog Post
    June 26, 2017, 1:31 p.m.
    ...for scientific titles generated from the United States Standard Occupational Classification System  and...female to male scientific authorship in the United States (0.428). 4. The #1 (re)tweeted domain by scientists...scientists was Instagram Social media and news sites were also popular. Perhaps scientists, like nonscientists...
  16. Plasmids 101: What is a plasmid?

    Blog Post
    April 2, 2020, 6:17 p.m.
    ...bacteria, but also exist naturally in archaea and eukaryotes such as yeast and plants. In nature, plasmids...segment of DNA which contains several restriction sites allowing for the easy insertion of DNA. In expression...bacterial cells and selectively grown on antibiotic plates.  Importantly, because the bacteria from which ...
  17. Behind-the-scenes of the Isolation of the Thermostable IgnaviCas9 From a Yellowstone Hot Spring

    Blog Post
    Nov. 12, 2019, 2 p.m.
    ...physical and chemical conditions like YNP thermal sites - are also of practical interest since they’ve previously...distance. At each collection site, we took GPS coordinates, water temperature readings using a heat gun,...the van der Oost lab. Phylogenetic comparison indicates that like GeoCas9 and ThermoCas9, IgnaviCas9 is...
  18. Zebrafish as a Model for Behavior: Swimming into the Optogenetic Spotlight

    Blog Post
    July 16, 2019, 12:59 p.m.
    ...used in optogenetic studies are not native to vertebrates and are commonly introduced in zebrafish through... a neural circuit involved in locomotion that generates periodic motor commands for rhythmic movements...  Find plasmids from the Isacoff lab! They then tested what kind of swimming behavior, spontaneous swim...
  19. Using Ultrasound to Image Bacteria in vivo: Acoustic Reporter Genes

    Blog Post
    June 19, 2018, 1:38 p.m.
    ... organs located deep in the body, like the gastrointestinal tract. Require Administration of Substrate...coli aided in ultrasound imaging of the mouse gastrointestinal tract. The E. coli strain Nissle 197 (ECN)...probiotic strain that can colonize the mammalian intestinal tract and has been used for 100 years to clinically...
Showing: 361 - 380 of 773 results