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Showing: 261 - 280 of 794 results
  1. Addgene’s Viral Service - Why Virus? Why Now?

    Blog Post
    March 23, 2017, 2:30 p.m.
    ...Addgene started distributing a small but growing catalog of ready-made AAV and Lentiviral preps. This new...directions. I would like to thank them for their time, dedication, advice and encouragement. Why virus? Why did...performs extensive quality control, generates  educational materials, and provides viral vector technical...answering questions on virus and helping provide educational resources on this collection. With their expertise... resource and providing fantastically useful educational content on viral vectors.  How Addgene’s Viral...about the new initiative and serving all the new educational content via the Addgene Blog and our expanding...the impression that it took a lot of work and dedication to do this well ... because it did. So finally...
  2. Viral Vectors 101: Viruses as Biological Tools

    Blog Post
    March 21, 2023, 1:15 p.m.
    ...enough to ensure the virus can replicate and spread. Instead, viruses replicate by hijacking the host’s system...low immunogenicity which makes them ideal for applications with whole organisms. Finally, viral is typically straightforward across applications, while electroporation of a human, for example, isn...people in nature, extra safety measures, like replication incompetent viral particles, are required. We... (~4.5kb From basic science to clinical applications, viruses are true bench to bedside tools. Keep...our upcoming blogs on virus safety and viral applications to help you start (safely!) thinking about the...
  3. A Practical Approach to Choosing the B(right)est Fluorescent Protein

    Blog Post
    June 1, 2017, 2:30 p.m.
    ...protein for your application. Selecting the best fluorescent protein for a specific application can seem like...under conditions that best mimic the intended application. The three key properties for live cell imaging...are converted into emitted photons. These are indicated by the extinction coefficient (EC) and quantum...experimental set up. The practical brightness takes all application specific parameters into account, including the... picture of what can be expected in a 'real' application than the theoretical brightness. Consequently...brightness in a system closely mimicking the future application. In figure 2 we provide an example of the comparison...
  4. Hot Plasmids - February 2022

    Blog Post
    Feb. 22, 2022, 2:15 p.m.
    ...editing applications.  Figure 4: Overview of CasMINI for genome engineering applications. Image ...stability in cells, and use it in a variety of applications. This set of new anti-FLAG frankebodies FLAG-tag H2B for nuclear localization. (c) Applications of anti-FLAG-FB-GFP labeling various targets... and anti-HA frankenbodies have a variety of applications, including live-cell imaging, single-molecule...members or students new to protein expression and purification. Figure 3: The Penn State Ladder run ...challenges for in vivo delivery and cell engineering applications. CasMINI, a new miniature CRISPR-Cas system ...
  5. Plasmids 101: Methylation and Restriction Enzymes

    Blog Post
    June 30, 2016, 2:30 p.m.
    ... one half of naturally occurring restriction modification systems that prokaryotes use to protect themselves... has genes encoding one or a few restriction modification systems containing methyltransferases that add... phage for instance). Aside from restriction modification systems, DNA methylation also plays an integral...integral role in regulating genome replication, repairing mismatched basepairs or small indels that occur...methylases) are independent from the restriction modification systems, yet can still affect whether certain...specifically associated with any restriction modification systems, their sequences may overlap with restriction... Additional Resources Review of restriction modification systems NEB's Resource describing Dam and Dcm...
  6. CRISPR Meets Synthetic Biology: A Conversation with MIT’s Christopher Voigt

    Blog Post
    April 22, 2015, 2:06 p.m.
    ...regulation thats as sophisticated as a natural network. We could build a material as sophisticated as wood. To... perspective and you can layer them for more complicated functions. Those things are easy with CRISPR....submitting parts from another paper for resource allocation. Those will allow you to set the amount of transcriptional... carbons and oxygens. Nothing too much more sophisticated. There are also proteins, like antibodies. But...just using what biology has given us. Wood is a complicated material and we can access it, but we are to design new materials and chemicals as sophisticated as those that living cells and animals make....
  7. Advice for Starting a Biotech Company from a Grad Student turned Entrepreneur

    Blog Post
    July 10, 2014, 7:17 p.m.
    ...competitions. After much learning, the focus of the application was changed, but Sample6 still leverages the for this set of technologies, effectively communicating the advantages embodied, and driving the enterprise...He explained that entrepreneurs must clearly communicate their idea at various levels of complexity and...backgrounds how amazing their idea is. While communication styles in academia and industry vary drastically...biggest challenge during this time was learning to communicate effectively to non-scientific audiences. "There...for the company; this will help avoid future complications and potential conflicts that waste money and...succeeding. Take home Starting a company requires dedication, passion, and around-the-clock work. Mike wraps...
  8. New Tool for Lineage Tracing: The ClonTracer Library

