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Showing: 261 - 280 of 661 results
  1. FastCloning: A Newer, Simpler Cloning Technique

    Blog Post
    Nov. 1, 2016, 2:30 p.m.
    ... Blog Plasmid Cloning by PCR Perform Site Directed Mutagenesis by PCR Catch up on Your Plasmid Background...appropriately sized product, purify and sequence the plasmid to confirm no mutations were introduced during ...Background with our Plasmids 101 Posts Resources on Find Empty Vectors for Your Research Find...Browse Our Special Collections for Plasmids from Your Field ... plasmid cloning...
  2. Comparing Cas9 to NgAgo: Can the Argonautes Best CRISPR?

    Blog Post
    June 9, 2016, 2:30 p.m.
    ...for short. Addgene has already distributed this plasmid all over the world, and the question on everyone...identified NgAgo and showed that it can cleave plasmid and genomic DNA in a variety of mammalian cell ...homology-directed repair when a template is supplied. Find Plasmids from the NgAgo Publication at Addgene Cas9 and... contrast, RNA guides must be expressed from a plasmid or in vitro transcribed, and changes in gRNA secondary.... Epub 2016 May 2. PubMed PMID: 27136078. Find plasmids from this publication at Addgene. 2. Swarts, Daan...24531762. PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4697943. Find plasmids from this publication at Addgene. 3. Swarts, ...
  3. Choosing Your Perfect Empty Backbone

    Blog Post
    Aug. 19, 2014, 3:39 p.m. find what you need.   More Plasmid Resources from Addgene: Plasmids 101 blog series Addgene's Molecular...need. You will also have to make sure that your plasmid has been incorporated into the host organism, reading frame (ORF) of interest –  try pRS plasmid shuttle vectors. You may prefer the more traditional...details and guidance for choosing your perfect plasmid backbone. Or just ask –  leave a message in the...Molecular Cloning Guide & Other Plasmid Protocols List of common epitope tags ...
  4. CRISPR/Cas9 FAQs Answered!

    Blog Post
    March 13, 2014, 4:08 p.m.
    ...articles (3/12/2014). With so many options for CRISPR plasmid tools and numerous experimental design decisions...genome editing using the Zhang lab's CRISPR/Cas plasmids. Designing your CRISPR genome editing experiment...with expression, though it is possible for the plasmid to still express without the G. Because the G is...marker to select transfected cells (for example, plasmid with a puromycin resistance cassette, such as PX459...related to the most frequently requested CRISPR plasmids at Addgene Find protocols and gRNA design a variety of labs and optimized for specific plasmids Links to different software to help you identify...
  5. Modulate the Activity of 17 Signaling Pathways with One Kit!

    Blog Post
    March 22, 2016, 2:30 p.m.
    ...for Your Research View our Hot Plasmid Pages to See the Latest Plasmid Technologies ... drugs in specific contexts, so he assembled a plasmid kit designed to do exactly that. As described in...It’s also possible you could make use of these plasmids in living animals, to explore pathways that confer...Be Used in Genome-Wide Screening Browse 28 Hot Plasmid Technologies from 2015 Additional Resources on...
  6. Fluorescent CRISPR Reporters: SRIRACCHA and GEmCherry2

    Blog Post
    May 26, 2020, 1:15 p.m.
    ...and to make the desired genome edit:  A donor plasmid that contains a puromycin resistance gene linked...the gRNA used when transfecting your cells.  A plasmid that contains Cas9. The Madison lab also the reporter gene). A control RFP expression plasmid.  With this set up, all successfully transfected... and repaired via HDR using the supplied donor plasmid will express GFP. If there’s GFP expression, presumably...just your desired genomic edit.  Find SRIRACCHA plasmids at Addgene GEMCherry2, an improved monomeric fluorescent...embryonic stem cells.  Find GEmCherry2 reporter plasmids at Addgene Overall SRIRACHA and GEmCherry2 Read our CRISPR guide Find CRISPR plasmids for your research Find resources and software ...
  7. Expanding the Targeting Scope and Editing Efficiency of Adenine Base Editors

