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Showing: 321 - 340 of 457 results
  1. Viral Vectors 101: Transductions

    Blog Post
    April 30, 2024, 1:15 p.m.
    ... last ~2-7 days at moderate levels. With regard to target cells or organism, some primary cells and differentiated...packaging plasmids into a viral production cell line, usually HEK-293 cells. When all of these viral plasmids ...secreted into the cellular media, making viral collection fairly easy. Producer cell media can be collected... rogue HEK-293 cell). This virus-containing media can then be placed on whatever cells you would like ...just zapping your cells? That really depends on two things. First, what type of cell or organism context...process of transferring foreign nucleic acid into a cell by a viral agent. Transductions are similar to transfections...processes which introduce foreign nucleic acid into cells by any means, but are unique in that they require...
  2. Creating accessible biology activities in schools with BioBits

    Blog Post
    Aug. 2, 2018, 12:56 p.m.
    ...PMID: 30083608. PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6070312. 2. Stark, Jessica C., et al. "BioBits™ Bright: A fluorescent...on freeze-dried, cell-free (FD-CF) components. Making proteins outside of a cell - cell free extracts Typically... into a host cell (through a process called transformation), essentially giving the cell all the dispose of the live cells. The alternative is to express the protein in a cell-free manner. This is ...biology, especially those at the molecular and cellular level. The reason for this is cost and complexity...electrophoresis to separate DNA or transforming cells with green fluorescent protein, these activities...transcription and translation. Unfortunately, having live cells in a classroom presents equipment needs, such as...
  3. HA Frankenbody, a New Imaging Tool to Visualize Single Molecules and Nascent Peptides

    Blog Post
    Oct. 10, 2019, 12:41 p.m.
    ...structure-based framework engineering. Methods, 34(2), 184–199. PubMed PMID: 15312672. Inbar, D., Hochman...Stability improvement of antibodies for extracellular and intracellular applications: CDR grafting to, and often do not fold properly once inside cells.  Developing the HA frankenbody To combat the issues... detects the widely used HA epitope in diverse cellular environments. They called this probe the HA frankenbody...previously proven to fold and function in living cells. To make these scaffolds specific to different targets...the tagged protein upon probe binding in living cells.  In their proof of concept experiment the Stasevich...mCherry, 4xHA tagged histone protein (H2B) in U2OS cells. They then showed that the HA frankenbody probe ...
  4. Hot Plasmids: FRET-Based Biosensors

    Blog Post
    May 6, 2014, 1:07 p.m.
    ...MagFRET: The First Genetically Encoded Fluorescent Mg(2+) Sensor. PLoS One. 2013 Dec 2;8(12):e82009. doi: ... there is one problem: how to get that into the cells of interest,” Griesbeck said. Because they are chemical...understand the connection between molecular- and cellular-level events and behavior. It’s a problem that...advantage for observing events taking place inside cells that are on the move, such as T lymphocytes. Griesbeck...-binding protein, troponin C (TnC), from muscle cells. They identified a toadfish TnC variant which had...cAMP-responsive element-binding protein (CREB) in living cells. “Now we are making this really good,” Griesbeck...FRET-based sensor proteins, particularly for the intracellular imaging of transition metal ions, such as zinc...
  5. Plasmids 101: Environmental Plasmids

    Blog Post
    Jan. 31, 2017, 3:30 p.m.
    ... vectors have been derived from the natural yeast 2-micron plasmid. Plasmid transfer outside the lab In...electroporation, and transfection to put plasmids into cells. In nature, the two main routes of plasmid transfer...allowing a copy of plasmid DNA to travel from one cell to another. DNA can also be passed between bacteria...bacteria. Bacteriophage genomes can exist in bacterial cells as extrachromosomal plasmids known as a prophages...used routinely in biotechnology to transform plant cells. We’re only just breaking the surface of the environmental...
  6. Plasmids 101: Gram Negative and Positive Bacteria

    Blog Post
    Aug. 2, 2022, 1:15 p.m.
    ... & Walker S. The Bacterial Cell Envelope. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol. 2(5) a000414 (2010). Cleveland...negative bacteria is due to differences in cell wall composition. Cell wall structure Gram positive bacteria...complex within the peptidoglycan layer, staining the cell purple. When the alcohol is added, it dehydrates...
  7. Advice for Moving Into Sales After Your Science Postdoc

    Blog Post
    Aug. 21, 2014, 3:15 p.m.
    ... and whether I would be able to carry out a yeast-2-hybrid library screen; instead I thought they would...would continue on with my academic dream of studying cell division. However, after 6 years in the business...Cambridge University where he studied mechanisms of cell division. Recently Seán got the entrepreneurial ...information on ELISA troubleshooting, ELISA kits and cell death assays. You can find Seán on twitter @Macfhearraigh...
  8. Plasmids 101: NGS Quality Control for Pooled Libraries

    Blog Post
    Oct. 26, 2017, 1:59 p.m.
    ...created for the Brunello library is shown in Figure 2. You can use a small PCR product because the plasmids... Typically, Addgene uses electrocompetent Stbl4 cells when performing amplifications, and we use electroporation...DNA. This bias can be counteracted by growing the cells on solid plates, where each transformant forms its...own colony, uninfluenced by the growth of other cells. For libraries where the plasmids are all very similar...
  9. Bricking Science: Portraying Scientific Reality Through LEGO