    Blog Post
    Sept. 22, 2015, 2:30 p.m.
    ...summarized in a recent Nature Medicine paper. In the publication, Bhang and coworkers used the ClonTracer library...propagated it, separated it into roughly identical replicate groups, and treated these groups with the same...below): 1. Resistant cells among the separate replicates would contain the same labels - i.e. they would...subpopulation 2. Resistant cells among the separate replicates would have different labels - i.e. they would... Looking at barcode abundances among multiple replicate populations, they found that similar barcodes ...populations were shared by at least one other replicate; prior to treatment, there are small (previously...such that initial resistant populations can be eradicated up-front quickly. This approach is in contrast...
  9. Hot Plasmids - March 2020 - base editors, GEVI, MoClo, and optogenetics

    Blog Post
    March 3, 2020, 2:15 p.m.
    ...voltage indicator Article contributed by Shreya Vedantam Genetically encoded voltage indicators (GEVIs)...fluorescent optics. Existing red fluorescent voltage indicators, however, fall short compared to GFP-based sensors...linker between them. The Ace-mScarlet voltage indicator works like many FRET-opsin GEVIs. With an increase...channelrhodopsins. Find the Ace-mScarlet voltage indicator plasmids at Addgene! Beck et al., Sci Report 2019...increasingly been recognized for its biotechnological applications including conversion of CO2 into water and electrical...the N-terminus of Cre (CreN) are fused to the truncated Phytochrome B (PhyBΔ) and the active protein binding...
  10. Celebrating 15 Years of Scientific Sharing

    Blog Post
    Jan. 14, 2019, 2:08 p.m.
    ...enough space! There’s enough space here at our new location to grow. We are hiring again and getting keep up with the demand with excellence and dedication. We don’t have worry or wonder if providing...research, hosting conferences, and are expanding our catalog of materials to better serve the community. We ...projects allows us to support more new projects. Diversification is happening. The Addgene team will have some...we might do. I am grateful every day for their dedication, flexibility, innovative thinking, and openness...Addgenies support a high collaboration, high communication, high efficiency, high quality, low meeting,...about the Addgenies. I never worry about their dedication, excellent intentions, or incredible drive to...
  11. Hot Plasmids April 2018 - Protein Degradation, Nanoscopy, FIRE-Cas9, and Yeast Expression Tools

    Blog Post
    April 23, 2018, 2 p.m.
    ...changes in expression of TRIM21-associated genes, indicating that TRIM21 overexpression does not aberrantly...light microscopy, comes from his recent Nature Communications article “SRpHi ratiometric pH biosensors for...250 nm), and studying endocytosis is further complicated by the reliance on pH-based biosensors used to...the Hell lab designed their super-resolution pH indicators (SRpHi) biosensors to meet all of them. These...SRpHi Biosensors here. Richardson et al. Nat Communications. 2017. PubMed PMID: 28924139. FIRE-Cas9 ...system to study epigenetic modulation. While catalytically inactive cas9 (e.g. dCas9) has been fused to...plasmids can be found here. Braun et al. Nat Communications. 2017. PubMed PMID: 28916764. Plasmids for...
  12. Plasmids for Endogenous Gene Tagging in Human Cells

    Blog Post
    April 6, 2017, 1:02 p.m.
    ...visit the Cell Catalog on the Allen Cell Explorer, where you can also find the certificate of analysis provided...signal that makes it hard to visualize the precise location of the protein or structure of interest., inserting large tags into a precise location in the genome is still inefficient, particularly...from these cell lines can be found in the Cell Catalog on our data portal. The plasmids should be functional...
  13. Antibodies 101: Affinity Reagents

    Blog Post
    April 14, 2022, 1:15 p.m. used in a number of research and clinical applications. Most of the time, when someone speaks about...deeper penetration into a tissue, useful for applications like IHC, or be able to access an epitope folded...that would size-exclude an antibody. In imaging applications, smaller affinity reagents means higher resolution...antibody’s ‘Y’. They are often used in clinical applications. Fab fragments can be created in lab in situations...Shahied, 2004). They are often used for clinical applications, including imaging.  Diabodies are ~60 kDa proteins...antibodies are still an excellent option for many applications, and frankly, if ain't broke, don't fix it!  ...flexible in your approach to affinity reagent applications. Whatever affinity reagents you use, one thing...
  14. Genome-wide Screening Using CRISPR