    Blog Post
    March 17, 2020, 1:32 p.m.
    ...following components: A plasmid in the host bacterium expressing dCas9 A plasmid in the host bacterium ... of gene III to create infectious particles. A plasmid-based genetic circuit in the bacteria links the...encoding the deaminase TadA-7.10 A mutagenesis plasmid controlling the phage mutation rate Phage infection...Phage-assisted evolution of base-editing activity. A plasmid-based genetic circuit in the bacteria links RNA editing rate of ABE7.10. Find the ABE8e plasmids at Addgene! Why engineer and optimize base editors...editors for your research Read our CRISPR guide Find plasmids for your research ...
  8. Fluorescent Proteins 101: Visualizing Subcellular Structures & Organelles

    Blog Post
    June 22, 2017, 2:30 p.m.
    ...Allen Institute for Cell Science Plasmid Collection Check Out Plasmids for FRET Check Out the Fluorescent... on the gene names in the figure below to find plasmids containing that particular gene. ... For subcellular markers in yeast see our plasmid collection from Sue Jaspersen (Stowers Institute...Prescott (Monash University). You can find more plasmids for labeling your subcellular structure of interest...interest in the Allen Institute for Cell Science Plasmid Collection. You can also use the library of full-length...Localization Poster here! References 1. Allen Institute Plasmid Pages 2. Cooper GM. 2000. The Cell: A Molecular...Resources on the Addgene Blog Learn More about Plasmids for Endogenous Gene Tagging in Human Cells Check...
  9. The PAM Requirement and Expanding CRISPR Beyond SpCas9

    Blog Post
    Aug. 20, 2020, 2:30 p.m.
    ...284 . Find plasmids from this paper at Addgene. Amrani N, Gao XD,... Find plasmids from this paper at Addgene. Kim D, Kim J, Hur...863–868 . Find plasmids from this publication at Addgene. Kim E, Koo ...8: . Find plasmids from this publication at Addgene. Kleinstiver...485 . Find plasmids from this publication at Addgene. Kleinstiver...869–874 . Find plasmids from this publication at Addgene. Hu JH, Miller...191 . Find plasmids from this publication at Addgene. Walton RT, ...
  10. Plasmids 101: The Promoter Region – Let's Go!

    Blog Post
    April 3, 2014, 8:05 p.m.
    ...Once you've gotten to know what a plasmid is in general, it's time to take a look at some of its parts...origin of replication are necessary to replicate plasmids and make sure the cells maintains it. Here, we'll...the promoter, which is necessary for getting the plasmid express our gene of interest. This element is responsible.... This means that the promoter present in your plasmid backbone must to be compatible with the type of...transcript, you will also need to make sure your plasmid has a promoter suited to working in your host organism...development-specific promoters available to scientists. Plasmids are oftentimes put to therapeutic uses, and in...Additional Resources on the Addgene Blog Browse All Plasmids 101 Posts Learn about Mammalian Vectors Read about...
  11. Visualizing Translation at the Single Molecule Level

    Blog Post
    Aug. 1, 2017, 1:15 p.m. Find Fluorescent Protein Plasmids Check Out Other Hot Plasmid Technologies ...proteins and is driven by an inducible promoter (Plasmid 64542 or 64543) Before translation, both GFP and...19213877 PMCID: PMC2746483 Find ribosome profiling plasmids at Addgene. 2. Halstead, James M., et al. “Translation...1367-71. PMID: 25792328 PMCID: PMC4451088 Find plasmids from this paper at Addgene. 3. Yan, Xiaowei, ...976-89. PMID: 27153498 PMCID: PMC4889334 Find plasmids from this paper at Addgene. Additional Resources...
  12. GPCRs: How Do They Work and How Do We Study Them?

    Blog Post
    Feb. 11, 2021, 2:15 p.m.
    ...ligand-bound GPCRs of interest. The TRUPATH plasmid kit consists of 20 plasmids encoding 14 alpha, 2 beta, and 4 ...response? Let’s take a look at a few examples with plasmids deposited at Addgene.  PRESTO-TANGO: The ligands...Bryan Roth’s lab also assembled a collection of plasmids to elucidate the role of 14 of the 16 non-visual...pathways mediated by GPCRs? The Kruse Lab constructed plasmids that can be used in peroxidase-catalyzed proximity... (firing or inhibition). AAV preps from DREADD plasmids allow you to easily express a DREADD receptor ...Addgene's chemogenetics guide Find chemogenetics plasmids for your research ...
  13. Countdown to Halloween @Addgene