    Blog Post
    Nov. 29, 2016, 3:30 p.m.
    ...motion videos is very time consuming; producing a 1-2 minute video takes an entire week of our free time... to mold it all into a full laboratory. It is priceless to see our “toys” gaining life and working as ...
  10. New and Upcoming Viral Vectors - December 2019

    Blog Post
    Dec. 19, 2019, 2:40 p.m.
    ...available to the community. We now offer AAV9 for 2 more constructs from Christopher Harvey’s lab. These... results, but also confirm expression in target cells. While the various AAV serotypes can be used to ...
  11. Plasmids 101: Mammalian Vectors

    Blog Post
    March 25, 2014, 3:15 p.m.
    ...of translation 2-10 ug/mL G418/Geneticin neo HeLa, NIH3T3, CHO, 293HEK, Jurkat T cells Blocks polypeptide...transfected cells may be considered an entirely new cell line from that of the original parental cells. Positive...cultured mammalian cells. Of course, these mammalian vectors must be compatible with the cell type they are...bacterial cells); however, the techniques and reagents vary. Plasmid transfection into mammalian cells is fairly...expression levels in the cells. Ideally, the chosen reporter is unique to the cell, is expressed from the...components expressed in trans within the cell for effective replication. Cell lines expressing the Epstein–Barr...mammalian cells To achieve stable transfection, there should be a selective pressure to force cells to incorporate...
  12. Multiplexed Overexpression of Regulatory Factors (MORF) collection

    Blog Post
    March 30, 2023, 1:15 p.m.
    ...differentiation.   Fig. 2: Single cell RNA-seq clustering of cells transduced with the TF pooled...human embryonic stem cells. Transduced stem cells were differentiated and single cell RNA-seq was performed...transduced human embryonic stem cells with the viral TF library, with each cell receiving only 1 TF expression...construct. Cells were cultured following a differentiation protocol before performing single-cell RNA sequencing... 206 cells per TF ORF. From this large sequencing endeavor, a map of possible TF-induced cellular states... clusters of individual cells along with color coded nominated reference cell types.  (Adapted from Joung...delivered to each cell, future applications could deliver multiple TFs to each cell, allowing for combinatorial...
  13. Improving Transduction Efficiency with Exosome AAVs

    Blog Post
    March 14, 2019, 1:54 p.m.
    ...enrich the microvesicles containing AAVs (Figure 2). Since the development of the exo-AAV isolation protocol...the producer cells and purification protocols often describe a process that begins with cell lysis to release...particles is able to infect more cells (as demonstrated in different cellular environments such as retina ... steps to separate cell culture supernatant containing exo-AVVs from producer cells, and then to enrich...Exosomal vesicles secreted from producer cells also contain cellular macromolecules (e.g. proteins, nucleic...effectively target less accessible cells, such as brain tumor stromal cells in a mouse model of glioblastoma...Standard AAV vectors are generated with a producer cell line like the widely used 293T. During vector production...
  14. Don’t Wait To Launch Your Health Science Startup

    Blog Post
    Aug. 25, 2015, 2:30 p.m.
    ...yourself greater chances for success.  Build a team of 2 or 3 Don’t go it alone.  You’ll find that no matter...would rather fund excellent people with mediocre ideas than mediocre people with excellent ideas. I am lucky...
  15. Antibodies 101: Epitope Tags

    Blog Post
    May 11, 2023, 1:15 p.m. the most charged, with 5 negatively charged and 2 positively charged amino acids. FLAG tag has been .... This tag is not suitable for use in apoptotic cells as Caspase3/7 both cleave after the DVPD sequence...fluorescent marker. The GFP tag is ideal for live cell imaging, FRET, flow cytometry, or immunofluorescence...
  16. FPbase: A new community-editable fluorescent protein database

    Blog Post
    May 16, 2018, 1 p.m.
    ...incorporation of biosensors, protein evolution lineages, 2-photon spectra, more elaborate spectrum analysis tools...  There are many online guides – including an excellent series of posts by Joachim Goedhart on the Addgene...Associate at Harvard Medical School. He manages the Cell Biology Microscopy Facility, specializing in advanced...
  17. Antibodies 101: Monoclonal Antibodies

    Blog Post
    June 29, 2021, 1:15 p.m.
    ...create a recombinant antibody.     Figure 2: Changes to the heavy chain or light chain genes within...isolating the B cells from an immunized animal, those B cells are fused to myeloma cells at a 1:1 ratio...fusion between an antibody-producing B cell and a myeloma cell (National Research Council (US) Committee...immortal cell population that will continue to produce the specific antibody that the original B cell produced... selects against unfused myeloma cells and antibody-producing B cells that cannot replicate, meaning that...monoclonal antibodies are derived from a single B cell clone. One common way of producing monoclonal antibodies...with   The antibody-producing B cells that are used to make hybridomas come from animals...
Showing: 321 - 340 of 457 results