    Blog Post
    Aug. 18, 2015, 2:30 p.m.
    ... unique compared to the rest of the genome and located immediately 5’ to a protospacer adjacent motif ...coli, and T. gondii genes.  2) What genetic modification are you trying to make? Addgene carries sequencing to check the quality of your amplification. If you've obtained a ready-to-use lentiviral... As such, sequencing CRISPR libraries after amplification and after a screen requires the use of next-...experiment, the use of appropriate controls, multiple replicates and several cell types can strengthen your results...independently validated to ensure that the desired modification produces the phenotype you screened for in the...information on CRISPR screens check out Addgene’s 2016 publication “Practical Considerations for Using Pooled Lentiviral...
  15. A New Generation of Adenine Base Editors Improves Editing in Primary Human Cells

    Blog Post
    May 7, 2020, 1:15 p.m.
    ... from E.coli, named TadA7.10 in ABE7.10)  a catalytically impaired Cas protein (dCas or Cas nickase)  ...accidental insertions and deletions (indel) by the catalytically impaired D10A nickase from ABE7.10 can be a ...the authors created ABE8 constructs using a catalytically “dead” S. pyogenes Cas9 (dC9-ABE8.x-m/d). The...these variants, ABE8 could target many additional locations in the genome. Compared to ABE7.10, NG-ABE8.xm... reduced off-target editing frequencies. For applications that require high DNA editing specificity, for...deamination, an important attribute for therapeutic application. ABE8s demonstrate an overall improved base editing...editors with increased activity and therapeutic application. Nature Biotechnology.
  16. Synthetic promoter AAVs for cell-type specific expression in retinal cells

    Blog Post
    March 12, 2020, 1:15 p.m.
    ...channelrhodopsin, fused to a fluorescent GFP marker (CatCH-GFP). The lab deposited AAV plasmids containing ...expression. Surprisingly, <1% of synthetic promoters replicated the expression specificity of the wild-type promoters...reproducibly labeled retinal cells can be found here.  Applications for synthetic promoter AAVs Besides restricting...synthetic promoters have a few other potential applications: Using promoter combinations for targeted expression... promoters expressed in. The lab tested this application using one promoter to drive expression of expression of a Cre-dependent fluorescent CatCH-GFP reporter. Expression of GFP will only result... rates of labeling are ideal of gene therapy applications, promoters that produce sparse labeling would...
  17. Plasmids 101: In-house NGS Plasmid Quality Control Now at Addgene

    Blog Post
    April 6, 2021, 12:30 p.m.
    ...containing genes with many modifications. We look for point mutations, truncations, and insertions that could...significant amount of QC. First, we perform Picogreen quantification on each and every isolated plasmid sample and... preparation process and includes Picogreen quantification of various intermediate steps, a sizing electrophoretic...electrophoretic gel, and qPCR quantification of the final libraries. A broader view of the whole plasmid...often find a few mismatches in the origin of replication or other common backbone elements. Since we’ve...annotated Genbank files that are useful for more complicated plasmids, like those that contain synthesized...
  18. Progress Towards a PAM-Free CRISPR

    Blog Post
    March 7, 2024, 2:39 p.m.
    ...flexibility in the location of the cut and subsequent edit. In these applications, location takes priority...make a choice about what is your top priority: location or efficiency. If you are just trying to shred...still leave you choosing between efficiency and location.   Nearly PAM-less editing   The Kleinstiver double stranded cleavage and base editing applications, with high editing capacity in both contexts...randomly selected genomic loci will have a PAM located next to it. The SpRY Cas9 can also work with NYN...
  19. A Primer on Optogenetics: Introduction and Opsin Delivery

    Blog Post
    Sept. 10, 2015, 2:30 p.m. the brain region you wish to stimulate 2) Fabrication and implantation of the optical fiber into the...Channelrhodopsin2 (Chr2), a blue-light sensitive non-specific cation channel, activation of which results in depolarization...optogenetics. Successful stereotaxic surgery relies on identification of the bregma and lambda sutures and subsequent...bregma which allows you to quickly and reliably locate your injection site. We recently purchased this... fluorescent protein, which allows for easy identification of opsin expression, extent of viral for too long (synapsin was privately communicated to me as one of these extremely high expressing... and memory in opioid addiction and science communication/science writing. Derek is also a pianist and...
  20. Experimenting with New Careers while in Grad School

    Blog Post
    Feb. 25, 2016, 3:30 p.m.
    ...experts in science communication in real time! I follow great online science communicators like Phil Plait...the public, so I reached out to people who were educating the public and organizing events. I contacted ...about any topic I like and gain experience in communication, editing, marketing, and website organization...when I was trying to find local informal science educators, and ever since, the State Museum has been the.... She is particularly interested in science communication and fundamental molecular biology.      Additional...  science communication...
Showing: 261 - 280 of 794 results