    Blog Post
    Oct. 29, 2014, 5:26 p.m. of plasmids! Each chose their favorite plasmid and replicated it. Can you guess each plasmid? Our ...obviously make for good costumes), science and our plasmid collection (what science has been hot this year...
  14. Bioinformatics at Addgene

    Blog Post
    July 14, 2022, 1:15 p.m.
    ...days, we would ‘spot-check’ critical regions of plasmids deposited with us via Sanger sequencing, while...while more recently we have moved to full plasmid sequencing at our facility using Illumina MiSeq Next Generation...lab work as we grew. As the number of deposited plasmids increased, the accompanying sequencing data collection...transform the raw sequencing data into a complete plasmid sequence that would be ready for our QC team to...With our outline of individual steps to automate plasmid sequence assembly, and possible solutions for each...up with our sequencing instrument (hundreds of plasmids each week!), we already planned to use cloud Eventually, our workflow would handle plasmid sequences on a 96-well plate basis, but for rapid...
  15. Viral Vectors 101: Producing Your rAAV

    Blog Post
    July 16, 2024, 1:15 p.m.
    ...packaging plasmids: the pHelper plasmid containing Ad E2A, E4, and VA RNA genes; and the pRepCap plasmid containing...with your transfer plasmid, carrying your gene of interest, and the two helper plasmids, commonly called...called “triple plasmid transfection” (Figure 1).    Figure 1: Overview of key steps of AAV production, iodixanol...repeats (ITR). You should always have a high-quality plasmid standard and rAAV reference material of a known...before undergoing titering, to remove residual plasmid DNA carried over from the production process. Parts of the AAV Packaging PlasmidParts of the AAV Transfer PlasmidAAV Variables That Matter AAV protocols...
  16. Interview: Hodaka Fujii on enChIP, New CRISPR Tools, and More

    Blog Post
    Dec. 2, 2014, 7:23 p.m.
    ...enChIP Plasmids? All Hodaka Fujii lab plasmids Sign up to receive email alerts when new plasmids from ... shopping for a wide range of plasmids. The merit of depositing plasmids to Addgene has been spectacular... researchers all over the world have requested plasmids for enChIP through Addgene. Retroviral Expression...user-friendly and precise. We will deposit the plasmids of these systems to Addgene in the near future...Community Addgene: In 2012 your lab first deposited plasmids with Addgene. In 2014, you joined Addgene's Advisory...
  17. Inside Addgene's 10 Year Anniversary Gala

    Blog Post
    July 3, 2014, 3:48 p.m.
    ... into the successful, internationally renowned plasmid repository that it is today. Although I wish I playing all night was hand-picked (like our plasmid samples!) by Addgenies. If you were there, you ...Addgene uses E. coli bacteria to generate copies of plasmids. The community of scientists, part of the Addgene... complicated process of requesting and sharing plasmids has become simplified through Addgene. Looking...Check out our impressive stats from 10 Years of Plasmid Sharing Or read more about what happens Inside ...
  18. Plasmids 101: Gene, enhancer, and promoter trapping

    Blog Post
    May 2, 2023, 1 p.m. the Lab Plasmids 101: Screens vs. Selections Plasmids 101: Knockout /Knock-In Plasmids ...the Lab Bench Plasmids 101 e-book Additional resources on the Addgene blog Plasmids 101: Using Transposons...
  19. Plasmids 101: Gram Negative and Positive Bacteria

    Blog Post
    Aug. 2, 2022, 1:15 p.m.
    ...Addgene blog Plasmids 101: What is a plasmidPlasmids 101: Blue-white screeningPlasmids 101: Common lab...useful in a laboratory setting. When designing a plasmid to be inserted into a specific bacterium, it is being used in, and how components of the plasmid should change based on bacteria type. The gram ...
  20. Plasmids 101: Modular Cloning Applications and Kits

    Blog Post
    May 14, 2024, 1:15 p.m.
    ...between CRISPR components expressed from different plasmid backbones. They noted that backbone differences... as the order, or distance in the placement of plasmid elements can impact expression levels and consequently...system was used to assess how different lentiviral plasmid backbone elements impact viral titer and to compare...plants, and animals (Chiasson et al., 2019). Many plasmid elements such as promoters or fluorophores are ...Collection More resources on the Addgene blog Plasmids 101: Golden Gate Cloning High Complexity Golden...
Showing: 261 - 280 of 661 results